The Magus Society and Immortals Packed

The Magus society is; known throughout history, with the bloodlines of those powerful apparitions that have been: foretold as sorcerers. Stories said that a magus can show things and riches to whoever came across paths with one of their kind. If they find one of the immortal clans a threat, it could have led to chaos and strife. It does not matter what creature you are. If a magus feels darkness in the creature's heart, they will refuse to help in any way.

They can see the darkest and purest of souls. Is that why war broke out between the magus society and all of the immortals a century ago, but the war: only stopped because they all agreed that enough blood had spilled on all sides. Foretold, of an agreement: the Lycans and the Magus society become allies. That, a powerful friendship began.

That agreement was called The Magus Society and Immortals Packed (TMSIP). They start within a strong bond for the four immortal clans. The four clans, only two could see eye to eye. The Lycans clan and the Magus clans saw the opportunity for the coexistence of the immortals. Was it to ensure there was peace in the lands? The magus council was in charge of keeping the peace in check.

With law emplaced that if the magus council found out that the peace ended, there would be hell to pay. It would not stop the committee from discovering who broke the law. No matter what creature and their stature was, they always found a way of knowing who was guilty or innocent. The immortals knew this so, they tried to follow the rules.

June concluded, "Kadin, the council will have our heads." He told Kadin as his friend raised his eyebrow.

The young Lycan had to blink a couple of times as June's words sank in. Kadin looks at his friend, "We are screwed. Wouldn't the council would have my head? I am so dead." Kadin said to the whole room as it remanded silent.

Harley squeezed his hand, rudding, tiny cycles with her thumb trying, to calm herself down. Clenching, his teeth, Jack told his son, "That is not going to happen. I will handle this little problem." as he ran out of the manor.

Jack; son's had bolted for the front door. He's a dead man, "He is going to the high council." June told them as he ran after the two Lycans.

June was right: the leader of the Lycans was going to the magus council. It was complete suicide, "Jace, what do we do?" His little brother asked as Jace let out a sigh.

He was looking at Kadin, "There is nothing we can do. Dad should know what to do." His elder brother told him.

It had been thirty minutes scene Jack had arrived at the magus society. The court was coming up with a solution of what to expect in the upcoming trial. The lycan sighed as the council walked to their seats, "Bring him in." Silas said as the court members sat in their seats. The oak doors opened to reveal an agitated father pacing on the marble floors.

Silas watched as his brother stopped pacing and walked through the doorway; Jack walked up to the court. The council looked at the Lycan in front of them. Silas parted his lips. "Your sons have broken our most important law," He spoke with conviction in his tone. Jack nods waiting, for his brother to continue, "we will waver this matter and give your boys another shot." He told Jack as the council members agreed with the head's words. Jack told them his thanks.

Silas dismissed the council as he and Jack walked to his office. He let out a heavy sigh, "I can not keep covering you or my nephew's." Silas told his elder brother.

Jack laughed a little, "I know you cannot; come on, brother, when have you ever followed the rules?" He asked Silas.

A Magus and a Lycan born brothers, it's poetic: don't you think? Their father was a pureblood Lycan and, their mother, a powerful Magus.

Silas was about to speak, but Jack stopped him, "We should take a family vacation so you can see your nephews and their mates." He exclaimed as Silas looked dumbfounded as his brother smiled.

Jack watched as his brother punched him in the face, "Really, little brother?" He asked as he chuckled.

Silas smiled as they laughed together, "Yes, now let's go home." He told his brother. Silas teleported them back home. Jack fell halfway through the journey: and landed on the floor of his living room.

Harley heard a loud thud as she came into the living room, "Mr.Draven, are you okay?" She asked as she tried to stifle a giggle, "I am fine, Harley." The Lycan reassured her; Harley helped him to his feet.

Silas looked at the girl and found her quite odd. Silas spook, "Is she Kadin's mate?" He asked with a puzzled expression. The girl nodded to answer his question.

Harley smiled at the magus, "Is that Uncle Silas I hear?" Jace yelled as he and Kadin came downstairs.

The boys ran down the stairs as Kadin jumped over Jace. His elder brother faceplanted into the floor. Was it as if the younger brother thought it was hilarious seeing his older brother fall on his face? Yes, yes, it was funny to the fourteen-year-old. The nineteen-year-old got to his feet as a low growl escaped his lips.

Kadin had a dash for his Uncle as Jace ran after him, "You little brat, I am goi-" Jace was interrupted by his Uncle, "Watch it, Jace, remember to control your anger, it does us no favors releasing your Lycan." Silas said with a sigh as a hot cup of peppermint tea appeared in his nephew's hands. Having peppermint tea always allowed the Lycans to calm down has a calming property that smoothed the inner Lycan within its host.

Kadin looked as his brother was sipping his tea. He smiled at his two nephews, "Are you calmer?" Silas asked with Jace only nodding chugging the rest of his peppermint tea down. The hot liquid ran down his throat, "You are stupid kid, you know that, right?" His inner Lycan said as he set the empty mug on the coffee table. Harley, let out a sigh as she floated in the air while holding Kadin's hand. Jack watched as the young couple's wavelengths were similar. It is how soulmates or immortal soulmates are connected.

Jay and his brother walked down the hall of their home. Raker sighed. "What does our father want?" He huffed as his adopted brother shot him a glare. Jay saw his elder stepbrother as he ran up to both of them.

Derek smiled at his brothers, "Are you off to see father?" The demon asked. Derek may be fifteen, though he is pretty tall for his age. Raker smiled at Derek will answering his question with a nod. The two adopted siblings walked away as the lycan hybrid walked into his dad's office, with his father seated at his chair.

The great lycan seat: tall at his desk as Raker walked through the door. His son sits on the opposite side of the desk facing his father. Otis Crave looked at his son as his jaw clenched tightly, "What were you doing with a vampire, boy?" His voice came out gruff.

Raker looked his father dead in the eye, "She is my mate, sir." He said as Otis clamped his fists onto the desk in front of him. His dad is a reckless man: to say the least. He thinks it had to do with something that had happened in his younger years. Otis was arrogant and cruel with his temper towards anyone or anything that had to do with change.

Seeing the fire that burned in his eyes when it came to change wasn't uncommon for a pureblooded lycan such as himself. Raker knew his dad was like this since the age of five. His father pushed and pushed him to turn into the second-hand man of the true Lycan leader Kadin was destined to become. He wanted his son to be just that, the perfect second in command of Kadin Draven. Does he think that his son loved the power that the second in command would provide for him? Raker did not want that power it; showed what the young hybrid was capable of from that power. His power was hunting him, and it would one day consume him. Otis only operated the power; instead of his son's.

That power would one-day tire his son, appear. The pain he put his son through would make you sick. He would fight his son to make him stronger punching, a five-year-old boy in the gut who: would do that? Raker had the scars on his back that he's worked so hard to be the lycan he is today.

The power he had scared him, the destruction he could cause was evil. Raker smiled to himself, "Father may I go now?" He asked his father as his father looked at him, "Yes, you may get out of my sight." His dad demanded as his son walked out of his office. Otis couldn't understand how his son was so defiant to be part of his plan.

The young lycan huffed as his girlfriend lay asleep on his bed with his little sister curled up against her chest. Kadin's gray eyes drew back to his brown hope chest. He held back a shaky breath, "You are just mocking me, aren't you, mother?" He asked as if he expected an answer from her as if she was right beside him.

He gritted his teeth as his canines drew blood from his lip. Kadin sighed once more as he dared to open the hope-chest his mother left for him. He walked to it as he stopped in front of it. He clenched his pendant as he opened the chest there; he saw passports, money, weapons, something for his mate inside. Her engagement ring that his father had asked to marry her. His eyes widened as there was a note attached to the ring. Did she want Kadin to marry his mate this young? He shook his head at the thought of marrying so young.

Harley woke up as she looked at her boyfriend looking into his hope chest. His gray eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost.

Kadin felt like someone was watching him, "Kadin, what are you doing?" A sleepy Harley asked with a yawn. Her tired form seat: upright with the little girl still holding on to her tight.

The young lycan smiled, "I am just looking at what my mother had left me in her hope chest, love." His voice was soft like a midsummer breeze across the meadow. She nodded her head laid back down to allow sleep to overtake her. Kadin smiled as she lay there peacefully as he closed his hope chest. He walked to his bed laying down on it while pulling his girlfriend and his little sister close to him.

Cole walked along the long corridors of his gloomy castle. He was missing his daughters and son where they truly belong, wanting to have them home. He stopped at Harley's room. He had heard her laughter or her playing the violin.

Cole growled, "Why did they betray me." He whispered to himself. He walked into his daughter's room as his silent tears fell to the floor. He had to pull himself together. Is not what he wanted to push his children away. As they were parting their ways because of their mates? He did not care or did he, this he couldn't tell. The king of the vampires looked at his youngest daughter's violin.

He let out a troubling sigh as his knees collapsed from underneath him, "How I wish to hear my daughter's music again." He said as the wind blew from the bedroom window.

The melody moved him as he listened to the violin. Soaring through the music, his daughter played the new violin that Kadin had gotten her. Felt, as if she were by his side. As the strings of the bow: dancing a toon by the violin as she had been playing. Cole's sad emotion turned into delight.

Harley's thoughts traveled to her father, "I wish you would give Lycans a chance, give Kadin a chance and accept him. Like his father, Jack who gave me a chance and excepted me into his clan." Her voice sounds like drops of honey.

She did not know if her father was listening to her thoughts. Yet he heard her loud and clear. Kadin's hand rested on Harley's shoulder she let out a long sigh, "Kadin do you think he heard me?" She asked as Kadin rested his head on her shoulder, "I think he did Harls." The lycan's voice drifted as if it were on the sea. His voice made Harley smile as she ran her fingers through his raven-colored hair.

Silas wrote a letter to the only magus society member he could trust, Fassoul Gray. He had looked at the parchment re-reading his writing.

Dear, Fassoul

My mind has been in cycles as my nephews had found their mates. Kadin mate is a vampire, Jace mate is a human. I know it breaks the rules for inner-breading that's why I'm writing to you. If something ever happens to me. I want you to protect them for me. I only ask two things from you keep the inner-break children safe and DO NOT let the council find out about them! Protect them with your life. Ever, if it causes of your own. The second thing I asked of you is to make sure my brother doesn't go off the deep end if I'm to die. I know it may come in the future but not until my great-nieces and great-nephews are at less in their 20s. Know what I want you to do is burn this latter and scatter the ashes to the wind.

Sincerely, Your friend

Silas Nicolas Draven.

He grabbed an envelope that folded the letter inside. Silas had grabbed the hot blue wax, poured it onto the envelope, and stamped it with the family seal. His fingertips traced the letter in his hands as flames engulfed it sending it to Fassoul immediately. Silas knew death was coming from him in forty-seven or fifty years from now. He ran a hand through his black hair as he sighed heavily. The lycan had got up from his desk to he stretched.

He was just in a pair of gray sweats when he heard a knock at his bedroom door, "Hello?" A teenage girl's voice came through the other side of the door.

He opened the door as Candy stood on the other side of the doorway. The twenty-nine-year-old man stood there as the teen's eyes widened at the man in front of her. Her face grew hot as her mouth hung open. Candy, stared at his abs and toned rippling chest.

She slapped her cheeks to snap back to her scenes, "Can I help you?" Silas asked in his raspy voice that made him sound like a god that sent shivers down her spine.

She shook her head yes than no, "Umm... maybe?" She questioned herself, "Do you know where Jace's room is?" She asked him.

He nodded, "Down the hall to the left." He said. She smiled at him and walked to Jace's room.

Jace was doing his workout routine as his door was left open. He was using his pull-up bar on his bathroom door, pulling himself up using his right hand only. Candy walked into the room to see his shirt was off while doing his workout. Exsmosing his tattoos on his ribs, chest, and forearm. When he looked down at her he smiled as she looks like she was going to pass out. Jace knew why she looked like she was going to pass out.

He chuckled to himself as he stopped doing his workout. He took his black tank-top from his bed and put it on, "He is hot and so fine." Candy said out loud which made him chuckle again.

She got flustered while looking at the nineteen-year-old in front of her. Jace gave her a soft smile as he hugged her. Candy felt his big biceps tighten around her small figure.

She relaxed in his touch, 'What is on your mind hun?' he asked through the mind link. She swallowed, 'Well are we mates?'

She questioned as he put his chin on her head, "Yes I suppose we are Candy." The way he said her name made a shiver go down her spine with a smile on her lips. She hugged tighter as she crushed the lycan's ribs a little.

Isaiah sighed as he heard the news of his grandson's found their mates. He knew his grandsons would find their mates soon but not this soon. He thought of thousands of ways to think of this conundrum that had anchored. The old lycan grunted as he sat in his chair. Looking over the old prophecy over and over again. Seeing, as if there was any reclusion of having a vampire that had been mated to a lycan before. He thought he found something, but he did not. Getting frustrated he throw the old prophecies off his desk. He yelled as he howled in frustration. He watched the fire's flames dance as they cast a shadow of light on the walls. Among the flames, it seemed to be as his shadow itself was dancing.

The anger and rage he felt were just a part of his lycan. Deep breathing with a low growl as his fourth great-grandson walked into the room. Kadin saw his grandfather upset and didn't want to anger him further.

His lips paused before he spoke, "Grandfather I take it you heard the news?" He questioned him. Isaiah cocked an eyebrow at the fourteen-year-old. He treaded care on what he wanted to tell his grandfather.

With a shaky sigh, he spoke, "I found my mate, she's a..." He bit his lip hard before he continued, "vampire." He said softly as his grandfather sneered at the thought of a lycan and a vampire being together. It went against everything they've known, but he thoughts back to when his magus daughter was mates with a lycan. Jack and Silas's mother was his daughter even though he was a born pureblooded lycan. Ever his mate was a lycan but she gave birth to a magus daughter.

Kadin leaves his grandfather of four generations. He walked the halls of his home as he saw all the memories on the walls. He stopped at the picture of his family. He saw his mother's gentle smile as she held his little sister in her arms.

He had that feeling. He always got when he thought of his mother was his guilt. The put in his stomach turned as he cried punching the wall. If he didn't get over this guilt of the loss of his mother, it would eventually consume him.

Harley watched as he silently cried, "Kadin?" She called out to him. He moved his head to look at his mate as he collapsed to the floor. She hugged him as he cried into the crease of her neck. She stroked his hair trying; to get him to calm down. He just stayed still and hugged her tight, as if he was scared of letting her go.

He finally calmed himself down as Harley was still hugging him tightly, "I'm okay, Harls, I love you." He said with a smile. Harley'd gotten flushed, "I-I lo-love you too." She stuttered through her blushing face.

He kissed her forehead as he pulled her up onto her feet as they walked into the kitchen. Silas decided to make breakfast as the young couple came in, "Good morning young ones." Silas told them. The lycan had smiled at his uncle's voice, "Good morning, uncle." His fourteen-year-old nephew said.

Silas was still in swears as his nephew curved his girlfriend's eyes, "Put a shirt on, Uncle Silas." The teen asked his uncle; Silas let out a small chuckle, "Okay, will do." He told Kadin as he grabbed his shirt and put it on.

Kadin uncurved Harely's golden eyes as Silas chuckled to himself. Harley watched her boyfriend and his uncle. Her eyes shined with adoration for their uncle and nephew bond. Jace's presents were sensed nearby, "Quite lurking in the shadows brother." The teen said as his brother came out of the shadows. Jace sighed as he smiled, "How can you always sense me, little brother?" He asked, "You too stupid not to sense, anyway it's cuz of your strong cologne idjit." Kadin told him.

His elder brother just laughed it off. Harley looked like she was lost as Lulu floated into the kitchen. Lulu floated over to the fridge to get out a bug of O+ blood. She tore into the bag started sucking it dry. The boys all stopped talking as they watched the vampire drink the crimson liquid. Lulu went to the fridge again and toasted her little sister a bag of B- blood. The little vampire bite the bag open and drank her fill. The lycans just stared at the girls as they throw the empty bags of blood away. Kadin walked over to Harley as he wiped off some blood from the corner of her mouth.

The magus, lycan, and the vampire in the room saw how loving Kadin was towards Harley. His elder brother cleared his throat, "Hey when's the wedding?" Jace questioned. Kadin was caught off guard. Causing the couple to blush. Lulu hit Jace hard in the back of the head that he passed out. Silas couldn't help but laugh.

Raker looked at the chaos in front of him walking into the kitchen. Kadin saw his second in command walk in. He looked at his friend as his eyes landed on Lulu. The vampire grumbled something under her breath. She glared at him as she picked up the unconscious boy from the floor. Silas teleported them to the infirmary.

The light breeze in the air fell upon a mysterious figure. He chewed on his teeth as his cold eyes looked at the paper in front of him. The magus society had sent him his next bounty. His lycan was begging to be released. He could care less about his next target. He was the one who had been a servant to the magus society his inter-life. He only learned one thing under society's control: kill your target. He growled at the paper; what if he could not do it. What was asked of him? He looked at the boy; Kadin Draven was supposed to die. He wanted to erase the idea from his head. He would not kill the born leader of his clan. He is a lycan with a good heart: he didn't kill his kind. Maybe he had a little compassion for his next target, he couldn't kill Kadin Draven.