
Felix walked inside of the lycan mansion as he took a drag of his cigarette. He watched as the young leader walked up to him, "Felix, who's your next bounty?" Kadin asked.

The eighteen-year-old blew his cigarette smoke out, "You are sir," The lycan told his boss, "But I don't want to take my boss's life. I'd rather die first." The blonde said. His piercing blue eyes stared into his leader's soul.

Kadin smiled at the blonde, "Thank you. I'm sure my uncle can find who wants me dead." He said to Felix, "I want you to focus on considering that as your next bounty." Kadin told as Felix nodded.

He put his cigarette bud out as he throws it away. Kadin walked away as Felix walked to his room. He let out his as his blonde hair turned a dark gray and his black strip turned white. His lycan growled as Felix Kalsin had terrible anger issues.

Once he cooled off he decided to train as he walked to his punching bag. He turned on Let it Burn by Citizen Soldier blasting it through his room as it was shaking his whole room.

His bare hands bled while they regenerated just as quickly as they bleed. After Let it Burn was done playing The Diary of June by Breaking Benjamin from the Phobia album started to play. He grabbed his phone and just went to the whole Phobia album clicking the start button letting it play. Tossing his phone onto his bed, beginning to hit his punching bag again. He sighed as he stopped to lit a ciggy, putting his black lighter into his pocket afterward. A smoke and some peppermint tea always calmed him down.

Felix left his room and went to the kitchen to get himself some peppermint tea. While preparing tea he started to feel like he was being watched. He turned around and saw Harley in the doorway. She couldn't help but stare at his beautiful blue eyes, floating to the fridge grabbing a bag of blood. He grabbed his tea, "Why is a vampire, like you doing here?" His question laced with the bane.

The vampire stayed silent for a moment, "Kadin's mate." She said plainly. Watched the lycan carefully as he cycled around her. Every inch of her hair was stranded on the back of Harley's neck. Felix parted his lips, "You are his mate? I can smell him on you." He said the last statement to himself. As the question was directed at her.

She paused, "Yes, I'm his mate." She hissed as her fangs showed. Felix gave her a nod as he bowed showing her respect. After all, she is his boss's mate. He saw her nod to signal she understood him. Standing back up, Felix took a sip of his tea.

Kadin felt the mate pull as he walked off to find Harley. The bond of the mate pull was strong. Felix threw away his cancer stick. Kadin walked into the kitchen. He felt his vampire mate accepting Felix's respect for her. Kadin pulled his mate close to his body as if he was scared to let her go again. Her body relaxed in her mate's body heat. Warming her cold skin enjoying the warmth Kadin's body heat provided for Harley.

Felix smiled at his boss. Soon after that, the couple left. The tall blonde lycan put his empty teacup into the sink. He washed his cup, turned the faucet off, and left the kitchen. The walk to his room was quiet, as he felt Silas behind him.

Felix turned around, "Kadin is your next target correct," Felix nods as Silas continues, "I found who wants him dead. Your mission is to wipe Tom Kyle out." Silas finished his sentence. Felix smiled at him as his orders were given to him. Silas knew Felix would execute his plan. His nephew's life was at stake. He would do anything for his blood.

Giving Felix's new orders he couldn't help but smile. His new target was one of the scumbags that murdered Kadin's mother. He truly loved his job, because of his new bounty; he could get one out of five men who were responsible for Mrs. Draven's death and justice for Kadin. Anyone who is against his boss or threatens Kadin or his family's lives; the grim reaper might as well be at your front door.

Felix likes taking on these types of jobs. It's how he got his code name Felix the grim reaper. If the magus society needs the grim reaper they call Felix to be their executioner. Felix got his equipment ready such as his guns, swords, and his dark gray switchblade.

Felix left the Draven manor heading in the direction of the lycan borders. Ready to track down his bounty. Felix the grim reaper has come to play. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself, "Time to play, Tommy-boy." Chuckling again he walked past the borders between the vampires and the lycans. The only sound that came from the forest was his combat boots connecting with the crunch below his heel.