
After some hours later Sarada come out from the office of Sakura.

When she closed door and look her left side there was Ryujin watching her at anger .

Sarada knows she deserves that.

Ryujin about to left after seeing such a person...but Sarada grab his hand

Sarada " I want to talk you .."

Ryujin " I don't want to "

Sarada " it's really important "

Ryujin " I said earlier I don't want to "

Sarada don't know why her eyes again turn red and small tears come again.

Sarada in extremely low voice " please .. please I beg you "


Roof top of Konoha hospital Ryujin and Sarada sitting together with certain distance.

Sarada " I really don't know about Itsuki problems "

Ryujin " it's not fault either we also over react "

Sarada " How do you know about Itsuki "

Ryujin " because my mother work in hospital many years and she was also one who had take care first Itsuki when he was in hospital .."

Sarada " I see ! my mother is working on his case since long but I really don't ask her his pesent name "

Ryujin " it's the same but when my mom asked to be friend with him first I don't understand why she is saying "

Sarada " He is always like that so cheer full person or..."

Ryujin " he really don't saw anyone his week side not even us . you I am really jelouse of you even Akira was so jelouse that day "

Sarada " jelouse ? why ?"

Ryujin " I and Akira both know Itsuki since childhood but he never tell use anything about his loneliness his pain ..."

Sarada " his pain "

Ryujin " that day you are in your own thoughts and you don't even know about his past that's why you don't seen pain in his Voice his views "

Sarada now remaining that day what Itsuki said and how said it

Ryujin " That day we are angry on you not because you talk rudely to him but we both are jelouse of you ...I don't know why but he choose to tell this... but even he likes you he will not tell you .. because you know "

Sarada " I know he don't have more than 10 years "

Ryujin " hmm 10 know my little sister at the river meet you...she always feel that she might not able to meet Itsuki anymore that's why she hugs only Itsuki. she don't let hug mom dad or even me but she always going to hug him"

Sarada " yes his personality is like that..."

Ryujin " I can't argue with that...."

Sarada " I want his adress I really want to meet him "

Ryujin " I can give you address but you have to go meet him at night he might not at this time at home "

Sarada" why ? where is he now ?"

Ryujin " .he is with Akira ..."

Sarada " ...and..."

Ryujin " it's really not important what is he doing now .... just you go and meet him at night..."

Suddenly someone come near both of them

Ryujin " Akira ...what are you doing here..."

Akira " why of course I come to pick you up"

Ryujin " why are you not with Itsuki ..

Akira " what are you talking he is already at bath house ...."

Sarada " what ???"

Ryujin " no no no...hey look flying elephant..."

Sarada look at that direction ...and shy thought why elephant is flying...she look at Ryujin...but..he was already left...


At the Night Sarada come at Itsuki's house she knock the door.

Itsuki " come door is open "

Sarada come inside " you don't close your door "

Itsuki " yes ! I really don't have anything that important and expensive so it's okay "

Sarada " today I come here to talk to you "

Itsuki " oh! so you calmed down "

Sarada " I come here to tell you two things "

Itsuki " okay tell me I don't have time I want...."

Sarada " I like you....."

Itsuki stunned for a while

But Sarada continue " and I am really sorry I didn't even know about ..."

Itsuki " stop stop talking that .... I really don't want your pitty "

Sarada " but I really like you from the beginning "

Itsuki " it's not is not fair ...."

Sarada come near Itsuki who is not in good mood .

Itsuki " Sarara that's not fair you know..."

Sarada " but I really...."

Itsuki " I was not born for family.... please find a good guy marry him and have good life...."

Sarada " you mean you don't like me.."

Itsuki had no choice he need to close her mouth for some time.

Itsuki lean towards Sarada and put his lips on Her lips .

From sudden action Sarada was shocked but soon he let kiss her ....he was extremely happy for this moment .

After some minutes Itsuki leave her and said in swee voice

" I really like you ....more than you do ...I think you don't remamber but when I first saw you at Hospital when I was six from then I was in love with you "

Sarada " so why...?"

Itsuki " because of me I don't want to ruin your life and regret in life "

Sarada " that will never happen I will never regret it"

Itsuki " Senju Tsunade you know her "

Sarada " fifth Hokage ?"

Itsuki " yes , when she was young she was in love with someone ..but he die in war and then she never marry anyone else...even Jiraiya who loves her so much never marry each other and die alone"


Itsuki " I really can't see you unhappy ...I really want to see you happy even that person is not me .... I will really happy if you will live your life happy "

Sarada " I really can't do that..."

Itsuki " let's take this as my last wish... please fulfill my last wish Sarada find good guy who will always make you happy when he will around you will feel safe around "

Itsuki " if I die I will born as your Son so don't worry I will meet you even something happen to me "

Itsuki " Sarada please forgive me and forgot me forget about this night forget everything regarding me and fulfill your dream become Hokage that is my wish to you "


**** 2 hours later *****

Itsuki come at Sarada house with Sarada.

Itsuki " this is last time we are seeing each other.. next week we are graduating from academy after that I will busy with everything "

Sarada " hmmmnnn"

Itsuki " I have little time and I want to go visit many places and ...and.."

Sarada " yes I understand ..I will work hard and I will try to fulfill your wish..."

Itsuki nodded and kiss on Sarada's forehead.

Itsuki " bye !! Sarada and good night "


Sasuke and Sakura watching this sceane from window.

Sakura " will she be okay ?"

Sasuke " I don't think so "

Sarada come inside home sit down near door and don't look back at her perents she was just staring at door.

Sakura " are you okay Sarada "

Sarada " he said he can't see me unhappy and don't want to me become like Tsunade sama I really don't understand mom "

Sarada was not crying but she was in great pain.

Sakura hug and comfort her.

Sakura " what happen to your lips Sarada "

Sarada touch her lips smile and said " I know mom what I have to do ...I am much clear now about my future goal "

Seeing Sarada like that Sasuke out his hand on her head .

Sasuke " it's good that you have clear path.."

Family of three hug each other at moment.

A big void in Sarada heart now filled with emotions.


