Forgive or not forgive

Hey everybody it's the Author, If you guys did not know I have two other fan-fic doing currently alongside this one, go check them out if you have time.

Also, I have come to the decision to start a Patreon, so the three fan-fics I all currently doing will be finished on this site, but the ones after this will be released on Patreon first before being released on the web novel site, thank you all for your continued support.

Names of my other novels are :

New god in marvel

Becoming the strongest in the shinobi world.


"They want to eat me alive, divided up my aura, who gave them permission I hope they are ready for the consequences, there will be no mercy," says Damon as his aura begins leaking in his rage.

"You know that was really stupid right?" says Rosalie as she walks into view and as soon as Damon spots her his anger dissipates.

Looking at the now-dead Alex, the stupidity of his earlier actions hits him as he conceals his aura, even though it hadn't leaked enough to spread out of the room.

"You shouldn't have done that, he could have told us a lot more and saved you a lot of trouble, now we are going to have to wait for them to appear," says Rosalie as she stands watching Damon.

"I know, my rage got the best of me, It won't happen again."

"You say that, but are you sure? from what you told me having a temper is normal with being a werewolf."

"It is, but I can let it control me, leading to stupid actions such as this."

"you're right."

"You need to get rid of the body." Rosalie points out

"Can't it wait till morning ?" asked Damon



Damon went upstairs and got a large garbage bag, then took Alex's body and stuffed it in the bag.

Throwing the bag over his shoulder, Damon proceeded back upstairs to meet Rosalie and Max watching a movie.

"Hey, snitch wolf you're coming with me I need someone to dig a hole for me to put this body in," says Damon

"Why should I, you're the one that did something stupid, so why can't you deal with it yourself?" asked Max

"I just don't feel like it," answers Damon

"So who is going to stay to protect Rosalie?" asked Max


"Tch, Fine stay, I'll get you back for this later," says Damon as he speeds off out the house and into the forest.

(five days later)

Damon, Rosalie, and Max could be seen in their home relaxing having a nice day at home watching television.

"Looks like we have got company," says Damon as he turns to look at Rosalie who currently has her head resting on his shoulder.

"It seems that way."

"Want me to chase them away?" asked Max

"It's fine, those two are the least stupid of the bunch, they wouldn't come here to cause trouble."




Getting up Damon makes his way to the front door and opens it.

"Oh, Alice and Jasper what a surprise," Damon says sarcastically

"Hi, Damon is this a bad time? I would like to Rosalie if I could." Says Alice

"Sure, I don't see why not, just follow me," says Damon as he turns and walks back into the house with Alice and Jasper following him.

As Damon returns he finds Rosalie still sitting in the same spot he left her in, and just sit next to her as she lays her head back on his shoulder.

As Alice and Jasper enter they sit down on another couch facing Damon and Rosalie.


You could hear a pin drop, the room was that silent as Rosalie looked Straight at the people she used to call family, and Damon and max just looked on like it wasn't their business, Alice on the other hand was hesitating on what to say.

"Rosalie, we are sorry for everything that happened," says Alice as she looks at Rosalie.

"....." there was no response.

"I know you must hate us after what happened, but still Jasper and I are sorry for not trying to help more, we are sorry we tried to keep you from your mate, we are sorry we judged him as quickly as we did, we are sorry we out Edwards happiness before yours and most of all we are sorry if we made you feel that we didn't care about you, I know it might be too late but I would really like if w could be sisters again," says Alice.


Once again after Alice spoke there was silence as Rosalie looked at her briefly before snuggling closer to Damon.

"I did hate you all for about day, but that hate has long since turned into indifference. I see it only the two of you here, I'm guessing something happened that made you realize the truth, what was it did one of you almost die protecting the human?" asked Rosalie.

Regret and anger immediately appeared on Alice's face, spotting this Rosalie continues.

"Seems I was right, so which one of you was it?"


" The both of us. it was the both of us." Jasper finally speaks

" So, you say you want to be sisters again, let me ask you this if you didn't almost die would you be here right now?" asked Rosalie.

"I don't know, but I'm here now asking for forgiveness," said Alice

"We both are," added Jasper.

Looking on Dakon could feel just temper flaring up as he struggled to keep it in check as he didn't want to interfere in this conversation, then he heard.

"Why should Rosalie, forgive any of you fake family, she has a real family now, she doesn't need you!!" shouts Max as he stands from the side of the couch where he was watching the conversation from the start, as he starts growing bigger.


" It's alright Max, calm down they can't take your place," says Rosalie as she walks over to him and rubs his head.

Max hearing and feeling Rosalie's touch calmed down.

" A talking dog!" screams Alice

" He's not a dog, he's family my real family along with Damon and my baby," says Rosalie with a smile, as she rubs her belly.