Trip to Hidded Mist

Kei " This is your last week in academy if you manage to pass the exam from next week you will be Ninja "

Akira " Sensei what kind of test we have to give ?"

Kei " that's not important ..the important thing is you are going to hidden mist for trip "

Random kid " Hidden mist ? "

Kei " yes..!"

Random kid " Sensei will you come with use ?"

Kei " unfortunately no ! I have some other works so that's why from class -1 shino Sensei and for my substitution Anko Sensei Will come "

Random kid " yeah that's great ... Sensei is not coming plus we are going with class -1 "

Another Random kid " I have heared in class -1 there many beutiful girls"

X girl " yes and most handsome boys of academy are in class - 1"

Y girl " yeah it's going to fun"

Kei " don't over exited about I am not coming ...and put good impression on class -1 "

Everyone " yes Sensei "

Kei " Good now tell me who is going to be leader for this trip "

Itsuki " I think Ryujin Wil be best "

Ryujin " ?..."

Akira " Yes !! I also think Ryujin is best "

Ryujin " ..why me ..?"

Itsuki " because I have heard you are going to be Hokage so why not try to become leader first "

Ryujin "...."

" yes I also agree with Itsuki , Ryujin should our leader"

" yes Itsuki is handsome whatever he says it's true "

" I agree "

" I agree "

" me too "

" I don't have any problem either "



Ryujin " you guys ...why ? ...why..?"

Kei " it's final then Ryujin will be your team leader "

Ryujin "..."

Itsuki put his hand in his solder and said " There will be Sumire as the class president I think she will leader so you have chance "

Akira also give thums up to Ryujin .

Ryujin " you guys...are my best friends you always help me with problem.....I have misunderstood both of e again "

Kei "....." he fooled by them again .

Kei " tonmorow at 9 all come to railway station ."

*** next day *****

------ Konoha Railway station

All students come at railway station from class 1& 2.

When Itsuki saw Sarada both don't know what to say.

Sarada put her hands on her lips and thinking about what happened that night.

Sarada was bold that night knowing that there might not chance to tell him about her feelings.

Sarada never thought that Itsuki might even bolder First kissed her then tell her that he had crush on her since Six.


Ryujin & Akira saw two of them juts starting each other Akira put his hand around Itsuki's neck and walked away from. Sarada's sight.

Ryujin " what happen between you two "

Itsuki " that night you can say I broke up with her "

Akira " you mean you said to her that...."

Itsuki " yes I said to her that I liked her before she even knew me ....and I also tell her stay away from me because I don't have future..."

Ryujin hug Itsuki .

Itsuki " thank you Ryujin but ...I am not interested in Guys ...I think I like girls in that way...

Akira " Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha..."

Ryujin ." you....I ....just..... forgot about it ..I will never comfort you again....."

Itsuki " sorry ... sorry I won't tease you again .."

Akira " Ryujin when you get angry you don't look that handsome "

Ryujin shyly "... really.."

Itsuki & Akira nodded

In the train...

Shino " now listen everyone he are arriving at port after that we will travel in yatch "

Itsuki " So what's the point of Water walking then.."

Shino " ...."

Anko " shut up and listen to instructions because of you will go Hidden Mist village without Boat they will think that you are enemy coming in hidden mist for causing trouble do you understand"

Itsuki "yes Sensei "

Akira " did you really ...."

Itsuki " because I don't want to beaten by some sanake while I am sleeping "

Anko " you know I can hear you "

Itsuki " that's why I have said sorry Sensei "

Anko " ______"


Ryujin " I am on yatch first time and first time I am seeing big sea "

Itsuki " I am really getting excited about other things "

Akira " what ? "

Itsuki " let's go you swimming I always wanted to do something crazy "

Ryujin " Hmm what should we do ?"

Itsuki " here is the plan we will jump from the highest place on yatch to sea and then we will go to hidden mist Just like that "

Akira " you mean swimming till the Hidden Mist "

Itsuki " yes I want to test my stamina "

Ryujin " what of someone get tired "

Itsuki " then he will Punished he have to hold all the things of other "

Akira " I am in "

Ryujin " you bet ..I am the one who will winner "

Itsuki " let's go ..."


Other side of the boat Sarada was teasing Boruto .

Boruto got angry on Sarada for teasing him and electing him as leader of trip.

Boruto saw three Boys half naked standing top of the sail.

Boruto " Hey ! Sarada only I am seeing things or you also see them ?"

Sarada " What... Itsuki ...what are they doing there "

Boruto " what they jump in Water .."

Sarada little scared Seeing Itsuki jump in water just like that...

Sarada " what are you doing Boruto you are leader let's go to them of they need help "

Boruto " oh yes ! yes !"

Both of them run where three boys jumped in sea.

Boruto " hey ! anyone there are you alive "

Sarada " what are you talking idiot ofcourse they will alive "

Akira " oh ! childhood sweetheart what are doing are you also coming for race "

Boruto " race "

Ryujin " that's not fair ...if you come that late "

Itsuki " hey guys I think matter is different "

Sarada " what are doing in water "

Akira " we are training for increasing stamina want to come childhood sweetheart "

Boruto " I am guys Cary on but you should inform your leader "

Ryujin " actually I am the leader..."

Boruto " what..? really ?"

Akira & Itsuki " .. really .."

Boruto to Sarada " I think they are even big idiot than our all class "

Sarada " I...also think so..."



