Chapter 10 – Walking Around

They had a meal together and Reinhard was surprised by Arturia's appetite. As she said, she had a really big appetite, she even asked for more after she finished her meal.

After their meal was over, Reinhard excused himself because he needs to report about Arturia's candidacy to the Sage Council as well as pick her insignia at the castle. He left a message telling Arturia could do as she please in the mansion, or she could also go take a walk around the capital.

The reason why Reinhard was not worried about her was because he saw her strength. That's why he believed that Arturia could protect herself in the capital city.

Arturia was grateful to Reinhard because he took care of her daily need. Not only that, he didn't restrict her movement as the usual retainer does.

She went to the city after Reinhard left the mansion. She brought her sword with her, but she didn't wear her armor because it was too conspicuous. There is also another reason why she went to the city.

She was worried about the girl and the big guy named Rom from yesterday. Because she accepted Reinhard's offer to become a king, she wanted to look at the situation of the slum from yesterday.

It was something that she cannot accept. A slum in the capital is a sign of poverty, she wanted to erase it. From what she learned from the book with Reinhard, this kingdom is named Lugnica. It was one of the major 4 power in the world.

She cannot believe that one of the major power still has slums in its capital city. In the quiet street of the slum, Arturia walked towards the house that she destroyed yesterday.

The 3 gold coins from Reinhard were still in her pocket, she didn't know how much the coin actually is, but she at least wanted to give some of it to the big guy named Rom yesterday as her apology for destroying the house.

She arrived at the house from yesterday and saw Rom and the blonde girl from yesterday were fixing the house with woods. The girl was on the roof and fixing it while Rom was lifting a block of wood and blocking the destroyed wall with it.

Arturia approached them and greeted them. "Good afternoon."

The two of them were looking at Arturia when they heard her greeting. Rom was looking at her cautiously when he saw her sword, while the girl on the roof was smiled and jumped down.

"Oh! You are from yesterday! Thank you for saving old man Rom!" She ran towards Arturia and bowed her head a little.

When Rom heard the girl, he lowered his guard and approached Arturia.

"So you were the one that Felt talked about, thank you for saving me, missy." Said Rom as he smiled.

Arturia was surprised when she saw Rom up close. He's huge, around 2,5 to 3 meters tall. She needs to look up to see his face.

She smiled and looked at Rom straight into his eyes. "It's no problem, just doing my job as a knight. More importantly, I destroyed your house and I am here to apologize for that."

Rom and the girl, that he called Felt, blinked their eyes repeatedly and laughed. Arturia didn't understand why they laughed, so she just stood there surprised.

"Hahaha, Missy. You don't need to apologize for that. It's an almost daily occurrence in this part of the city, so we are used to fixing the house periodically." Said Rom as he held his stomach to stop his laugher.

"That's right, miss! Although I'm a thief, I am someone who knows gratitude. I won't forget that you saved us along with Reinhard and that boy with sharp eyes from before. So you don't need to apologize to us."

Arturia smiled at them and said. "Then it's good. By the way, allow me to help you fix the house. I am inexperienced, but I can cut the wood very well." She showed her bicep which of course has no muscle in it because of her tiny body.

Her body can't grow anymore as she's now Arturia Lily, the wielder of Caliburn. As the wielder of Caliburn, she's immortal. Her growth stopped at the time she wield the Caliburn because of its magic. She sometimes wondered if she's turned immortal after gaining Arturia Lily's body, but it turn out she is.

In truth, yesterday she was injured a little from her battle against Elsa, but she didn't mind it as it was just a bruise. This morning though, when she woke up from her sleep, the bruise was healed. So she confirmed the regenerative that the wielder of Caliburn had, and she became worried for her future.

She's just a young girl, not even twenty years old yet. She wanted to experience growth, but now she can't. But, she's glad too. Because she could maintain her beauty even after she turned old in the future. She remembered the scene where Arturia in the story pulled Caliburn from the stone and she remembered that Merlin said something to Arturia. But, she forgot that something.

She knows the Code of Chivalry, and she remembered the part about murder.

'Murder is the same as killing right? Or am I mistaken about something? I told Reinhard that I can't kill, but I just said it because I am still afraid of taking the lives of others.' Thought Arturia.

She was thinking a lot of things, but she need to help the two people in front of her right now.

Rom laughed once again and said. "I know that you can cut well, Missy! But really, you don't need to help us. We are fine with just the two of us."

Arturia was glad that the person in front of her is not as scary as he look. He's in fact a kind person in her definition, she smiled at Rom and said.

"Well, if you refuse my help then I can't do anything about it. I will leave for the city then. I am new to this capital city, so I would like someone to be my guide. Coincidentally, I have 3 gold coins in my pocket. I think I will have half of them as a reward for my guide." Said Arturia as she eyed Felt.

"Are you serious, Miss?" Shouted Felt as she smiled wide.

Rom understand why Arturia did it and just looked at Felt and Arturia with a smile. "Unfortunately, Missy. I can't guide you with my look. How about this Felt over here, she knows about the city more than me."

"What a coincidence, can you guide me, Felt?" Asked Arturia.

Felt looked at Rom for a second and saw him nodded his head, permitting her to guide Arturia. She then turned to look at Arturia and shouted.

"Leave it to me!" She put her right hand on top of her chest and smiled.

"Then I am counting on you, Felt." Answered Arturia with a smile.


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