
Kadin ran at an inhuman momentum. He arrived at his hang out with his human friends. He wandered in the doorway: As he collapsed on the couch to fake be out of breath. Candy looked at him as he lay there, "Looks like someone was in a hurry to get here?" She hummed in a teasing tone. June saw his friend with the manifestation on his face like he wanted to say something. Jackson and Dane had the same thought, "Kadin, is something on your mind?" June inquired of his friend.

Kadin could tell there were Vampires nearby: He looked at his friends, "There is. I have to tell you all something. Well, rather show you, but remember it me." The young Lycan said as the group of teens nodded. Kadin began to shift into his Lycan form. The terrified teens looked at the Lycan in front of them. The Vampires watched closely as the Lycan Prince broke the accords of the immortals. Then the Vampires crashed through the vault. The teens looked at the roofing now mushed under the pale-faced Vampires, heels. Three Vampires stood as the Lycan growled protecting, his buddies. The Vampire smiled, "Well, boys look like we have a canine problem. And a snack too." The leader said with a smile still on his face. Kadin shifted from his Lycan form, "You have broken our most sacred law, my young Lycan Prince." The Vampire scowled under his breath. Kadin surrendered as the Vampire grabbed him and ran out into the woods.

The Lycans waited patiently for the Vampires to pass through. As they watched the path, carefully the Vampires ran past them. The Lycans spring into action as they come up running on their heels. Kadin flashed his Lycan blue eyes. The Lycans stopped pursuing them. He heard Harley, "Kadin, what do you want me to do?" She asked as he smiled to himself. Harley waited for a response from Kadin, "You should go home. I think I am, being taken there." He replied as she floated back within a blink of an eye. As the Vampires crossed their home boards, leading them into the heart of the castle grounds. Kadin looked at his unfamiliar surroundings as the Vampire elder: Cole walked to him, "So the Lycan prince broke the law we all stand for." He arched his eyebrow as the three blood-suckers held Kadin kneeling in front of them all. Like some dog, as Harley stood by her dad, Kadin saw the pain in her golden eyes. Kadin was, told to walk forward, "Take him to his cell." The eldest Vampire commanded as guards took him away. Kadin was memorizing all the twists and turns of the castle layout as they passed by. He was thrown into a cell as the guards chuckled, "Enjoy mutt, I will be back with your dog food." The dark-haired guard said as his friend chuckled again. The young Lycan growled under his breath as Harley ran up, "Kadin, this is all my fault." She told him as she shed a tear. He glided his thumb across her cheek, "Love it, is not your fault." He told her in a softened tone. She gave him a small smile, "I have to go." She murmured as she heard the guard by his footsteps on the pavement above.

Kadin slummed into the cold wall as the moonlight shined through the skylight from above. The guard returned with a metal tray in his cold hands as he slipped it carefully under the little metal door, "Dinner time mutt." The guard said. The young Lycan looked at the guard with black orbs, "Take me to the Vampire king." He told the guard, "Are you sure, mongrel?" The Vampire, with black hair and orbs, asked. Kadin bit his lip, "Please, I need to talk to him." The young Lycan growled as his eyes flashed that beautiful sky blue. His Lycan was getting restless as he could feel it trying to break through the surface of the skin. Kadin growled trying, to calm himself down. The guard signed as he unlocked the cell door. Kadin was in restraints as they walked along the corridors of the castle. The Vampires looked at Kadin as their talked about him as he walked by.

Aaron foresaw what was going to happen. He knew his boss always had an ace up his sleeve, "Kadin, what are you planning?" He asked himself as Axel Razor, his boyfriend, walked into the room. Aaron can use up his power too much, "Hey, what have I told you. Aaron, you will go overboard again." Axel sighed as Aaron almost collapsed, as Axel caught him. Axel kissed his forehead, "I know but, Kadin is going to get himself killed." Aaron said in a panic. Aaron, seeing Kadin, asked Cole to release him. Kadin was released as he turned to his Lycan as Axel took his phone out and called Harley, "You need to get to Kadin now." He told her as a state of panic struck in her veins. She hung up and started running to the throne room. Kadin looked at Cole, "Can you get me out of these chains, please?" He asked patiently as the Vampire king looked at him with dread. Cole was one of the four Vampire elders. He was the oldest and cruelest of all four elders. Kadin looked carefully; as Cole walked to him, "I will let you out but, in five years, you will become my guard. Do we have a deal, hmm mongrel?" The words of the king were harsh as Harley slammed the doors to the throne room wide open. His daughter ran to Kadin as her father kicked him to the ground. Kadin gasped as his lungs burned with the air falling back into them, "No deal, father. Let him go now!" Harley demanded as she held Kadin up with the support of her chest. Cole looked at the beast in front of him as his daughter showed it kindness, "I will not let him go." Cole told her sternly. Harley read his mind, "He is a beast. It has enchanted my little girl." He thought as Harley bit her lower lip, "He is not it. He is the Lycan prince and, I will be in agonizing pain if you take him as a slave again. Just like our ancestors did! NOW LET HIM GO!" She screamed as her father froze with bone-chilling air that came about.

The throne room was covered in ice as Aaron and Axel came, walking in like they owned the place. Axel is a tribrid, half Demon, half Vampire, and half Lycan. The Vampire king could not believe his eyes as Kadin felt his chains break. The Lycan took hold as the restaurants broke into, "Father, we came to take Kadin home, well as I like to call him boss." Aaron said with a smile. His face turned white then, death himself. Cole, mind raced as he stared at the brown-haired and purple-eyed tribrid in front of him. Axel gave him a simple smile, "Get... out." Cole strummed on his words. Kadin picked up Harley as she relaxed in his embrace, "We are a part of the resistance." Axel said as his eyes watched Cole and his movements. Cole looked mad as his face turned red with anger, "Betrayed by my flesh and blood. Aaron, your sisters, and you are dead to me. Get out of my sight, and you are, banished from the castle that was once your home. Leave now!" His voice rang out around the castle grounds. The two siblings sighed as they left a broken father behind.

The Lycans were on edge because they thought Kadin would be back by now. His second in command, Raker, was pacing the floor as Lulu sighed. She looked at Raker, "Can you please stop pacing back and forth?" She asked as Raker growled, "Are you not worried about them?" He snarled back. Lulu watched as Raker stopped in his tracks, "Of course I am worried I just know how to control it." She told him. Raker looked into her golden eyes, "Do not get your fangs in a twist, Lamia." He touted her will that nickname. It was his favorite word to tease her with a smile curled up on his lip. She glared up at him as his green eyes turned to all black, showing his Lycan ones. Kadin unshifted his Lycan form as he walked through the door, "What is going on here?" He asked as Raker and Lulu looked at him, "Nothing." they both said in unison as they looked away from each other. Kadin raised a brow, "Was I interrupting something?" He asked as Harley held his hand. Harley walked in as Kadin walked in. Lulu and Raker looked at each other again, "You did not, boss." Raker told him as Lulu walked away. Raker looked at her as she walked, "You are unsettled about something Raker, what is it?" Kadin asked as he looked at him as they both walked into his office. Kadin sat in his chair as Raker closed the door, "My demon blood is boiling. When Lulu walked away from me, I just wanted to have her stay." He told Kadin as he smiled, "Sounds to me like you both have a strong bond." His boss told him.

Raker could not believe that they had a bond. He felt his wings come out as Kadin looked at him, "I need to stretch my wings. I will be back later." Raker told his boss as he ran outside. He flew through the sky as Lulu joined him in the air. Raker looked at her, "What do you want?" He growled as she crossed her arms. She parted her lips, "I want to be friends that, is what dog, boy." She said as he stared at her carefully. A couple of minutes earlier, Lulu listened to the conversion that Kadin and Raker, "My demon blood is boiling. When Lulu walked away from me, I just wanted to have her stay." He told Kadin as Lulu's eyes widened, she also heard that Raker needed to stretch his wings, and she went outside. He came out as he flew into the air: Lulu could not help but stare at his beautiful wings.

His white and faded into black wings were beautiful against the twilight of its radiance. Lulu flew right next to him as she stared at his piercings and the small tattoo on his neck. He looked at the blonde floating next to him, "What?" He said impatiently; as she glared at him. She let out a sigh, "I want to hang out with you, okay. Is that so wrong?" She asked as he flew closer to her, "No, it isn't. I am sorry I can be a jerk sometimes." He told her as she smiled at him. Kadin was walking to find Harley, 'I need to find Harls, as fast as possible. Oh wait, I can smell her scent.' He thought to himself. He followed her scent as he came closer; He smelt something foul in the air. Perhaps she was making an old family recipe that should be, tossed away. He opened the doorway as Kadin saw Harley cooking, "What is that vile smell?" He questioned as he walked through the door holding his noise. Harley looked over her shoulder, "It is an old family recipe for healing wounds if they would not heal properly: you still haven't received from your shoulder blade being out of place?" She asked him as he just shrugged. She grabbed a cup poring the mixer into it, "Drink." She told him as he drank the weird concoction. He felt his shoulder blade go back into place. He smiled at her as she cleaned up the kitchen. Kadin waited for her to get done as he put his cup in the sink. Harley finished cleaning as they walked through the halls. What they did not know was that the Lycan twins were up and about.