The story of creation End

Maybe if they had chosen any other youth things wouldn't have happened as they did."

"I'm guessing he killed them?"

"Of course, that was easy, but that wasn't all, that day was the start of a decade-long killing spree, that would shape the supernatural world for years to come."


" The youth they randomly choose to become the original vampire, had many issues of his own, including a very real feeling of inferiority when compared to anyone else.

The original vampire transformation had already heightened his emotions and feelings, and as he felt he was now the strongest being in the world and inferior to no one, how could he let the veins that had the power to create beings that could match him live?

This one thought was very dangerous, and once it entered his head he couldn't get rid of it, the process of making him had already weakened the witches present, so all that was left was for him to kill them, and that is exactly what he did.

But he didn't stop there, he went out of his way to kill all the people present in the village he lived in before as they had known about his time before becoming what he considered perfection."

" So he killed off all the witches, but how did the werewolves come about then?"

" They came about in the same way, it didn't take long for the witch community to realize that they were being hunted, and they wouldn't just wait for their deaths, but they also couldn't create another original vampire in fear that it to would betray and start hunting them.

So they came up with a simple but doable solution, they would use an animal instead of a human.

Their train of thought was simple, they would form a contract with the animal before the ritual, therefore after it would be as powerful as the original vampire but they would be able to control it.

And all things considered, it was a good plan, but even though the master created from the ritual could match the original vampire, they didn't expect, the beast to grow stronger in the full moon and be able to ignore their orders.

It turned out they had used a wolf for the ritual, and even with all the planning they could foresee that the ritual would have such side effects on a wolf, it was really nothing else but bad luck that they selected a wolf, or as if aura itself was against the witches by affecting the wolf in this way.

The monster they created, would lose control under the full moon and go out and attack people, and whoever was lucky enough to survive was left with a present, in the form of power.

Whether these people were happy with this gift or curse they had no choice but to accept what was forced on them.

Those who survived those attacks were the first true werewolves.

It didn't take long for the two creations to meet and fight, and it was a very close one, in terms of strength, speed, and even reaction time they were equal, but the beast didn't have the ability to think complex thoughts and all its attacks were straightforward, giving the original vampire a chance to outsmart it and kill it.

But he didn't come out of this clash undamaged, it's said that there was a deep claw mark on his chest from a strike from the beast that all most killed him.

As one coven of witches managed to create, a beast that could rival the original vampire, it would stand to reason another coven could as well, and with how many covens would be present in the world at least one of their creations would be able to kill the original vampire, and it would be true if any other coven managed to succeed in doing the ritual.

As days went by the witches' connection to aura began to weaken, which hindered them in performing any of the tasks they would usually be able to do.

The witches were now in a state of acceptance, they knew Aura itself was breaking its connection to them and taking away the power it had given them, leaving them completely vulnerable in their time of need.

It may not be obvious, but the aura of the world has its own consciousness, it can make its own decisions, and most dangerous of all it can hold a grudge.

And the action it took against the witches was clear proof of that, it was the second of three times that Aura has ever directly moved against someone.

After that everything happened as one would expect, he killed all the witched he could find, and even the ones he couldn't kill were too weak to do anything to him, and wouldn't live long enough to matter anyway.

His hunting of the witches took decades, during which he also created more and more vampires, and solidified his place as the strongest in the world.

The feeling of inferiority he first had was replaced with an overwhelming sense of pride and superiority, which lead to the contempt and total disregard he has for all life but his own.

He when on to commit numerous mass killings, for the fun of it throughout the years, from forcing his followers to kill off entire villages and towns in fits of boredom.

But he also didn't foresee that even though the aura of the world allowed his creation, he was but a tool to be used and disregarded, but he managed to defy his fate.

Seeing the horrors committed from its inaction, at the original vampire's creation, and its inability to interfere in the world on large scale, Aura itself decided to do what little it could do.

Aura couldn't really do much directly, but it did what it could, by degrading the mind of the original vampire."

"Degrading his mind? So he is currently not himself?" asked Damon