115. The Dominating Aura of A Woman

"Tell your boss to come to see me! NOW!! YOU CAN TAKE MY MOTORBIKE AFTER THAT!!" Kiki shouted madly, scaring the three tattooed men so much that they ran away from her house.

_Why is she so angry this early morning?_

A certain man inside the house woke from his sleep and got up. He was surprised because there was an unfamiliar cloth covering his body. It fell down when he lowered his feet to the floor. "Ah'," He pulled the cloth, it was a sarong, which then slumped down on the floor. This was as crazy as the devilish screams in the morning. Thomas was sleeping almost in the nude, only his underwear and the sarong covering his figure.

"Shit!" Thomas cursed, suddenly feeling like a naked fool.

"You're... Oops!" It was Kiki who came to collect Thomas' promise that he would buy her a new motorbike. She hastily turned away and disappeared seeing Thomas' state.