Homecoming (1)

When we first arrived back in Prandia, we were lucky. Even though it was still winter and cold, there was little rain and no snow. Weeks later, however, we experienced several snow storms that forced us to stay holed up in an inn, delaying our journey by weeks.

The snow was cleared away by the rain showers of early spring. The roads were muddy, and few would choose to travel them, but I was impatient. I felt that we were so close that I couldn't bear another moment's delay. Jacob, on the other hand, had no experience of traveling cross-country on dirt roads. He was used to mild weather and asphalt. He therefore didn't know to stop me.

The mud was impossible to deal with. It would pull off our boots and soak our clothes. After making little progress over the course of a few hours, I finally gave up and led Jacob back to the inn, to dryness, cleanliness, and warmth.