This didn't happen in the canon 4

"Damon, don't tell me," says Rosalie as she looks Damon in his eyes.

"Well, about that he is tied up in the basement."

"Why did you bring him here in the first place?" asked Rosalie

"Well, I couldn't just leave him in the forest after I knocked him out could I?" asked Damon

"I guess not, but isn't he dangerous?"

"Not really with me and Max here it's not a problem."

"I am going to go talk to him, you stay up here and relax you can listen to our conversation if you want," says Damon as he turns and walks back into the basement leaving Rosalie and Max.



On his way down the basement, The voice once against sounds, as Damon hears it runs to the tied up and covers his mouth.

"One more sound and I snap your neck," says Damon into his ears as the man-body becomes tense as he looks at Damon from the corner of his eyes and nods.

"Good, answer my question and I'll let you go, first what is your name?" asks Damon as he removes his hand from the man's mouth and moves to stand in front of him.

"My name is Alex Roberts, please let me go."

"Good, now Alex what is a werewolf-like yourself doing in forks?" asks Damon

Hearing this question Alex's expression showed a hint of panic before he hid it swiftly but Damon still noticed it.

"Just passing through," said Alex

" Oh, is that so, well why don't I believe you?" asked Damon as he walked closer to Alex while his nails extended and he rested then on Alex's bare chest.

" You see Alex I have the feeling that you are lying to me, and even though I would rather not have to resort to torture, I will if I have to," says Damon as his nails begin digging into Alex drawing blood.

"Honestly, I was just passing through, please, please believe me." pleaded Alex.

But Damon could not shake the feeling something wasn't right, and because of that, he dragged his nails from Alex's neck to his navel leaving five deep cuts running blood like a river.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" screamed Alex in pain.

"Shh, shh, shh, you cut be making so much noise my girlfriend is trying to relax upstairs, I'll ask you again why are you here?" asked Damon once again while placing his now bloody nails Inchs from his eyes.

"Please, please, I'm just passing through, why am I not healing? asked Alex with a voice full of fear.

"Sigh, why would I let you heal and you lied again, then say goodbye to your eyes," said Damon as his nails start extending to price into Alex's eyes.

"Wait!, please just stop I'll tell you," says Alex

"Well get talking."

"I'm here on a mission from the pack to find something."

"Pack? Aren't werewolves usually by themselves?"

"Yes, but..."

"But?" says Damon in a threatening voice

" A couple of years ago a werewolf named Jack Williams was able to control himself naturally under the effects of the full moon, and as others came to learn or even see him transform at will we noticed that being near him kept our urges in check and at night we didn't forcefully transform."

"What!! but when I found you in the forest, you clearly had lost it."

"That because it only works when you are close to Jack, it's like he is able to suppress our transformation, but if you willingly transform you will have no control of yourself, but a year and some ago we all heard a Howl and felt an aura, and it forced us to transform but this time was different we could control ourself at least for that night, but when we tried later it back to the same uncontrollable transformation, but some time ago the aura appeared again Jack has said if we find the source of the Aura we could use it to gain full control of ourself," said Alex

' A year and some ago should be when I transformed for the first time, and the other time should be when I Had transformed when those idiots were here, this just sounds like this jack guy somehow became an alpha and was able to suppress them but isn't strong enough to control them or completely keep them in check when they transform, I don't understand how it would work but aura has to be involved but I want nothing to do with this, so should I kill this guy?' thinks Damon

"So what exactly do you know about the source of this aura you talk about?" asked Damon trying to figure out how much he knows.

"I don't know anything really, but Jack says it must be another werewolf that has learned to control his transformation."

"Oh, and when you find this werewolf what do you all plan to do?"

"since his aura can help us gain control of ourselves we will divide up his aura amount us to gain the same ability."

"That impossible, aura is not something you can divide up and gain from another like that," says Damon.

"That would be right but when it comes to supernatural species once you are of the same race your aura will be compatible to some degree, it comes down to if you can endure the painful process that is to assimilate it."

Hearing this Damon's mind started working.

'This could be true, no it most likely is if there was one vampire at the beginning that bites someone to create the second and so on, all vampires would have a piece of the original vampire aura inside them making them compatible to some degree with aura, but it should only be faint now with how many vampires have been created if it is the same for werewolves that would mean all werewolves are descendants from one making their aura compatible indeed but this should also be faint, but this does explain how exactly they are going to divide aura I'm sure no one in this world can manipulate aura anymore.'

"How is the aura going to be divided, do you have someone who can manipulate aura?" asks Damon

"Of course not, the way chosen may be barbaric but it must be done, when found the person will be eaten alive piece by piece by every person in the pack," says Alex as a red line appears on his neck.


Alex's head falls to the ground as Damon's nails finally withdraw back to their normal length.

Standing there Damon clenches his fist anger clear on his face.

"They want to eat me alive, divided up my aura, who gave them permission I hope they are ready for the consequences, there will be no mercy," says Damon as his aura begins leaking in his rage.