We walked back to class once "tea time" ended, once I sat down I looked at my timetable to figure out what the next class was. "Next is World Literacy, no I mean't, literature," a voice said from above me. I look up to see Finley sitting in front with his face towards me. I tilt my head, word..? I try to sound out what I heard, but it doesn't make sense.

"It's basically English"… seeing the confusion on my face, "reading, writing but it's more about the international…. uh, what's the word…. um, it focuses on international things and not American stories?" He slightly grinds his teeth and coughs awkwardly, "hopefully that made sense, if it didn't that's fine cause I'm also confused with that explanation." I smile at him, "no, it makes some sense."

I glanced at the time to see that we still have two minutes before class starts. "Um, Fin… Fin...ly? I hesitate did I pronounce that correctly? He turns around, "what are… you guys…. learning about...right now?" I ask. "We're currently working in groups for a project where we have to come up with our own ending of the story we read which was Romeo and Juliet and write a script or a play for the class." He glanced around, "I'm working with, Nico, and Bear, we've been working on this for at least a week now and it's due in three days." "So, Mr. Byk will probs assign you to read a little bit of Romeo and Juliet the translated version, not the actual version, and will maybe give you a test or a quiz on it."

Mr. Byk walks in, glances around, nods his head for what? I have no idea.


Filler chapter.

From now on the chapters might be getting shorter due to a lack of inspiration. The thing is I have lots of ideas in my head, it's just I have trouble turning them into words. This and the following chapter is only possible because of the editor's help. So, make sure to thank her the next time she shows up on this story.

- Solasta