Chapter 9 – Gathering Information

Arturia was escorted to the library by Reinhard. He taught Arturia about how to read each character with extraordinary easy explanations which made Arturia understand them in a matter of minutes. Maybe her new body has that high-spec, but naturally, Reinhard's way to teach her is having a big influence.

When the sun has come out from the horizon, around 2 hours into studying, Arturia's stomach rumbled. She was hungry, she forgot to eat anything yesterday because she had a long day. Reinhard who heard the rumbling that came from Arturia's stomach has a look of realization.

How did he forget about a simple thing such as a meal? He quickly stood up from the chair that he used to sit in when he taught Arturia and said.

"I will ask the cook to make us something. I am sorry that I forgot about the breakfast. How do you like your meal, Milady?"

Arturia looked at Reinhard with a shy face and said. "Something that could fill my stomach is enough. I have no preference in food."

Reinhard nodded his head and said. "I will bring the food immediately, Milady. Please just wait here."

He turned around and walked away. But before he left the room, Arturia stopped her.

"Ah, Sir Reinhard!"

Reinhard stopped on his track and turned to look at Arturia. "Yes?"

Arturia with a fidgeting finger looked shyly at Reinhard and said. "Um, please bring a lot of it. I… have a rather big appetite."

Reinhard was smiling as he looked at Arturia. "Certainly, as your command."

He turned around once again and leave the room.

Arturia who was left alone in the library was back to her book. She had noted all word that was used to write in this world, and she understand all of them. She thought that it was time to find more information about this world.

That's why Arturia stood from her seat and tried to find a drawing book or story for children. The reason why she started with a story for children is simply that she need to know about the basics first before she went to the complicated one.

Children's book was made to make it easier for children to understand the information within the book. It was perfect for Arturia who don't know about anything in this world.

After walking through a shelf of books, Arturia finally found a book. She read the title and it said 'Covenant with Dragon Volcanica'. The book made her curious, especially because Dragon was involved.

Dragons are considered as the pinnacle of Phantasmal Species in her favorite work. Is the dragon in this world also considered the apex of the species? Is it strong? She is curious about it.

Arturia herself has a dragon heart that acted as her core, pumping mana inside her body. That's why she's interested in the dragon that made a covenant with this kingdom.

She walked back to her seat and opened the book. It was a children's story, but it has nothing similar to a drawing. It's a bit bland to be a children's story, but it was enough for Arturia.

The book was about a kind dragon, the dragon that helped to slay the rampaging Witch of Envy roughly four hundred years ago with the help of the great sage Flugel, his apprentice Shaula, and the first sword saint Reid Astrea.

Arturia was surprised when she read the name Astrea in the book, as it was the family name of her knight. So she managed to get support from a famous person, or at least a person from a famous family. She was happy that Reinhard decided to become her knight, but it was now a burden for her to take.

If she has a famous and strong knight, then she must be worthy to be his King. She decided, she will do her best to become a proper King. She remembered one of Arturia Lily's abilities, Journey of the Flowers. A blessing for the Princess Knight who began walking on the path to be a king.

She could feel herself getting filled with hope as soon as she accepted Reinhard's vow. She wanted to answer his vow, and she will do it.

Although she didn't know anything, she believes in her knight. She believes that he will help her in her need, that's why Arturia wasn't worried about anything, for now.

Arturia closed the book and placed it back on its shelf. She began searching for the next book that she thought was important knowledge. An introduction of magic. She managed to find it almost immediately, near the shelf of the Covenant with Dragon Volcanica.

She read the book, and to her surprise, the magic system is different from what she used. It was similar but different. They gathered the mana from the environment, not using the mana from their own body.

All this time, Arturia utilized the mana inside her body, the mana that she got from the environment and stored inside her body. While the magus or they call it Magician in this world was using the mana from the environment directly.

They need something called Gate to be opened in their body. It was called Gate for some reason, but it allow mana to pass through the body and be stored in the Od.

Now, this confused Arturia further. The Od that she know was similar to Od described in this world. But, using Od in this world is like using your own lifespan, according to the book.

Mana in this world originated from Od Laguna, the world's Od. So, all of it was similar to what she know from Fate, but the way they work is different. Od Laguna is something like Ley lines according to her understanding, while Od is the same as Od that she knew.

Mana is the same, but it works differently. While the Magus used Magical Circuits to circulate Mana in their body, they were using Gate in this world.

Understanding the basic principle of how magic works, Arturia put the book back on the shelf.

At that time, the door of the library was opened and Reinhard brought trays with his hands and said.

"Let's rest and have breakfast, Milady."

Arturia looked back at Reinhard and smiled. "I've been waiting for it."


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