Chapter 46

Jiraiya marched at a deliberate pace. He didn't even pay much attention to the destruction that surrounded him. Walls of stone overtaken by glacial constructs. Fires as hot as the sun danced about, never managing to truly ignite the trees they were at the base of. Even an assortment of steel weapons lay about. It was a mess. Or, more accurately, it was a war. A war of one boy against himself.

When Naruto first proposed this training method, Jiraiya thought he was merely being philosophical. How else does one understand the question, "Can you beat a better version of yourself?" He simply didn't give it any more thought until he saw his godson fighting a Sage Mode shadow clone. He lost it, lectured the boy about his careless stupidity and arrogance. Sage Mode was his trump card for a reason, even an imperfect version provided such a massive increase in abilities, awareness, stamina, and durability that what Naruto was attempting was suicidal.

"Can you beat a better version of yourself?" was his only reply and the Toad Sage wondered if the boy had been knocked around too much or completely gone around the bend. Until the Sannin really considered the conundrum. At that point, Naruto was amassing a great deal of skill and power. His body was maturing, his chakra manipulation was expanding and refining even more than they had been. Jiraiya doubted he'd find too many people that could simply outpower the Uzumaki Jinchuuriki.

But strength isn't everything. Rely too much on it and you'll be at a loss for when it fails you, when it turns out not to be enough. By fighting a categorically better version of himself, Naruto couldn't simply rely on his advantages. He had to get creative, use cunning and misdirection. He had to fight like a ninja. That level of consideration surprised Jiraiya. He knew his godson wasn't stupid, far from it but he often ignored the similarities between Hiruzen and red haired container. He'd also never voice the comparison. Improved he may have been, Naruto was still an Uzumaki and they were volatile people.

"I almost had him, Pervy Sage," Naruto said between breaths. Jiraiya rolled his eyes as he picked his godson up and put him over his shoulder.

"Yea, you did. But what happens if you actually manage to beat the clone?"

"Weep for I will have no more lands to conquer, obviously."

"Yes, quite obvious. Let's see how smart that mouth is when Shizune sees you," Jiraiya said.

"What? You're taking me home, I don't need a hospital. Don't be a dick."

"I could just take you home but it'd cost you."

"Are you blackmailing me?" Naruto asked in disbelief. Jiraiya laughed as he moved through the training grounds.


"Whatever leverage you have ends in like twenty minutes," Naruto pointed out. He was going to recover fast and the clone hadn't hurt him that bad. The only threat Jiraiya had was Shizune and Saito-san's reaction when Naruto walked him into the hospital. But he could endure that and then kick Jiraiya's ass later. Hell, he could just heal now but Kurama requested he not be bothered with, "petty nonsense from his idiot container."

"You're right but there is one thing you haven't considered. Everyone will think I did this to you. Almost no one knows that's laughable so they'll write it off. If I tell Shizune you did this to yourself she'll throw an absolute fit and won't let you leave for the rest of the day."

"I can freaking teleport."

"Uh-huh, and have your surrogate sister worry? Nope. That's your weakness, kiddo, and I'm exploiting it for my own gain."

"I hope it's worth the ass-kicking you're going to get for this later, 'ttebayo."

"Now, now, no need for hard words. I just told Tsunade that Orochi and you would join us for dinner is all. And of course, she couldn't pass up seeing the two love birds in the wild."

"Are you scamming a double date off me?" Naruto asked in further disbelief.

"Hehehe, by hook or by crook."

"Fine, I'll ask Orochi-chan but you better be glad you're actually not a shit godfather or sensei. If you hadn't really trained me I'd let your ass twist in the wind."

An hour later Naruto arrived at Orochimaru's, wanting to leave enough time to convince her should it be required. Two short knocks and he was greeted with the visage his girlfriend in a scarlet robe. Wordlessly she led the Uzumaki to her kitchen, where she'd been enjoying some tea and a quiet morning. Kabuto was already at the hospital, leaving her to bask in her solitude, not that she minded seeing her Maelstrom. Naruto took a seat as Orochimaru retrieved another cup.

"What brings you by so early, Naruto-kun?"

"Oh, I would love to say I was guided by nothing but the spirit of romance but I am here to request a favor."

"A favor?" Orochimaru asked, pouring tea into the cup.

"Yup. I saw favor as you may be inclined to say no but I am hoping my being in your debt will entice you to my cause."

"I am certainly intrigued," she said, leaving the cup on the counter and swaying seductively. Reaching his seat, she straddles her lover, yellow eyes looking intently. "And for this favor I can ask you anything I want in return?" His nod brings a smile to her lips and she gently starts to grind into him. She'd likely had done whatever he was going to ask but the timing was perfect. They'd been together for a little over a month now and while some may think this next step was a bit fast, it was always going to happen. That he wouldn't be in a position to refuse her made it all the better.

Naruto was lost in the sensation, briefly forgetting why he was there in the first place. He got over the short term loss of his executive function, but it almost slipped again when he felt her nibble his ear. He resolved himself to stay focus and not do what it is he really wanted to and what her kitchen table looked sturdy enough to handle.

"Jiraiya wants us to go to dinner with him tonight so Tsunade-obachan will."

"Kukuku, is that all?" she asked, increasing the pace of her grinding

"And you have to be nice."

"Hmm, so that's the real favor."

Naruto chuckled, "Yea."

Orochimaru pulled back and looked into Naruto's eyes. "Fine, I will go to dinner and be halfway decent to that miserable toad. And since I have agreed you wouldn't mind me cashing in right now would you?"

"No," Naruto said, proud he'd kept his voice from quivering. He felt her grab his hand, that had been resting on her thigh. She intertwined her hand into his, a sinister smile on her face. Naruto watched as a small white snake wrapped around his wrist. He looked into her eyes, his confusion evident. Her smile only widened.

"Manda wants to talk to you," was the last thing he heard before he felt the pull of a being summoned. Once the smoke cleared, Naruto found himself dumbfounded and half-erect being glared at by a purple people eater.

'Oh, she's getting it so hard when I get back,' was Naruto's thought determined to really test the strength of her bed frame. Realizing the large snake wasn't going to say anything Naruto concluded he had to initiate things.



Kakashi stood perfectly still in front of the memorial stone. It was early yet and with his team departed on an escort mission, he had a lot of time to himself. Some assumed he came to this stone to ruminate over his past or even excoriate himself in an attempt to alleviate his survivor's guilt. For a while, that had been exactly why he spent so much time in front of the tribute to the fallen. But not anymore and not for several years. With all humility, Kakashi knew he was the premiere ninja of Konoha during the time the Sannin had left. He found it oddly fitting but not for any laudatory reasons.

Like the village, Kakashi had lost his way after Minato-sensei's death. He sank into "duty" while not fulfilling his true duty, to what remained of his sensei's legacy. By the time he pulled himself together, the Sandaime forbade him to be directly involved in Naruto's life. So he watched, doing what little he could while acting as a silent guardian.

He watched as the young boy developed and was filled with a greater sense of pride than anything before. He saw him fight through the hate and isolation, staying focused on a goal. When Kakashi summoned Pakkun in front of a seven year old Naruto he'd hoped the boy would try, he'd done the hand signs slowly while calling them out for that exact purpose. He assumed Naruto would be aligned with the toads and they'd take care of him. Not a perfect plan but it worked and Naruto got a measure of happiness because of his connection to the panthers.

As Kakashi read over the names of the fallen, he would often contemplate Konoha; as a symbol, a location, and a people. Danzo fetishized the location, he cared little for the people and did not believe in the will of fire. The Sandaime fetishized the people, overlooking their faults while basking in their praise. He had no doubts that Minato-sensei sacrificed everything for all three. Kakashi didn't know if he felt the same. He'd seen these people disregard his Sensei while having the temerity to praise him. It was galling.

"Deep in thought, Kakashi-kun?" asked an aged voice from behind.

"No more than usual, Sandaime-sama."

"Uncover any great truths?"

"I try but they seem to elude me."

"I understand, ma' boy. I understand. Change is the only constant and yet even the nature of change is in flux. Just three years ago, if I requested a ninja's audience I received it without question. Now? They feel free to ignore me or come at their leisure. It's somewhat jarring to grow accustomed to," Hiruzen moved toward Kakashi, standing right beside him as he finished.

"I have been very busy, Sandaime-sama."

"Yes, I see," the former Hokage observed, dryly. "I do not blame you for not wishing to be in my presence. I strained our relationship, or more accurately, your trust in me. I regret it, Kakashi. I regret a lot of things and I fear I will never be able to truly make amends."

"You owe me nothing, Sandaime-sama," Kakashi said. It wasn't the truth but the Hatake didn't want to be on the man's apology tour. He abused his authority and there was nothing to be said beyond that.

"At the very least, I owe you an apology. I am sorry for a great many things but keeping you away from Naruto was a mistake. I see it now more than ever."

'Ah,' Kakashi thought. It always led back to Orochimaru.

"By keeping you and others away from Naruto, by alienating him I left him vulnerable to Orochimaru's machinations. Support, acknowledgment, family, and even the chance at love. She's offered all of it to him and of course, he wouldn't turn it down."

"Maybe she's sincere," Kakashi observed.

"Doubtful. She may have a fully matured Sharingan implant, hiding it under an advanced contact lens. Who's to say she won't try to release the Kyuubi from Naruto or control him in some way?"

"There has only been one report and one legend of a single Uchiha controlling the Kyuubi."

"Yes, Madara. The man alleged to be behind Minato and Kushina's death. I have it on good authority that man is likely dead and has been for three years now. He would be who Orochimaru got the Sharingan from."

"Why are you telling me this now? And does Tsunade-sama know?"

"Because I had another plan in the works but I am considering abandoning it. It's likely she's aware of it anyway, I've been five steps behind her since well before her return. I fear for Naruto's safety and didn't think Jiraiya would allow him to enter a relationship with her."

"From my understanding, Jiraiya-sama doesn't allow Naruto to do anything."

"Unfortunate but you appear to be correct. This is why I need you, Kakashi. You aren't completely disinterested but are removed enough to have a different perspective."

"My perspective is you should leave it alone. Naruto can protect himself and if not, he has us."

"Why do you all assume that if she's planning something you'll have time to react? Or Naruto will even be whole for a rescue to be possible?" He knew his former grandson was strong, watching the young man train Tsunade was evidence enough. But Orochimaru was different and could not be underestimated.

"Have you tried forgoing the games and just speaking directly and plainly to Naruto? Sure, he might tell you to stuff it but he's not a petulant child, he won't let his feelings outweigh sound advice. If that doesn't work and you're sure she's a threat to Naruto and subsequently the village then flip a coin and kill one of them."

"That's not funny, Kakashi."

"I'm not joking. If you truly believe she's a threat, if there is nothing else motivating you then neutralize the threat. Sometimes the most heroic thing you can do will appear villainous. Remember when you told me that?"

"I do."

"Because the village came before everything. Not even my loyalty to Minato-sensei was an excuse to jeopardize it, risk conflict with Kumo or Iwa. It was for the village. Just know, wherever you land on that, I'll be on Naruto's side. I've been manipulated by you enough for a lifetime. Ja ne," Kakashi said before disappearing via a shunshin.