This didn't happen in the canon 3

Edward who finally managed to get up from the punch Alice had given him, didn't answer as he just went to Bella and began sucking out the venom.

Seeing this Alice just turned and left, with Jasper following along.

"Alice wait." said Jasper as he follows her into the jeep as they start driving away.

"That self-serving idiot all our problems could be solved if he just let her get turned yet he goes and does that, after what just happen it nothing short of putting our lives in danger once again when this isn't even over, have they forgotten about Victoria she won't take this without trying to get revenge, and when she does that going to be our problem, and that if she decides to handle this herself what if she has friends or she goes to the Volturi then what? are we supposed to protect Bella until Edward can get over his problems? what if one of us had died today? is this what Rosalie felt?" says Alice as she rants to Jasper.

"..." Jasper sat there listening to her every complaint, he had these same thoughts but chose not to voice them right now he was well aware even though Alice was angry any decision they made right now with their emotions on a high could be regretted later.

"I need to visit Rosalie and apologize to her," says Alice as she suddenly changes the direction she was driving now heading to Forks.

(In forks Damon's basement)

In a brightly lit room, Damon could be seen sitting on a chair looking at an unconscious man who is currently tied up to a post.

' What the hell is happening here, a werewolf in forks? I don't remember this happening in the canon, If it did it wasn't shown in the movies then again the Cullen's are not here right now so it makes some sense, but I was sure it was heading in my direction even before I left the house to see what was happening.' thinks Damon


After Damon had left the house to find the source of the noise he and Max had heard, he could be seen speeding through the forest heading towards the direction he had heard the noise when he noticed, whatever it is was getting closer it was heading towards him.

Noticing this Damon stopped and jumped onto a tree deciding to wait and see what it was that was coming.

Soon Damon saw something speed into view as it stopped below the tree he was on, and as soon as he saw it he knew what it was, a werewolf, wolf-like hind legs long arms almost dragging on the ground as long shining nails extended from it fingers as it stood on to legs, its entire body was covered in thick black fur and a black tail hung behind it, it's head was that of a wolf with shining yellow eyes.

Damon stood in the tree totally surprised at what he was seeing, a werewolf native to this world, they should be rare since the Volturi had killed off most of them yet here was one standing in front of him sniffing the air.

Suddenly with a sharp turn, the werewolf looked at Damon and without any pause in movement, it jumped to his position mouth wide open.


A shadow was flung from the tree and crashed heavily into the ground, as it created a dust cloud.

"Seems like it found me," says Damon as he stood on the same spot looking down on the werewolf


As the werewolf got back up, it let out a loud roar as if trying to make Damon back down as it stood there looking at him, seeing the intimidation not working it charged again.


Once again it was planted into the ground.




it happened three more times before it finally stopped and continued to stare at Damon from the ground.

"You really are a sad creature having no control of yourself in the full moon, are the shapeshifter the race with the least amount disadvantages? but what should I do with you kill you? no that's not right you can't control what you are doing right now, maybe leaving you on your own, no someone might see you and with the look you're giving me I doubt you will put your attention on something else, I guess only beating you till your unconscious remains." says Damon as he jumps from the tree kicking the werewolf into the ground while making sure to hold back most of his strength not to kill it.

"Seems Like I held back too much," says Damon as he sees it still isn't unconscious


It swings its claws at Damon, seeing this Damon just blocks as the nail were unable to break through his skin, pushing back the beast's claws Damon clenches his fist.

"Well, I'll have to be a little rough," says Damon as he begins raining down punches on the beast

After an uncountable amount of punches, Damon finally stopped, and as the dust cleared the beast was no longer visible, what was there was an unconscious man.

(flashback end)

"Damon!!!" a voice shouts from above

Hearing the voice Damn already knew who it was as he answered.

"Yes dear." he got up and walked out of the basement upstairs to see Rosalie standing there with Max standing next to her with his head down, seeing this Damon already knew what happened as he sighs.

"Damon where were you, Max said something dangerous was in the forest and you when to see what it was, I was worried," said Rosalie as she jumps into his arms.

"I'm fine love, It was just a little werewolf," said Damon

"A werewolf, where is it, did you kill it"? asked Rosalie

"No I didn't kill it, It's..."

"HELP!!!!!!" a voice interrupts their conversation

"Damon, don't tell me," says Rosalie as she looks Damon in his eyes.