
Finally satisfied with what has become of Edward Damon picks him up him heads back to the Cullens house.

Arriving Damon looks around and sees the rest of the Cullens and Bella still here but no sign of Rosalie, dropping Edward on the ground, the rest of the Cullen family finally resister his presence

"Edward!!!" they shout including Bella, but they stay in place clearly afraid, but Bella as something seems to be greater than the fear she feels for Damon pushes her forward as she holds Edward in her arms as his closed eyes open and reveals the lifeless eyes within.

"How can you be so cruel? you aren't even human with this kind of behavior," says Carlisle

"Well I never claimed to be human so I'm happy I guess, so if that was supposed to trigger the feeling of guilt within me it didn't, so better luck next time," answers Damon

"Just leave," says Carlisle

"I really hope you made the right decision when it comes to this idiot because all I see is trouble as long as he draws breath," says Damon as he turns to leave as Carlisle clenches his fist in anger.

"Damon thank you for sparing Edward," said Alice

Damon stops in his tracks as he turns to address her, "the reason he's alive is Rosalie nothing else, but little pixie I'll give you some advice leave this so-called family before you get dragged into something you can't get out from." said Damon as he speeds away

Arriving back at his house Damon could feel the sadness from Rosalie through the bond as he runs upstairs before stopping outside the door unable to open it, after all, he knew he was to blame for her current state, and even though he couldn't feel any regret through the bond, he looked at the door before it flys open.

"Why didn't you come in?" Asks Rosalie as she appears in the doorway.

"I just didn't know, if you blamed me even a little bit for what happened," responded Damon

"Of course, I don't I can't blame you for their decisions, if I did I'd just be directing my anger on the wrong person," says Rosalie

"Edward is still alive like you asked," said Damon

"Right now I don't really care he could be dead for all I care right now I only told you not to kill him because like Alice said I owed them for letting me be able to meet you," said Rosalie

"Damon she's right from what she told me those people don't sound like a good pack." a voice said

"You've been talking to the dog about this?" asked Damon

"I'm a wolf!!" said max as he appears beside Rosalie

"Of course you are."

"Hey go take a run the adults need to talk for a bit," said Damon

"Fine, I was feeling bored anyway," said Max as he runs and jumps from the window and disappears.

"So, tell me what your feeling."

"Just sadness and disappointment, I mean after being with them for so long you would think they would care more about me than this, but mostly disappointment as they didn't turn out to be the family I thought they were."

"Babe you just have to look at it this way they were there to fill the space in your heart until your real family could come along, they were never meant to be permanent, and your real family has arrived after all you have me and max don't you and soon we will have a child or maybe even children and that is your real family," says Damon

"Do you understand?"

"Yes" answered Rosalie as tears start rolling down her cheek as Damon stare at her in shock.

After a couple of minutes Rosalie finally notices the strange look Damon is giving her as she asks" What's wrong?" asked Rosalie

"You're crying."

"What, are you serious?" she asks as she brings her hands up to her face feeling the tears, and as she pulls her hands back down she sees them not black but clear like water and this just causes more tears to pour out says.

"I'm crying, I'm really crying I can't believe this I'm so happy."

Damon had never seen someone so happy that they were crying, at a loss to do anything else he just when forward and held her in his arms as she cried.

After another couple of minutes had passed she calmed down as she pulled her head back from his chest and kissed him passionately and Damon responded with the same amount of passion as his hand around her became tighter, as she ripped his shirt off him and he lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around him as he approached the bed, as he threw her on it as he took off his pants before finding his back on her, as their hands roamed around each other's bodies as eventually, Damon had taken off her top, bra and also her pants leaving her only in panties as they continued.

(Back At The Cullens)

After Dropping Bella Back to her house a discussion was being held as more crack began to form in the Cullen family.

"What are we going to do about Edward?"

"He should be fine after a couple of days or a week he will be fully healed and back to normal," answers Carlisle

"Am I the only one who realizes how stupid what he did was?" asked Alice

"So you think he deserves this?"

"I am not saying that what I'm saying is this if a regular human found out about us we would kill them to protect ourselves, Damon just when directly to the source and didn't touch Bella I mean he could have killed her, but he didn't and if he did Edward would have done one of two things that would have lead to the same thing, one go after Damon for Revenge which no surprise would lead to his death, and two kill himself as he couldn't live without her," said Alice

"Are you seriously trying to say what he did was alright?"

"No, I didn't."