5- Her Saviour


It was a dark room. I had confined myself in a room for last 6 hours. It wasn't really Because I was feeling down, lost my hope or was in despair. To be honest I would be lying is I say I wasn't scared. Afterall who isn't. If you devoted all your life into chasing your dream and then one day, you are on verge of loosing it, I am pretty sure you will be shattered. If someone isn't shattered, they are either lying or that was never their dream.

And So I was definitely scared of loosing my dream. But I didn't loose hope. The reason I confined myself in the dark was to run the horses inside my brain, and think again and again of what to do next until my brain cells runs out. It's been 2 years since I completely devoted my life to photography and even before I was doing it. So something which I couldn't do in that much time, how am I supposed to that in just 3 months.

[Oh Lord! Am I not gonna get a chance?] I prayed. I was never really a religious type of person. I was among the people who always bow their head whenever they pass by a temple, but deep down it's hard to believe someone will help us. I mean there are 7.5 Billion of us, it's pretty much impossible to hear all of them out even if God wants to. But that day, It was different, I just want a Chance, one single chance was enough. Just something which can help me prove my skills.

[Maybe I don't even deserve a chance? I mean it's true there's nothing I have done which make me say that I deserve it, but it's same the other way, I never did something bad either so I don't think I don't deserve the chance.] I was right... or at least I think I was. But again maybe those few years where there was noone to interrupt me, were actually the chance I got, in which I couldn't really do anything.

It was in middle of all those prayers, self blaming and planning, when suddenly a light came. It was just my smartphone. In Normal situation, I usually ignore my smartphone. And especially when I am doing something important like I was doing then, but this time something was different.

In that dark room filled with my negetive impulses and thoughts, that blue light of smartphone, was like a ray of hope shining towards myself, Guiding me a path, taking me out of those miserable state to new life.

And indeed what I saw when I grabbed my smartphone, was something that saved my life, There was a mail in my inbox. Something which really changed my life to a better one. Something I wanted for so long, but now only I found it. It wasn't Just a mail. [ It was A Saviour]

[Mail: Time: 3:45 AM Tuesday. Subject: Photography Commission.]

This was the just the only text visible in notification screen, However this was something I was longing for. I used to upload my photography as stock images as well as best ones in Freelancing profile, however I hardly got any commission. I had one more commission, So I had to give my best. [Thanks God! I believe you will help me, but didn't knew so fast. I am definitely gonna prove my skills, this chance won't go to waste.] I promised myself a new conviction of mine.

[Sender: Sikhar Arya]

"Shikhar Arya... Hmm! I wonder what he wants" I murmured thinking what type of commission will I have to do now.


[Sender: You

Receiver: TanviBhattacharya@Email.com

Subject: Photography Commission

Content: Um so for a few days I have been Scrolling through your profile and stock pictures, and I even buy some of them. And Recently I found out that you currently reside in Uttrakhand. As you said you were available for commission, I would like an help of some beautiful sceneries of nature as well as temple and many more things. If you are available, and Need more information please contact back. Also I have no problem whatever fees you might charge as long as it's reasonable.

Status: Sent]

[I hope it doesn't sound like a stalker.] I groaned myself. I never really asked for commission or anything, but I did got many commission when I was a freelance writer. So I had an pretty decent idea of what can I do. However I was still quite uneasy as I definitely didn't wanted her to find out that this was just a fake id. I mean she would be devasted if she found out that this was just a means of me helping her, however this wasn't really a lie that her photography skills were fantastic and even if I didn't had any use of them now, I could have just sold them through my connection and will still get a good sum of money.

[Reply: Yes I am available for commission. So what kind of pictures do want to be clicked?] I got an almost instant reply. Time to go along the story.

I had already forged a pretty believable story, never knew that my writer skills will come in handy like that. So what I told her was, Sikhar Arya, A buisness man in south India, Is running a Furniture buisness with around 30 stores in 5 states of India. Now that his parents are Ill and no longer able to move around the country, He wants some nature as well as religious photography for his parents so that they can enjoy the place they weren't actually able to visit. Hence He needed a skilled photographer but also a one who can move around and independently.

As I gave her all the details, She didn't wait a minute before replying.

[Okay. This won't be a problem as I am freelancer so I can move freely. So How much can you pay?].

I don't wanna mess up coming this far. To be honest, I am already a millionaire, and I don't really have much use of money as I always lived alone so I can easily offer as much as she like, but if I did that, there's no way she won't find it suspicious that someone is giving a not so popular photographer that much money.

[ I can pay you on [P.P.P] Basis for first month. If the results are satisfactory. I can hire you on contract for upto a year. How does that sound? Two Thousand Per day with at least Five photograph every day for one month?]

To be honest this was still a pretty decent deal. This meant that she will be able to get 60K income in one-month, which is equivalent to a serviceman working in government job. But still I don't have a problem, I will give her a year contract and later when she get a good profile, I will introduce her to my connections. Afterall even if I did had some connections, they won't hire her just because of me if she don't have good profile or history.

Instant mail of approval and bingo. Now I just have to give her contract inside of Uttrakhand and she will mostly be nearby. Sometimes I think like my mind works like a genius from certain novel. Who knows maybe I am a genius and I just don't know.

So what should I do now? Well I am already late for work so let's just take a leave. Or maybe I should quit my job and laze around, I already get my secondary income from stocks anyway.

"Haaaah! when you do something really mind boggling! Life after that is really booring." I groaned as I had nothing interesting anymore to do. [Well let's see what happens in next month. But how can I make things more interesting..... I see, Maybe I will just give her a contract after one month and the when she is settled, I am gonna propose her.]

Propose Her? Now that I think about that, in just fifteenth days, I fell in love with her to the point that I was thinking about proposing her. If someone asked me when exactly did that happen, I don't think I have an answer, but it happened really fast. At that time I just couldn't wait for the months to pass, and decided that I am gonna find out some way to spend more time with her.

"New Goal! Let's Go" I Talked to myself, and just after all those exciting words, I took my blanket and fell asleep.