9- Forgotten.

I am now at the final Step of my life. There's only one thing for me to do, that is make my disappearance as natural as possible and that means, I won't make her forget me. But I will make a situation where she herself forgets me.

Not By hate, Not by sadness, Not by anger. I had to make a situation where she forgets me because I am no longer the one who holds any significance. That way when she will one day realise that I am gone, she will most likely won't be Flinched for more than a day.

Step one, I will just talk to her on social media. And even that's only some days. Not every day.

Day 7 of being hospitalized.


[Where were you?]

[I just had some work]

[Well you did said you were going to be busy]

[Don't you watch news?]

[Well No! Also lately, I have to do a little too kuch work so I don't really have much time]

[Well that happens, It just mean you finally settled.]

[Yes Seems like you were a Lucky Charm]

[Don't belittle your hardwork.]

[Anyways I guess I gotta go, Work load is too much]

[Okay don't force yourself, keep it easy.]

At least she didn't knew about accident. That's a good news. I guess this way I can manage my way out of all of this.

And so after that days and days passed, what I was doing was a little cruel or at least that's what I thought. I just didn't interacted much with her. It was all just a normal phenomenon. That's what normally happens in everyone's life. You meet someone, gets attracted, as time passes by you get closer and closer, and once someone gets far away, soon both forgets each other like all those things in past never happens.

Ofcourse their are cases when both of them always keep contacting one another but this was precisely the why this wouldn't be happening to us as even if she tries, i won't let her succeed.

Some calls it sacrifice, some call it cruelty, some says its lack of trust while others just don't pay much attention. As for me, all of this was my own selfishness.

I wanted to cut all my ties with her as naturally as I can so that when i am going to die, i won't have any regrets. With as few people mourning my death as possible, I would prefer to die in a way which doesn't make me sad even if people were to call me selfish or cruel, because i myself prefer calling me the same.

-----Day 8-----

Our conversation this day weren't much of notice. She reacted me a few greetings asked about my work and so did i. With nothing new to talk about we went offline within half an hour of chatting.

-----Day 13-----

I didn't text her in few days, to be honest, I don't even knew if she texted me or not as I just didn't had courage to check and not reply. When i saw the smartphone today, there were five text messages. In order to avoid suspicion, I texted her again today.

[Sorry, I was busy in Official works so didn't had time to reply. Things are going good what about you?]

[Actually I wanted to tell you that I am finally contracted to a company and you won't believe the name of company which hired me]

[Seriously? Wow so good for you! So which company hired you?]

[It's the biggest online magazine in India. The Tea Company.]

[Woah! Seriously? Damn seems like Luck hit you real hard. Well at least you got what you wanted. Finally it's your time to shine]

[Thanks! So wanna meet up someday? We will have a party, my treat]

[Ah! Oh.. Sorry, Actually I don't really think I can meet up with you anytime soon. For some time I've been so busy that i just don't have time for anything. Really sorry]

[Oh! No problem, whenever you are free is okay]

And so we went offline again.

Days passed by and so did months, with none of us ever picking up the topic of meeting up, we were basically no longer close friends.

I started being less and less active for replying her and so the frequency of her messages decreased significantly to the point i knew that for now I am just an acquaintance to her and nothing else.

I soon discharged from hospital, and went again for a new journey. Now the messages i get from Vijay were more than that of Tanvi. I could proudly say that [I achieved what i wanted and I can die peacefully.]

With almost no regret to die and no person other than a few from company to mourn my death, I might have been the most happiest person in existence who was able to to smile the hardest when about to die.

As days were passing i was having the same dream i saw the very first day of accident again and again. My happy family waiting for me on the other side of afterlife. My mom who is smiling at me like she was saying that "Enjoy the finally days so you don't have regret". My father was telling the same but the only difference was he didn't "ask" me to enjoy rather he "ordered" me. But I was still in same thought process as I was in the very first day...

The third Silhouette! Who the heck is that person in my dreams. Why is he with my family. Why can't i see his face or recognise him. But well dreams don't have any meaning, do they? So i just didn't pay much attention after some time and that person also become a norm of my dreams with my family. All I knew about him was that he is someone younger than me, or at least he looked like he was from my dreams.

[So what should I do now? Where should I go now? I left my Job, I left my company, And most of all, i abandoned my reason to restart a new life, So... What's there left for me anyways?]

Now that I think about it, I was alone. I abandoned some, some abandoned me, and there's actually no place to go where I can say, "That's My Home!" So where should I go.

When moving through various places with around months of travelling, I reached back to the mountains of Uttrakhand. That was when i realised...

The Final Chapter of my life was going to take place in the land, Where the first chapter of my life took place....