
???'s point of view:

When I saw that light appear in the dark forest, a bad feeling rose in my heart.

I didn't even think twice, I walked away from the others slowly and as soon as I was out of their sight I ran aimlessly without looking back.

Suddenly several voices resounded inside the training ground.

"The time has come, all of you, it's time to capture the terrorists! For the honor of the Moon Goddess! For the honor of the Five Realms! For the honor of the Aires Family!"

"For the Honor of the Moon Goddess! For the honor of the Five Realms! For the honor of the Aires Family!"

Hearing them, a chill ran down my spine when I was finally sure the news had leaked.

But how???

Only I had access to this information and people at the highest levels of the organization, and the latter would not purposely leak the information.

Did someone break into my office?

Even if they went in they wouldn't find anything there, I had hidden the documents well and after memorizing the information I burned them, as I was commanded.

How did they find out when we were going to launch the attack?

Millions of questions were in my head and I had no answers to any of them.

There was only one thing I was sure of, I can't stay here, I can't be captured. I cannot be found either or I will most certainly be killed.

I ran with all my might, moving further and further from the dorms.

After running for more than half an hour, I saw the outlines of the city gates and passed them, heading towards the forest.

I shouldn't take the main road, it wouldn't be long before someone came after me.

Entering the forest, I continued to run desperately.

When I was sure I had walked an adequate distance, I leaned against a tree to catch my breath.

"I'm…dead…" I said as I tried to catch my breath with a terrified expression on my face.

Looking ahead with a blank stare, I felt more and more fear as time passed and I had no idea what to do now.


Suddenly I heard the sound of something being cut but, in the dark, my obstructed vision did not allow me to see what had happened.


I heard the sound of something dripping as I felt a sharp pain in the region of my neck.

Bringing my trembling hands to the base of my neck, I felt warm liquid touch my fingers and run down my clothes.

That's when I understood what had happened and my eyes widened in terror.

I felt my vision become more and more blurry and dark with the time, I felt my life ebbing away more and more. The last thing I remember was seeing glowing red eyes that stared at me with a terrifying coldness when he said it.

"I told you to be careful, now there's no turning back"