Chapter 47

"So the guy says, "Lady, that's not a soap dispenser," Naruto finished and watched as Manda laughed. The two had been breaking the ice. Naruto was glad the snake wasn't as nakedly hostile as the stories made it appear. Even if Gamabunta considered him something of a savage he respected his power.

"Alright, boy, I'm sure you know why you're here."

"Seeing if I'm worthy of Orochi-chan?"

"Yes. I won't let what happened with Hiruzen happen again. He threw her away like a used whore just to save face. I need to know your intentions, Naruto."

Naruto felt flushed and embarrassed at the question. He knew his intentions, he had a plan but just confessing to her giant snake daddy felt weird. And uncool. And awkward. But he couldn't allow his reluctance to be read as dishonesty so Naruto answered.

"I care about her, Manda-sama. I don't know what the future entails but whatever it is I'd like to have her in my life. She's… precious," 'Ugh, so lame,' "to me and I only want the best for her."

"Alright, kid. Geez, didn't Bagheera teach you to keep a tighter rein on your emotions?" the Snake Boss asked. Naruto had to fight down his annoyance, wondering if he were simply being trolled. "I won't be eating you today but I will keep watch. You start to look like that old Monkey and you'll deal with me."

"I am nothing like the Old Man, believe it!"

"We shall see. But as of now, you have my blessing to court Orochi-chan properly. But if you ever have kids they have to be Snake Summoners, not Toad."

"Wha… Ok. What about the panthers? Granny Bast made it a clan contract with the Uzumaki?"

"That's fine, you just keep that cutthroat pussycat away from me," Manda ordered. Naruto nodded in agreement and felt the same little snake wrap around his wrist, transporting him back to Orochi's kitchen. She was at her counter preparing to chop something, making a late breakfast. Naruto approached her and while she knew, the Sannin never turned around nor acknowledged his return. Not even when she felt his arms around her waist.

"That wasn't very nice, 'ttebayo," he whispered.

"I have never claimed to be nice, Naruto-kun," she responded continuing her prep work, even as she felt his hands slide into her robe.

"But you can be. Sweet even. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," Naruto responded.

"Mhmm," Orochi moaned, one of Naruto's hands traveled north and the other headed, at a teasingly slow pace, south. "Good. If these people think they don't have to fear me they may try to hold actual conversations with me." Naruto laughed but said nothing else, bantering being far from his mind. Orochi agreed, having been still turned on from previously.

As she felt her former student preparing to take her from behind, Orochimaru was internally pleased. Just a few short weeks ago he would not have done this. He was shy or uncomfortable about sex, more overly respectful. She didn't know why; maybe her history with Hiruzen or Naruto not wanting her to feel used but she had to rid him of it. One of the things she adored about him was his passion and she'd accept nothing less in that aspect of their lives. A gentleman in the sheets benefitted no one.

He learned quickly, to both their benefits. And as a small gasp escaped her lips upon being entered, she was pleased. Clearly, Manda had, to some extent, accepted Naruto so she wouldn't have to worry about that any longer. Maybe Manda would start behaving normally again. She gripped the counter tightly as Naruto increased his pace, reveling in the sensation and the sounds he was making. He might be aiming for a quickie in the kitchen but she knew better. They'd be in her bed shortly, hours having gone by in a blink of an eye.

Orochi frowned when she felt Naruto pull out. She wasn't given time to voice her displeasure as she felt herself turned around and hoisted into the air. With practiced ease, she adjusted to the position change, kissing her lover deeply as she rolled her hips.

"Maybe you should create a clone so we can finish this upstairs," she suggested and Naruto complied. She giggled at the annoyed face the clone made. The silent protest of having to cook while the original was so obvious he may as well have shouted it. Playfully she blew the clone a kiss and winked as she was carried off. She wouldn't know immediately but it was possible that another step of her plan would be completed today. If not, it wouldn't be due to lack of effort.

It was just as she said, hours seemingly passed in a blink of an eye. Now, as her head lay on his chest, raising and lowering gently with each breathe, she takes a moment to regard him. He'd changed so much over their time apart, having lost much of the roundness in his face but still retaining some softness. She also noticed that he seemed to be somewhere else mentally. His look wasn't one of worry but preoccupation. As if he could tell he was being watched, he looked down and smiled brightly at her.

"Sorry, lost in thought," he said.

"I hope I'm not boring you already, Naruto-kun."

"Never," was his response.

"Then what were you thinking about?" she asked.

Naruto squashed the impulse to lie and say 'nothing,". It felt wrong and he didn't want to hide things but he also didn't want to burden her with his concerns so he went for a change in topic.

"Have you considered starting on another subelement?" It didn't take a genius to see his dodge but she would allow it for now.

"In the abstract, yes. The magnet release isn't exactly easy but is more than battle ready, as far as how I plan to use it. Do you have some thoughts?" she inquired and Naruto nodded.

"If you're comfortable with jiton then koton might be an easier step as its something of a continuation."

"As opposed to a wholly different two element combination?" It surprised her that Naruto thought adding a third element into a manipulation would be easier but he would have the experience. "How should I start?"

Naruto chuckled as he could hear the excitement in her voice. He wouldn't blame her. Pushing his chakra to do as much as it could, the joy of a new development had been a solace to him for much of his life. And every new development just inspired him to top it, to try to do more.

"Do you have some iron sand on you?" The Uzumaki watched as a seal glowed on her left arm and a clump of iron sand emerged on her palm. "Start spinning it, slowly." The Snake Sannin did just that. Her eyes widened slightly as she witnessed Naruto's hands be engulfed in golden chakra. She channeled chakra into the contact lens covering her Sharingan eye, wanting to remember this in perfect detail. As Naruto placed his hand under hers, she felt it warm as this potent, pure filling chakra was being transferred to her. The iron sand began to solidify into one mass and change into a blob of steel.

"Now you have to think of an object. The more familiar you are with the object, the easier the manipulation," Naruto said. Orochimaru considered what she'd like and quickly came to a conclusion. Instantly, she watched as the mass above her hand started to lengthen.

In almost no time what was once sand was now a handleless Dao sword, the blade a little wider than a katana and the curve more gentle. But she also felt it, the change from jiton to koton and despite what Naruto said it was incredibly complex. But it also felt like once learned, the shape manipulation felt more natural. Almost like earth, if it wanted to be something else.

She considered the exchange, her vast intellect more focused on why Naruto would suggest koton than on how to mimic what she'd just experienced. She was cognitively diverse, or what some might call a high functioning sociopath. She didn't process emotions like everyone but she forced herself to understand them. His far off gaze, his changing of the subject and now the koton led her to one conclusion, he was worried.

"That didn't feel that straight forward, Naruto-kun."

"Yea, it isn't easy but I managed it and I'm not a genius nor the strongest of a legendary trio."

"You flatter me but I doubt I'd have enough time to get a handle on koton, certainly not enough time to learn the [Impervious Armor Jutsu] you're looking to teach me," she said. She paid no attention to the surprise on his face, placing the newly created sword on her dresser. Only once she returned did she speak again.

"You don't have to concern yourself with Ay. The lightning armor is formidable but all jutsu have a weakness. Though, covering myself in high conductive material would seem like a really bad idea."

"The lightning armor trades the conductive and piercing power of raiton for increased strength, speed and near perfect protection of the user's body. Unless one wielding it intentionally tries, it won't really shock nor pierce you. If that weren't the case, the lightning could be forced to divert to various conductive sources making the user lose control."

"Unless you and Ay are on much better terms than I realized, there is only one way you could know that much about the lightning armor. No wonder Tsunade's been so smug, hinting at you teaching her something special. Does your girlfriend not deserve such a magnificent jutsu, Naruto-kun?" Orochi asked, finishing with a pout.

"I thought you were my rival?"

"I happen to be naked so right now I am no such thing."

"And if you walk around like that all the time then I guess we'll never be rivals."

Orochimaru put one hand on her chest and another on her forehead in mock horry. "Think of the scandal, Naruto-kun. What about my virtue?" He didn't fight back the laugh motivated by his girlfriend's antics. Once his fit was over he did make one minor correction.

"I'm not teaching Oba-chan the lightning armor, I'm teaching her how to beat it. There is a lesser but more flexible derivative jutsu called [Lightning Style: Overdrive] and I did show her that."

"Hmm, well I guess that's ok," Orochi responded knowing about that jutsu herself. It would be absolutely destructive in Tsunade's hands and the Snake Sannin was looking forward to their next spar. With the grace befitting her years of experience, Orochimaru slide over Naruto and straddled him. She looked deeply into his eyes and reiterated her initial point, "You don't have to fear for my safety. I am well equipped to fight the Raikage."

"I believe you," Naruto started before pausing and collecting his thoughts. "I don't fear Ay but I also don't understand him. What does he want? Why do this now? It can't just be what Rasa sent, can it?"

"No," she reassured him, "at most you'd simply be an excuse. It also doesn't surprise me you can't understand him, I have a theory and if I'm right, it isn't a conclusion you'd reach, it just isn't like you."

"What do you mean?"

"You look at the state of the shinobi villages and you see peace. Not perfect but peace all the same and you can't see why anyone would want to upset that, sacrifice lives for a tolerable status quo. But that is the thinking of someone that believes in the Will of Fire, of the very ideas underpinning the creation of Konoha. You have to remember, Hashirama-sama and Madara created Konoha to stop the senseless deaths, of sending children to battle after battle. Every other village was created in response and out of fear of the Senju-Uchiha alliance.

Even if some find it tolerable now, they were forced to change because of Konoha's mere existence. And ever since then, any attempt to radically change that, each Shinobi war, Konoha's involvement resulted in the protection of the order it necessitated. During my time away, I started to see Konoha as this stagnate force that was keeping a lid on progress. Ay may feel the same way. Winning outright may not even be his aim. He could, simply, want to cripple the Leaf for a generation or two so Kumo has the ability to set the course for the future."

"It's not worth it," Naruto said.

"Maybe, maybe not but has understanding him changed anything?"

"Not really."

"Don't be a hero, Naruto-kun," Orochimaru said. "If war does come, don't be a fool and be merciful to your enemies. Maybe they aren't at fault, simply loyal to a cretin but that's their problem. You have responsibilities to your clan, to your friends and to me to come home in one piece. Don't let Jiraiya's silly ideology shorten your life. Kumo won't care, won't be swayed by your sacrifice. Fight with your full power. Promise me," she requested. She knew what she was doing by forcing this promise on him but she needed to know he would be selfish and prioritize his happiness. Maybe the shinobi world needed a hero but it'd have to find someone else. He was hers. Hers and no one else's.

"There are times for mercy, Orochi-chan. There are things worth sacrificing yourself for. My clan, my friends, you. I can't promise to never do that but I do promise to always do my best to come home. I won't pursue a fool's peace and if the worst happens and Kumo calls for war, I'll give them all they can handle and then some, 'ttebayo."

"That'll do, for now," she said and was awarded a face splitting grin. "I do have one more question; that golden chakra was that-,"

"The Kyuubi? Yea. We're totally buds now."

"Oh, and that's why it isn't so malicious?"

"Yup," Naruto was cut off by the sound of a distinctive knock, "And I would love to explain how but Oba-chan is here so I need to go get ready," Naruto said. As he grabbed his clothes he gave her a quick peck and teleported to his room.

"Nice ass, Uzumaki," an unwanted guest said. Naruto turned around, hands darting toward his groin.

"What the hell, Karin-chan! Why are you in my room, 'ttebayo?"

"Some guy dropped off Jiraiya-sama and your suits. I was hanging it up because I'm a wonderful cousin. I wasn't expecting a show."

"And you're still not getting one!"

"Then you're going to need to larger hands." Naruto's face started to match his hair.

"Get out, dattebayo!"

"Fine, geez." Karin exited and Naruto ran into his private bathroom, bemoaning that his father probably never had to deal with stuff like this.


The double date went well… for the most part. Keeping to her word, Orochi was nice to Jiraiya. It was the other patrons not used to seeing the Snake Sannin in something as slinky as a black cocktail dress that were causing a problem. Though, when she casually mentioned anyone looking to keep their eyes should keep them off her that changed. And Jiraiya, meeting her half way, was respectful as well. He even managed not to complete disassemble when Orochi mentioned Naruto meeting Manda.

It was a lovely evening, filled with good company, food and copious amounts of alcohol for Tsunade and Jiraiya. As the foursome vacated the Platinum Lotus, one of the finest restaurants in Konoha, Naruto chose to walk Orochi home and Jiraiya did the same for Tsunade. It had been mostly silent between the two Sannin, their walk illuminated by the starlit sky. It wasn't tense but it wasn't a companionable silence either. The two had so much unsaid between them and with more life behind them than in front they each wondered if that would ever change.

Tsunade tugged at Jiraiya's black suit jacket. The garment hanging off her shoulders to combat some of the briskness of the night air. "I know you convinced Naruto to come along so I would agree with this after you asked me."

Jiraiya grinned, "I had no doubt. Still, I think it was worth it."

"It was fun. I could certainly use more of that."

"Heavy is the head," Jiraiya said, not finishing the quote. Tsunade nodded.

"I knew it would be but Sensei couldn't continue on and you wouldn't have taken the chair so that left me. A position I never wanted, living someone else's dream."

"Sometimes that's all we can do for the dead. I wonder what Minato would say. If I'd redeemed myself over the last three years, if he'd forgive me."

"You really did love him like a son," Tsunade observed.

"I did. I never got it, how you could leave. How we all seemed to rate so much lower. Not until Minato did I really understand the hopelessness of seeing your future taken away. It wasn't that you didn't care about us, you just couldn't see a path forward and I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you."

"I am, too, Jiraiya. I knew how you felt, I should have reached out. Who knows how things could have been different." Nothing else was said for the rest of the walk, not until they reached Tsunade's doorstep.

"Tonight was fun, we should do it again sometime," Jiraiya said.

"Yea, I wouldn't mind that," Tsunade responded, handing her former teammate his suit jacket. They bid each other goodnight and Jiraiya made his way home, feeling more hopeful about certain aspects of his life than he had in some time.

Like Tsunade, Orochimaru was also sporting a suit jacket around her shoulders. Naruto's charcoal grey sharkskin jacket fitting a little better on her than Jiraiya's on Tsunade. As they neared Orochi's manor, the proximity between the two became closer. Accidental brushes of the arm or hand grew in commonality. The accidental became intentional as Naruto wrapped his arm around the Sannin's waist, stealing a kiss under the streetlight.

"You staying tonight?" she asked.

"You're not sick of me, yet?" he inquired, cheekily.

"I'm just as surprised as you," Orochi responded. Knowing he'd been one upped, he retaliated with another kiss. It was meant to be quick but transitioned into something else entirely. Not wanting to waste time, the two shunshin'd to Orochi's.

Naruto pulled her into another kiss, her back against the door. On separate he whispered, "Someone's here," she nodded having sensed a presence as well and had a better than good idea of who it might be. Wordlessly, Naruto departed and Orochi straightened herself up before she entered her home. Strutting to the location of her intruder, she saw her sensei sitting in a chair with a beaten and restrained Kabuto beside him.

"Why are you here?" she asked, forgoing any hint of game playing.

"Before I answer that, why doesn't Naruto drop the genjutsu and join us. There won't be any need for an assassin's strike under the cover of darkness." Instantly, several shimmers appeared and it was revealed that Naruto had snuck in three shadow clones along with himself. "Hmm, I counted only two shadow clones, I really must be slipping."

"You can ruminate about your monumental decline elsewhere, what do you want?"

"To put an end to this war of ours, Orochimaru. To reach some sort of ceasefire before things escalate to a point where there is only one option, you try to kill me or I try to kill you."

The Snake Sannin was shocked by this, assuming her sensei would never give up trying to entrap her. But he was right, there weren't many more places to go before they had to try to kill one another. A part of her would love to see him dead after having been brought low and thoroughly shamed. It would be a fitting conclusion to their tale.

Not for the affair. She wouldn't deny she had some affection for the man and respected him as a ninja but compared to Naruto, Hiruzen was just a cure for her boredom. She also didn't care about the abortion, having a child wasn't in her career plans at the time and she'd seen his other kids, they were hardly impressive.

No, the burning hatred she had for Hiruzen Sarutobi rested on one thing, to save his marriage he spun a tale about his seductress of a student who used her wiles to secure her selection as the next Hokage. This ensured he wouldn't, for any reason, ever allow her to replace him. He killed her dream, all to avoid the consequences of his actions. She often, bitterly, thought that was the best Hiruzen had ever fucked her. So, she harmed his precious family, spat on his Will of Fire and made him eat seeing her as his "favorite student,".

But she didn't need that anymore. She'd won. He'd departed in scandal and shame and more importantly, she had Naruto and continuing to one up her sensei could jeopardize that. And whatever upheaval may happen outside the village, she needed things to remain stable here for the immediate future. She'd won. It was a total victory. She decided to sit down and hear the defeated man out.

As Hiruzen began to share the details of why Kabuto was beaten up, neither the Sandaime nor Orochimaru were paying much attention to Naruto. He was remaining silent but they simply could not hear the most important conversation happening in the room.

"The Old Man lies. I can sense his duplicity as if it were a tenth tail, Naruto."

"Thanks, Kurama. If he endagers her, I know I'll lose Konohamaru and maybe even Kurenai-sensei but I'll erase him."

"Even now, the prospect doesn't please you?"

"I never truly wanted the Old Man dead, just to either do better or get out of the way. And, as much as I hate it, I can't completely forget about how he was when I was younger. I was so angry back then, I could have become someone you could have never respected. That has to count for something. But my gratitude has limits and he's long crossed them."

"What's the plan?" Kurama asked. He could do very little for his friend. He knew Naruto was telling the truth, wishing the aged monkey would stop with his meddling.

"I don't know. I really don't know."