7- Tea-Company

Tea Company, as the name suggests, it is a tea production company.... Ofcourse not. Tea Company is currently one of the leading online magazine as well as news website. The purpose of this was just to provide news and give an insight of what's going on in the world for those who were busy in their work and don't want to spend much time on news but still wanted to be up to date.

It waa founded by two couples who worked together in software development department for years before they started this company by name of CompactNews. Later when the company started to emerge as one of most successful companies, they expanded their horizons and that's how it became an online magazine instead of being restricted to only news.

There was a time in this company's sucessful era, when they had to take some serious risks. The founder were in serious dilemma of wether to change this company's horizons or just be a news company. As the company was on its way to sucess, this could have been serious problem if it failed. That time, they say that the founders of company took some outer help in order to take their decisions, someone they can trust and someone whom they will never hate even if the ideas failed.

They chose a person whose idea was to rebrand the company to a new name and they expand their horizons, which came out as huge sucess and changed the compay entirely. But his identity was kept hidden and some people say it's just made up story in order to gain popularity.

[Everything's Dark! It's like I am sent to somewhere empty, Into the nothingness.] I was in a state of confusion. I couldn't hear anything, feel anything, see anything. It was really just nothing. And since I had nothing, somehow I was remembering the story of that company. Who do I know of this company? Why is everything detailed? Why does it feel like I have some relation to this company?

It's simple, because I am the anonymous person who changed the company's horizons and gave them ideas about what changes they should make. And the founders of that company were, Rishab Trivedi and Shikha Trivedi... In short


I remembered about them. In that Void there really was nothing, but I am pretty sure that if I was conscious, I would have been crying. A cool Father, A loving Mother. If one have parents like that, I am pretty sure their live will be amazing. Maybe that was why I am about to die so soon. When I was in twelfth standard, That was when they took decision and changed company.

Everyone was so happy that, they basically started calling me a Prodigy and it was decided that I should take over my parents company once they retire. However I didn't want that. I just wanted to live a life not bound to anything, free like a bird. Which is the most impossible thing ever. Even my parents never forced me. I was shocked, like they even suggest me if I want to be in army bit they never forced their company on me. They were really understandings.

But the one who became the new owner of company, wasn't really that understanding. Ah! Don't get me wrong, It wasn't like he was a bad guy or anything, in fact if anything, he was the most kind hearted soul in company. He always cling on me saying I should be the one to inherit company, Me, the one who carry the blood and talent of my parents. He always forced me to take over, but I refused.

In the end, For sake of his sense of righteousness, I told him if he think that it's unfair, just give me 10 percent of what's the actual worth of company so that it won't be like he snatched it from me, but he buy it from me. He didn't really wanted it to be as low as 10 percent either, but as I explained why it shouldn't be hundred percent, about how the money is needed by company more that me, and how it's better for both if company thrived. He finally accepted.

10 percent of the company turned out to be a little too much. ₹8.91 Crores to be exact (₹890 million or around 2 million USD). Damn my parents Turned out to be a little too rich. Anyways I took the money and then left with a decision I would never come back. That was because I never really wanted to see that company. Whenever I saw it, I was reminded of my parents, those parents who raised me like I was some kind of God, but when it was time to pay them back, they weren't around anymore.

I lost my will after that. [If I can't do anything for them. How can I shamelessly run their company] I started questioning myself and the more I did it, the more I realised that I don't deserve it. With my will long lost to live anyways, I was content with dying if that's what future holds in her womb for me.

[I wish I could see you both one more time. Mom, Dad] as I said those words I started seeing the silhouette of my parents. Those weren't really clear but I can never get my parents wrong. [Wh.. What's that? This third Silhouette? Who is this person? A girl? or a boy? No I don't think I ever had a brother? At least not one blood related.] I started asking myself. But I didn't got the answer, I wanted to concentrate more however...

[..] [..oss] [Boss] [Hey Boss]

In a pitch black surrounding, I heard a faint voice. Someone's calling me. I couldn't actually make sense of words, but [Boss]? There's only one person who calls me that. I tried to open up my eyes to see if my prediction was correct. And it indeed was correct.

"Sir, Please it isn't good to raise your volume, I know your feelings but he is a patient."

"Ah! Sorry, It's just that his eyes opened a little bit so..."

[Somebody's getting yelled on? By a nurse? maybe doctor? If there's a guy this idiot, He must be him... The CEO of the Tea-Company, and my "not so real" self proclaimed little brother... Vijay Pandey]

"Y-Yo Bro" I said in a trembling voice as I didn't had much energy to really say out loud. However he listened. With his eyes full of tears and his hands trembling while holding my hands.

[I see, Guess I wasn't really alone] I started thinking things which didn't really mattered, or maybe they did matter the most I just never realised.

I though in my my too embarrassed to say that out loud in words.

"Boss! I am glad you woke up, the Nurse and doctors have gone crazy here. I knew they were wrong!" He was saying in trembling voice. Little happy little sad. With his face full of tears continuously falling down but his smile unfazed.

[Most likely doctor said him that I might not get Alive, or was I in coma? No that can't be, I can feel some of my limbs, and that means ofcourse my wounds as well, so even if I was in coma, it couldn't be for more than few days.] I, just after waking up, was completely observing the surroundings getting a grasp of what's happening. [Well guess I am alive] I told myself as I put all the worries aside.

A little later, Nurse said him the time's up, and they all go out. Me still not having any energy, wasn't able to ask anything nor did anyone else told me anything. [Guess I will just sleep for now.] I gave up on answers. I wasn't really worried because as far as I remember, I already paid Tanvi her fees and seeing her profile, I think she should be fine for few months.


Two days passed with me almost asleep whole time. I didn't really talk with anyone, only conversed a little Yes/No with doctor who came daily three time on order to check up on me but even he didn't tell me and nor did I asked.

Finally the third day, early in the morning Vijay came knocking on my door and then entering without me even giving permission to come in.

"Are you okay Bos- Ah! I mean brother?" He asked me. with a down face.

[Is he okay? Is he sad? Why such sad face pal? it's not like you.] I had too many questions but first I answered his question in just a affirmative nod. Something was definitely wrong. But what was that I didn't knew. As I saw a little relieved expression after my affirmation, I asked him as calmly as I could.

"Is something wrong? You seemed to be relieved but you also seems scared as well. Did something happen?" I asked him trying to understand what actually happened.