Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 25 ("Norberta P2 / The Ravens Diadem / The Wolfs Den")

Strolling down the halls Harriet was alone as the twins left to go spring a prank while she spoke to hagrid about the apparent dragon he was hatching in his hut, a spring in her step as she walked by the flustered boys who were infatuated with her.

Smoke wafted away from the top of the chimney as Harriet walked up to the big heavy oak wood door, 3 heavy knocks followed as she waited painterly for Hagrid to respond as she absently noted the curtains were all drawn.

Hagrid: "Who is it?" Hagird's booming voice was muffled as he called out to the knocker.

Harriet: "It's me Hagrid!" She yelled out in response, a quick shuffling of cloths before a soft *thump thump thump* the door creaked open showing the large Half-giant man.

Hagrid: "Hello Harriet, how are yeh?" His body blocked the interior of his hut from her view, the heat-blasted out the open door even on this hot day.

Harriet: "I'm doing fine, Hagrid, How are you?" She asked with a chipper tone, she stared directly at Hagrid with a charming smile.

Hagrid: "I'm doin' fine, wan' ter come in?" He moved away from the door to allow her in, she nodded and moved into the hut as Hagrid closed the door behind her.

The hut was blazing hot on the inside as Hagrid grabbed his kettle and put it on to boil water for tea, he moved over to a counter to make food but stopped and turned around.

Hagrid: "Would yeh like some tea an' stoat sandwiches?" He offered her, she smiled and shook her head no as he turned around again and began making some sandwiches for himself.

Hagrid: "So wha' d'you need?" he idly asked as he went through the motions of making his sandwich.

Harriet: "I heard you had a Dragon egg?" He froze up quickly and turned around, surprise drawn across his face as his eyes whipped back and forth from the fire and her for but a few seconds before he sighed and went back to making a sandwich in silence.

He set down at the table and poured himself some tea, he looked back up at Harriet before he took a sip and got to talking.

Hagrid: "I've ben doin' some readin', Got this outta the library" he pulled out a book titled [Dragons, Breeding for Pleasure and Profit] and put it on the table sliding it slightly toward the young girl. "it's a bit outta date, o' course, but it's all in here. Keep the egg in the fire, 'cause their mothers breathe on 'em, see, an' when it hatches, feed it on a bucket o' brandy mixed with chicken blood every half hour!" He seems proud of his reading as she picked up the book and skimmed through it, quietly muttering the words out as she read them.

Harriet: "I see they have a section on how to tell different eggs apart, Hagrid, What egg do you have?" She appeared interested in the topic to hagrid but on the inside, she was amused.

Hagrid: "What I got there's a Norwegian Ridgeback. They're rare, them." He looked oh so pleased with himself, and judging by the date it was around the time for the egg to hatch!


A quiet crack sounded out over the roaring fire, causing Hagrid to snap his head to the hatching egg. He quickly got up and put on his mitts as the cracking increased in pace, walking to the small hanging pot the egg was in he grabbed it and put it on the table.

*Crack* *Crack*

Harriet had by now cleared the table for Hagrid as the cracking stopped as they watched the egg with bated breath, a scraping sound came before one loud *CRRRRACK* as the egg burst open with the shell pieces fell over the table.

Sprawled on the table was the baby dragon, cooed over by both Harriet and Hagrid, were Harriet the original Harry she might've thought it looked like a crumpled black umbrella! The Herasey! The baby struggle to get on its limbs before it sneezed out and a couple of sparks flew in the air.

Hagrid: "Isn't he beautiful?" his quiet voice was almost drowned out by the crackle of the fire, his hand reached out to stroke the hatchling's head only to get nipped at showing off the points fangs. "Bless him, look, he knows his mummy!"

Harriet: "Her, Hagrid, Her." She stood up and swooped at dragon into her arms as she soothed it with a rumbling coming from inside her as she lightly bounced around the room, the movement helping the hatchling to sleep. A small burp came from the dragon lightly singing Hagrid's beard.

Hagrid: "An' how d'you know tha'?" He quickly picked up the book and started going through it to find the chapter on Norwegian Ridgebacks, however, her words startled him as he couldn't understand the young girl treating the hatchling like a baby as it slept in her arms.

She moved around the room in a waltz-like pattern, quietly singing a song like a lullaby.

Harriet: "Dovahkiin~, Dovahkiin~, Naal~ ok~ zin~ los~ vahriin~." Hagrid was entranced as Harriet slowly moved around his hut and sang a song in a language he knows not, her long flowing robes painted an enchanting picture to him as she settled down in her seat at last with the Hatchling fully asleep.

Harriet: "Faal Pendragon family los dovahhe Hagrid." She smiled at hagrid as she spoke with a mix of the unknown language and English, It was at this point in time that Fou appeared by her shoulder with a Moeskin pouch.

Hagrid: "Wha' was tha' lass?" He looked confused as she grab the Moeskin pouch and moved to stand in front of a clear spot as she dumped out tressures onto the floor and place the sleeping Hatchling on the floor.

Harriet: "The Pendragon family are dragons Hagrid, each of our hearts beat in tune with our magic as they are hearts of Dragons." She got up from her crouched position lightly giving the head of the Hatchling one more rub before sitting in front of Hagrid. "What will you name her Hagrid?"

Hagrid contemplated the name for a couple of seconds before he settled on a name, "Norberta, I'll name her Norberta." Harriet smiled as Fou had disappeared with the pouch, "That's a lovely name for the hatchling Hagrid."


It was later that night that Fou could be seen on the 7th floor walking up and down a corridor before a door formed in the wall, the big doors opened for the small white creature. If one were to peer inside they would see mounds upon mounds of discarded items as this was "The Room of Hidden Things". The door closed shut behind him, fading back into the stone wall.

There were many things hidden in this room; Broken and damaged furniture though mostly chairs, tables, & various cabinets haphazardly stacked, Thousands and thousands of books either in tottering piles or in bookcases, Flying catapults nyoomed by Fou as he wandered through, A pile Fanged Frisbees, Old Chipped bottles of congealed potions and Corked bottles whose contents still shimmered evilly, Several weapons lying around half hazardously they were mostly swords though, A heavy bloodstained axe laid at the bottom of the pile, An enormous stuffed troll posed as if it was attacking, Hats, jewels (including a trunkful), and cloaks!

With all this stuff here it would be a nightmare to find whatever item you are after, yet as time passed Fou continued to meander down the paths that were clear of items. Fou continued to pass many items like a Banjo or old Broomsticks intact and broken alike.

He suddenly stopped mid-step, paw hanging in the air as his head whipped to his right. It was a pile of trunks and jewellery that had a sinister Arua around it, phasing through the pile he arrives inside a trunk just big enough for him to stand as he came face to face with Ravenclaws Diadem.

A quick bat from his paw bubbled it as a copy took its place after the original was sent away, and the familiar blue screen of his Menu faintly glowed in front of his face


'Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same.'

Fate controls so much of this world, Destiny has been hands-off letting Fate do its job. Perhaps it's time to fool Fate.

Mission: Retrieve and leave a Copy of all 5 current Horxcues

[1/T. M. Riddle's Diary {X}]

[2/Marvolo Gaunt's Ring {X}]

[3/Slytherin's Locket { }]

[4/Hufflepuff's Cup {X}]

[5/Ravenclaw's Diadem {X}]



- SP+ 3000

- "Orphan Obliterator"

- "The Blade's Crown"


Fou stared at it before it winked away and he left to wander the Room of Hidden Things, after all, who knew what treasures were hidden throughout the room?


It was a night to be remembered for some in Knockturn alley as the new "Club" opened its doors for the first time, people, Children and Adults alike, with scars marring their bodies flocked to this place for a warm meal and drinks to share with other like them.

Above the double doors hung a sign with the image of a wolf howling at the moon with a Cave behind it, underneath the image were the words "The Wolf's den". Going in the front doors lead to a foyer with 2 burly-looking men who wore muggle suits and a coat check area.

They wore shades and each had a Silver jewelry piece with the aforementioned image, they let those with "Membership" enter without no issue but took a couple Knuts from newcomers. Most of the people within the renovated "Club" wore similar clothing but in a dressed-down style as there was merry cheer coming from all over the place.

There were a couple muggle Pool tables set up away from the tables by the stage which had a band playing smooth jazz, and a muggle dartboard setup nearby just far enough away from the Bar counter that it felt safe.

There were a couple booths spread around on the first floor, and a second floor dedicated to VIPs overlooked everything from above on the balcony. The smell of smoke wafted around a bit but was otherwise not a problem as magic took care of that problem quickly for the Children.

Everyone who had a "Membership" had some form of jewellery with the club's logo, in their snazzy suits as they winded down from a long day for whatever they did. Here we see Fou walking across the floor expertly navigating between people and furniture as he carries a package on his back.

Reaching the second floor Fou walks over to a tall man; He had grey streaks in his hair that was tied in a loose low-pony tail, He had a bit of stubble that gave him a roguish handsome face, His muscles were visible under his suit as the tie around his neck was loosened, He wore black slacks and had black dress shoes one, his business jacket was on the chair of his private booth as he sat looking at the roof with a cigarette in his mouth.

Jumping onto the table Fou drops the letter before disappearing, it was the Shorter woman to his left that noticed the letter and handed it to him. Looking at the Crest on the seal he quickly opened the letter and read before picking up his full drinking and walking toward the balcony to make an announcement.

Alexander: "EVERYONE!" His loud voice called for everyone's attention, the band stopped playing as people stopped what they were doing and looked up at the Alpha of their pack. He smiled as he looked down at everyone, his gleaming white teeth flashing a bit as he rose his full drink up.

Alexander: "A toast, to our fair lady Potter!" He got a roar of approval as everyone took a swing of their drinks as they cheered, she had improved their lives gave them a home and jobs to do.

Alexander: "I've just got a letter back from her Companion, we've got the go-ahead to hunt down Greyback!" Everyone cheered harder as they had a chance to take down the monster that turned many of them, they would have their revenge.

He walked back as the music picked up, and he sat next to his wife Natalie. Her long black hair was done up in a bun and long locks were left at the front that framed her face, she wore a beautiful black dress and kissed him happily as he settled down and put out his cigarette.

They sat back and relaxed; They would train everyone, They would become like a well-oiled machine, They were going to be strong enough to take care of the blight on the human race that was Fenrir Greyback, It didn't matter how long it took to get everyone ready. The man was going to die.


So I feel the need to say some things...

1. Regarding Ron, The kid's grown up all his life being told by his mother and Dumbledore who is "The greatest Wizard" Since merlin that he would be married to Harriet, that his destiny would be that. The kid's grown up to be a right Arse because of that influence on his life, he's had his ego super inflated and is arrogant as fuck. Or at least that's how I want to portray him(This ties into number 2).

2. I'm inconsistent as DUCK! (D = F), I change things on a whim and my writing? I don't plan anything it just comes out and flows like water, I have plot POINTS, things I want to happen but that's the destination, the journey however? I don't know how that's gonna go it just does, I don't plan the journey only the destination and my inspiration or motivation changes the story. I come up with an Idea (Like how Harriet baby's the dragon and tells Hagrid he is actually a She.) and just do it.

3. For my Webnovel Readers, Links in comments can get Shadowbanned! If it isn't there you can always check out this story on Wattpad there's a link to it in my discord.

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