
Seeing the horrors committed from its inaction, at the original vampire's creation, and its inability to interfere in the world on large scale, Aura itself decided to do what little it could do.

Aura couldn't really do much directly, but it did what it could, by degrading the mind of the original vampire."

"Degrading his mind? So he is currently not himself?" asked Damon

"You could say that it was his punishment, he is currently just a mindless beast waiting to be unleashed."

"Well I guess he'll make his move when he feels like it." says Damon

"Well, I've told you everything you wanted to know, so hurry up and kill me already."

"Oh, I nearly forgot about you, thanks for all the info by the way."



Damon didn't hesitate, as he formed a fist and it connected to his hostage's head, blood and brain matter splattered all over the room as the force behind Damon's strike blasted his head open.

"No matter how things develop, it seems like I'll end up meeting him soon anyway, after all, Rose will become another original vampire soon anyway."

Turning around, Damon headed back upstairs blood still dripping from his fist, as he steps foot upstairs Damon is immediately questioned.

" What are we going to do?" asked Rosalie

"Why didn't you get the location of his hideout?" asked Kane

" Let's go kill them now." said Max

" Guys calm down, we aren't going to do anything right now, first of all, we are outnumbered severely."

" With such a disparity between numbers even though I would be fine some of you will surely die."

" We will wait for the baby to be born and Rose to become an original vampire, and when that happens, he will come to us and lose some of his army, so it will be much easier to kill him." Says Damon.

"For now let's enjoy the little peace we have, Bella you need to go home and talk to your father, even if you are ashamed to face him, the man deserves to know his daughter is alright."

" As for the rest of you, just do what you want but make sure you train your gifts since there will be an opportunity to use them on a larger scale soon."

( Three days later)

Damon, his pack, and Alice and Jasper were currently making their way through the forest, wearing what looked to be baseball gear.

" Remind me again why we're doing this." said Crystal

"It's about bonding as a pack." says Damon.

" Oh sure it is, it has nothing to do with the fact that you lost a Bet with Alice a while ago." says Max

" Whatever, Fine so I lost a bet with Alice, at least I can play baseball, what are you going to do, grow opposable thumbs to hold the bat?" asks Damon in a sarcastic manner.

"Hahahahaha." unable to hold back her laugh Alice laughs as she tries to cover her mouth but ultimately fails to muffle her laughter.

The others already accustom to the banter between the two just shakes their head.

"Ha, let's make a bet then, whoever wins can order the loser to do anything they want for the day." says Max

"Alright, we will be the captains, and whoseever team wins will be able to lord it over the other's head, and order the loser to do what they want or a day." says Damon.

"Deal." Max agrees immediately.

"I pick Kane." says Damon as quickly as possible.

"Ouch!" Damon says as he feels Rosalie pinch him on his side.

"I would pick you first love, but you can't play." says Damon

"Dammit, I pick Ocean." says Max.

"Why aren't I anyone's first pick?" asked Alice with a pout.

"I pick Joey." says Damon.

"I pick Bella." says Max.

"You're as transparent as always, you're going to try to use her to throw him off his game aren't you?" asked Damon.

"I have no such intention." says Max but the smile on his face says otherwise.

"Fine I pick Chris." says Damon

(A few minutes later)

The pack had reached an open area, Rosalie was the umpire as she sat in a fold-out chair watching as the two teams stood opposite each other.

Damon, Kane, Joey, Chris, and Angella were all on one team, while the other team consisted of Max, Bella, Ocean, Crystal, Alice, and Jasper.

Damon's team had one less member since Rosalie couldn't play, and they all agreed on this as it really wasn't a disadvantage for him.

"Remember you have to keep your strength at only a little higher than a human, that goes for the rest of you as well." says Max as he looks at Damon.

"Yeah, yeah, just call a side." says Damon as he flips a coin.

"Heads." Max shouts as Damon catches back the coin and reveals that is tails.

"Seems like my team gets to bat first." says Damon.

The teams disperse, as everyone gets into position.

The first person who steps up to bat was Kane, Max's team spread out as he took the furthest position back.

On the mound, the pitcher was Ocean.

looking at Kane standing in the batter's box, and Jasper playing catcher he decides to strike Kane out.

Taking a big step Ocean threw the ball as it shot forward straight down the middle.

Kane on the other hand stood looking as the ball passed him, finding its place in Jasper's mitt.


"Strike one." announces Rosalie.

Jasper throws back the ball to Ocean.

"Hahahahaha, seems like you couldn't see my pitch." says Ocean.

"...." Kane didn't respond.


"Strike two."

"Let's get this over with." says Ocean as he throws his third pitch.

Kane after letting the first two balls go past him suddenly moves for the third pitch, as his bat connects perfectly with the ball.


The ball was sent fly as Ocean stood silent as he watched the ball fly over his head