Homecoming (3)

"So, where do you want to go next?" Jacob asked once we were back on the main street again.

"I want to go to Liliana's grave, but since I can't enter, will you go in for me?"

"Why can't you go in yourself?"

"Because it's on the temple's land, and beast-kin who enter temple territory are killed," I said sadly. Jacob's eyes widened in shock. He was used to people being allowed to freely practice any religion they wanted and visit any holy site they wanted, so the idea of being killed just for visiting some local village temple never seemed real to him. Even when I told him about it in one of our long discussions, it was just a story. Now he was experiencing it firsthand.

"Alright, but what do you want me to do there?" He asked.

"Just take some pictures, and then put a stone on it like you normally would when visiting a grave."