7th day (part 04)

Returning to my post, I remained in the same place for the rest of the afternoon.

Our team was in no hurry to attack other territories, as they saw us as like weak, they would come to us.

Night was soon approaching and the sky was covered by a magnificent scarlet veil that gave a breathtaking view.

The air slowly cooled and the sky darkened, bringing the night.

I switched positions with another student and went downstairs for a bite to eat and then back to the tower.

It wasn't difficult for me to stay up all night and I didn't worry too much about the test since it was going to be canceled anyway.

There were 5 people infiltrated among the students, one in each realm and I still had to be vigilant with whoever was within our reach.

After discussing with Renan, we decided not to attack, but to wait for him to attack first.

In this way, making them fall into the trap we had set.

They were walking more and more into our web and were totally unaware of it.

Arriving at the makeshift cafeteria that had been set up, I took a bite of food and sat in a random corner.

As I ate, I scanned the people until my vision briefly stopped on one person before I looked at another.

After eating I returned to the tower and continued to watch.

Time passed and the moon appeared on the horizon, the cold wind brushed my face as I took a deep breath calming my emotions.

By now Joyce and the others must have spread out into the forest and were waiting for the moment to spring into action.

Soon it was midnight and the moon was high in the sky.

Seeing that it was time, heading towards the window, I climbed the window, alerting everyone around me who wondered what I was doing, and climbed up to where the flag was.

Lifting my gaze to look at the horizon, I took a small flare from my pocket.

It was a special beacon that only members of the Aires family knew how to use.

It had a different trigger mechanism in the form of a button instead of a fire and after finding it, I triggered it without hesitation.

A blue light crossed the dark sky as everyone stopped what they had to do and looked at the blue sign that was attractive in all that darkness.

According to the time, the attack would take place in a few minutes and we had to get into action before then.

Seeing the beacon rise higher and higher lighting up the forest, I looked once more at the moon as I took a deep breath and concentrated.

My hair was turning silvery white and intricate lines appeared around my eyes, I felt my senses become more and more acute as I entered a totally different state.

Opening my now golden eyes, I heard exclamation sounds coming from beneath me but I completely ignored them as I turned my vision back to the dark forest in front of me.

Taking a deep breath and with a resolute look, I gathered my breath before speaking aloud. "The time has come, all of you, it's time to capture the terrorists! For the honor of the Moon Goddess! For the honor of the Five Kingdons! For the honor of the Aires Family"

"For the Honor of the Moon Goddess! For the honor of the Five Kingdons! For the honor of the Aires Family" Several voices followed after mine, when the clock's hands finally aligned, it was time for action.