10- Orphanage And The Silhouette [End]

It's been seven years since all of the things that happened in past and I moved to uttrakhand. I have lived a fairly long life and sometimes I think was there any meaning in living like that? If I was going to live a long life, wouldn't it had been better if I never ran away? But still I never know what happens to me. Every time I go to sleep, There is that fear of not being able to see the sunrise of the next day.

When I used to see dramas and movies where at some point, characters have to face this type of feeling, it feels sad and a little anxious. However when facing the situation head on, it's really terrifying. Ofcourse it doesn't really mean that every day is a living hell or something like that. I sleep with a satisfaction that there will be less tears falling out of the eyes once I am gone and this indeed helps me give a sense of relief however twisted it might sound like.

Today, I was in front of the Orphanage "The Blessings". It is a well known orphanage with smart and friendly kids as well as staff. As soon as i entered the orphanage,

"Daddy.... I was waiting for you, it took you long enough." Came a kid girl running towards me fast like a tempest, cute like a kitten, and lovely like a puppy.

Yes, she wasn't really my child or anything, she was just a orphan girl like the rest of kids there, however from the very first day, she took a liking to me. At first i tried to ignore her. Afterall she was but, just a eight year old kid who wanted parents affection so she insisted. Longing for familial love, i thought thag maybe I can act a little like a father.

"A little longer". After every visit, I say myself that I would do this for a little longer and without realising, seven years have passed, and one thing that I realised is, love is a powerful drug. Even if you try to quit it, the more you experience it, the more you want it until the point that you can fight the world for it.

The now fifteen years old girl, was already aware of my condition. The moment she turned twelve and had enough intellect, I told her to be away for me as I might die anytime sooner or later. Even if I look fine, I might just leave her like her actual parents without any notice or consideration. But that day, when I heard her words,

"If you are going so far, that's all the reason to be by your side. I couldn't make memories with my parents, i can't even remember them, however, you the dad I have been for almost 4 years now, i wanna make the most memories with you so that even if you leave me, you will never leave me."

I was astonished, she was just a twelve years old child that time. How could a child even understand all of this. I was in awe of her, silly me was about to cry that day but held a little because I was a "cool dad" for that girl so I didn't want her to see my lame side.

"Oh My, Mister Tiwari. I love the fact that you visit hear every week. You really are a superhero of these kids." Said the orphanage manager, Ms. Akansha Negi.

At some point I was convinced that in Uttrakhand, if you throw a stone from a height, it would either land on a Rawat's head, or a Negi's head. Seriously you guys gotta have some more variety of surnames dude.

"I told you in the beginning, it's all because of my condition. As selfish as I am, maybe I would have never came here if i wasn't like that." I said. There were two resons for those words. First that I was really convinced that I was like that, and second because i don't really see how I would've known this place if it was the same old busy me.

"You say that, but noone have I ever know in my life who will indulge himself so much with orphans, give them parental love and even donate almost all of his property just for their sake, even if they are to be die or anything." She said with her face bright as usual. I seemed like she sees me in high regards because of me donating all of my property and money I had keeping only a million or two in my pocket for living expenses.

But I really didn't have any use of that money. I didn't had a family, a buisness or anything I can spend money on. Even my hobby of exploring places just subsided the moment I got separated from everyone and everything. So what did i had in the end? Yes this old orphanage. It wasn't some cliche story of the orphanage was short on money or may disband anytime soon, however since I had nothing else to do, i thought why not go there and have some fun with these kids.

"Well, I am happy you think so highly of me, but actually I had some things I want to discuss with you. Is that alright." I said in a little serious tone. I really did had something to discuss and I just couldn't delay it for long.

"Well I expected this much, normally you just play with kids, brings gifts and leave without even talking much. So what happened i am all ears." Said the manager as she sat in her chair just opposite to mine.

"Well for last few days, I am feeling a little anxious and somehow a little bit overwhelmed. I know it might sound weird, but I think after long life of Seven years, It's finally my time. Though it hadn't been long, This girl here is my only family right now, so the last of my belongings. From my money to my keepsakes. I wanna give it all to her alone. Call if favouritism or whatever, I just want this girl to be happy. So can you help me in it?" I asked her almost like i was begging her.

"Sure why not. Don't take much stress and be optimistic. It might take a little paperwork. But it's only few hour worth of work so don't worry." She said with her ever unwavering optimistic and affirmative tone.

As I was satisfied, I got up, kissed the girls forehead and sent her to her friends and was about to go back when,

"I am sorry, If it wasn't for the condition, you could have adopted her easily ." Ms. Amrita said with a sad and little depressed tone. She probably find it a little hurtful when she sees me with my self proclaimed daughter. Well I can't deny that I do want her as my daughter but I gotta respect the fate I have been given.

"It doesn't suit you lady, And have you forgotten what my genius daughter said on her twelfth birthday...

"I won't die, I am immortal in heart of my daughter"

and I believe her words more that my own"

I said as I left without looking back.

As for why didn't I looked back, it wasn't that I was sure that she was finally positive or anything, it's just that much of a mess my face was with tears that i just couldn't hold them back and didn't wanted her to see it.


The night of the dooms day sure feels like a gate to hell. It was really the night Darker than the black, deeper than the sea, longer than the world, scarier than a Phantom.

It was really hard to fell asleep on a night like that, and it becomes even more frightening when you know that this could be your last night. But I did fell asleep and it was Better that way. I would rather die a painless death in sleep than dying painfully. They do say that Good people die a painless death while sleeping because they are "good" and they deserve to in a befitting way.

What I saw in the dream that day was so much familiar that it wasn't a dream anymore.

It was my dad and mom. They were more clear than ever in my dreams. They were calling for me. They never really call me, so this must really be the time I am gone, once and for all. They were such a loving parents when they were alive, I wonder what changes might they been through after they died, or did they really change at all?

But I didn't want to go that easily. "My old friends, my self proclaimed brother, the self proclaimed daughter, My requited love. I- I..... I can't die. Not like this. Why..." Tears started falling my eyes and once again i was a mess. Didn't I once promise you won't cry, I don't know how many times have I broken it already.

In that moment, my parents embraced me with their arm open. Ahh that warmth, I could just tell my their touch only that they were real. Yes my parents, I was back to them. Not the most wholesome way, but I did got to meet them again.

"Mom Dad, I don't wanna leave them. Why... What did I do wrong. I never smoked drug. I never committed crime. I never caused anyone problem. I was a good kid when I was young, and good employees when I was adult. So why did I had to suffer all those things. Why is it me who has to see all that he'll..... Why?" I cried and cried and cried in their arms. They didn't answer me probably because there wasn't any answer. What could they even say? There was probably no explanation. It all just..... happens.

"Ahh! Now that I think about it, i never saw that Silhouette again this time did I?"

Suddenly a blackout started to warp me. It wasn't quick but slowly I was getting submerged into the darkness.

"See you our son, On the other side, Because you are interested, That kid is alive that's why you didn't see his silhouette this time. Since you will be joining us dead, you will remember about him soon. Your little brother whom you forgot long ago.... Vivek Trivedi"

Damn how much of a shitty life had i been given? At the very end, everything if full of regrets. I didn't wanted it like that. I wanted a fun and full filling life. Did I never deserved such a life? This sucks, all of this sucks....




After being swallowed in the darkness.... I Never woke up again.


Author Here:

First of all, I dunno who and when are you gonna read it but at the current moment, there is only one reader and I can't predict when other will come so I will add some FAQ here and rest i will answer in comments if you have any questions or requests.

1- Why was the ending not an actual "end" and who Is Vivek.

- Vivek Is one of the Five MC's of Phantom. And the end is not like that because it isn't supposed to be. The moment i started writing it, I decided from chapter one that he will be Vivek's family and this ain't some half assed last moment writing, at least not that Vivek part as well as orphanage part.

2- Do I have to read the Vivek Part?

- Well who doesn't want to have more readers. However since this is just a background for the Vivek from phantom, You can read it without reading Phantom because this doesn't have anything to do with Phantom. On the second note, you can do same with Phantom reading it but not this.

3- Will there be alternative ending or afterstory?

- Yes and No. To be honest I have no idea myself. But I am thinking of writing one of both but still don't believe they will actually be out anytime soon or at all. However if you want some specific Afterstory from someone's POV, comment it and I might try.

Finally. Thank you for reading it weather you are reading in present or in future. This marks My Second novel I have written and first one to end completely. Hope you all loved it.






What you still didn't left? Okay then lemme give you hint. If you have read Phantom or will read it, There's one more character in Phantom related to this. Can you guess it?

Of course there aren't any clues till now but let me give you two hints.

Hint 1- The name of this story character rhymes with name of phantom character.

Hint 2- The relation will be revealed in Phantom Vol 2. [60 - 80 chapter.]