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(Three weeks later in the forest)

As the Cullen family stood in the forest on a forecasted day they all got into position all Except Edward and Bella, if you would look at how they were standing one would realize that they were going to play baseball.

In the past three weeks, Edward had made great progress in healing as he has reached what would be considered his new normal bringing the weakest vampire ever while being in constant pain, of course only strengthens his hatred for Damon but he has learned to keep that completely hidden as the fear he had for Damon encompassed everything else, but Bella after that day only met Edward again more than a week later and she had learned the dangers of the world in person yet she still wanted to become a vampire. She bonded with the rest members of the Cullen family excusing Rosalie who after what happened had never come back to talk to the Cullens.

But not everything was going well for the Cullens as there was now a new divide happening as Alice and jasper questioned some of the choices to be made or were made.

Currently, as the Cullens played baseball and Jasper pitched and Carlisle hit the ball far out as Emmett ran out and caught it when suddenly Alice shouts

"Stop! I didn't see them."

They all stop. Edward stands immediately at Bella's side. The family instantly gathers at home plate.

"They're traveling so quickly," said Alice

"You said they left the county."

" They did, but then they heard us and changed their minds," she says looking at Edward.

" Put your hair down, " Edwards says to Bella

" Like that'll help. I could smell her from across the field. " says jasper as Edward ignores him and pulls down her hair anyway.

" I shouldn't have brought you here, I'm so sorry," says Edward to a completely confused Bella as they have not told her what's happening,


There's a faint rustle... then James, Victoria, and Laurent emerge from the forest through the fog. As they come closer to the Cullens, Bella sees their bare feet, and the red eyes as Laurent hold up the baseball.

" I believe this belongs to you," said Laurent

He tosses the ball to Carlisle casually and even then the ball moves at speeds too fast for the human eye to follow.

"Thank you," responded Carlisle

" Could you use three more players?" asked Laurent

Carlisle looked hesitant at the question but he ultimately answered

"Of course."

" I'm Laurent. This is Victoria and James."

" Would you like to bat first?"

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us," says Carlisle

" Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed."

"Yes, we maintain a permanent residence nearby."

The three newcomers exchange a look of surprise for a moment before looking back at the Cullens, then Laurent and Victoria take the field while the rest of the Cullens does well and as they do so James eyes land on Edward as he stood in front of Bella without one of his arms and Edwards stares back at him, while Bella stood there also looking at James before Edwards turns and pulls her with him but as they do a gust of wind blows Bella's scent into James faces as he looks at her and says while walking closer.

"Looks like you brought lunch."

As he said this he got ready to attack as Edwards also got ready to protect Bella as the rest of the Cullen family came to Edwards's side and Victoria and Laurent joined James.

But Laurent seeing that they were outnumbered says

"I can see the game is over, we will take our leave," he says as the other two turn and follows him leave after James gives Bella one last look.

"Edward get Bella out of here now," says Carlisle

(While that was happening)

At Damon's house, you could see him and max standing nervously outside a door as they waited, before the door open and revealed Rosalie who looked as beautiful as ever with one striking change she now had shining blue eyes.

She Exited the room and before she could say anything Damon says.

"So, what the result are you or are you not?"

"I am pregnant," she says in a voice full of happiness as tears run down her cheek

Hearing this Damon scoops her up as he smiles at her, and Max is off to the side jumping up and down in joy while saying.

"A new member of the pack, our family keeps getting bigger."

"Damon, what are we going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the two of us are not humans and we aren't even the same, what kind of child will come from the both of us, what should I eat to make sure our child is healthy, and our child will be both vampire and werewolf what would that make him or her?" asks Rosalie

"Well I know for a fact the child will be a vampire whether a perfect one like your becoming or a normal one I'm not sure but werewolf are usually created by a bit is was a special case to be born one so I don't know if our child would be the same so I think you should drink blood, and not animal blood but human blood."

"Fine, but where are we going to get human blood from other than a hospital unless we take from the source, and then we would have to kill to stop them from turning."

"I think fresh blood would be best, I will get some criminals that deserve death for you to drink from, and we would need a doctor for when you are ready to give birth, and since we can't go to a human doctor..."

"WE'll do it ourselves just supply enough Aura and I shouldn't die if anything goes wrong."