I stare at the room in awe before I snap back to reality to realize that there are four people in front of me, staring at me. Actually, make that three, cause one of them is sleeping with drool leaking out of his mouth *cough my roommate*.

"Hi, I'm Bear, It's so nice to meet you! I heard you're from Japan, what part of Japan?" "Have you traveled to any other parts of Japan? "How many languages do you speak?" "If you want to know a fun fact about me, I'm from Russia, to be specific Vladivostok." *Pause* "According to Google, it's a major Pacific port city overlooking the Golden Horn Bay, near the borders with China and North Korea."

I stare at the short golden-haired, brown-eyed kid in front of me in a daze. What did he just say with his slightly weird-sounding accent and high voice? Hi, I'm ... It's .... nice to meet you? パン? pan, parts of spam? Wanguages...Languages.. speak... fun fact .... Mii no me.. わたし? ロシア?Russia... stok?... ahh ストックホムル .... Stockholm. *pause*

Wait, now that I think about it, isn't Stockholm the capital of Sweden? He mentioned Russia... so that doesn't work. What's the capital of Russia? Moscow, but he said something that ended with stock. I sat there pondering on what that unfamiliar word could be.

After thinking about it for a few seconds I gave up to see the view of the kid in front of me with a face full of expectations. I then realize while I was busy with my head full of that mysterious word I still haven't deciphered his interesting choice of words. I open my mouth to ask him to clarify what he asked me previously, but before I can say anything....

"Hey, Bear, you talk too fast and it's annoying" *pause* "especially with that high pitch baby squeaking voice of yours," said the redhead.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise, wow, that's kinda harsh.

"What did you just say!?" *huff in anger* "I do not have a baby voice," Bear says with his cheeks all puffed up in anger.

"You're acting like a baby right now," he replies back with a sloppy grin on his face.

"I am not," Bear says, standing up, stalking towards the other kid.

"Ah-huh, so you say," he says with a lopsided grin as if achieving what he wanted. "But who's the one that looks like an angry chipmunk with his cheeks all puffed out and resembles one?"

"Are you calling me...."

"Stop it."

I look over to where I heard the voice come from to see Finley sitting near me looking a little upset. "Nico, stop teasing him, and Bear calm down."

I feel awkward, watching this go on. I feel like I'm trespassing their space.

*huff* "Where was I?" *looks around the room and his gaze lands on me* "Oh yeah, Fifi you never answered my questions," Bear says looking at me with excited eyes. I stare at him, what did he just say?

"Hey, BB, you talk too fast, and remember he's a foreigner so he's not 100% fluent like us" Finley interrupts. "So talk slower so he can understand you"

"Oh.. I'm sooo sorry, I totally forgot..." Bear said really slowly

"Yo, he's not deaf, you don't need to go that slowly," remarked Nico, "all you got to do is speak a little slower, ok?" Bear nods his head, "Sorry, I kinda forgot that you just came from Japan and I was so excited to ask you questions that it slipped my mind," he said looking at me with an apologetic look.

I shake my head, smile awkwardly, and wave my hand to show that it's ok.