Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 26 (Title at the End)

Time passed and Exam week came by in full swing, like a wombo-combo, the written exams were easily passed. Despite the swelteringly hot temperature of the classroom for the written exams Harriet passed with all O's.

The practical exams were just as if not easier than the written ones; She didn't make the pineapple just Tap-dance she made it full-on Break-dance. She transformed her mouse into an intricately designed snuff box with animated dragons and the Hogwarts Crest atop it. In potions, she gathered the ingredients and finished the potion in less than half the time given for it, the forgetfulness potion was perfect.

We sat on the bank of the Black lake, looking out across the calm waters as the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan entertained the tentacles of a giant squid who was basking in the warm shallows.

Basking in the sunlight we lay there in rest as the sun slowly set, Harriet had her hair sprawled all around her as if she was floating underwater. It was about half an hour before Curfew when she got up and walked back to the school, a sharp whistle from her let the Weasleys and Jordan know the time as they flew down from their brooms.

Fou: "It's tonight, you ready?" Fou Walked beside Harriet as she walked the path up to the school. She looked down at her dear companion and smiled, before looking forward as she waved her hand. A flower appeared and she smelled it before speaking.

Harriet: "I've been ready since we left Avalon." She threw the ted spider lily into the air as the winds took it away, she smiled as she felt the wind blows her hair and picks up Fou and puts him on her shoulder. "After all, I have you, my dear companion."

Fred: "And how is our leader...!?"

George: "On this fine afternoon!?"

She was picked up by the twins and put onto Fred's left and George's right as they all laughed, they chauffeured her to the school on their brooms. The ride was quick and done once they reached the bridge as they all left each other at the doors.


Walking into the room of requirement was a small apartment-like place, with doors leading to different rooms. Walking into the room with the placard of a dragon Harriet starts to get changed, outside of the room Fou walked over to one with the placard of the Beast Class Icon.

The room was decorated with Swords along the walls and hanging from the roof, a forge off to one side and a stool next to an Anvil. A nearby door had a placard with "Kitchen" printed on it, and another with a placard with an image of a bed.

Walking into the "Kitchen" he walked over to a coffee table with pillows around it, light blue tendrils of magic came from his back and slither into the kitchen and set a kettle on to make tea. Other tendrils bring over a pot and 2 bags of Tea along with other ingredients.

Waiting for the tea to boil Fou loafed like a cat, eyes closed and a thoughtful look upon his face. He sat in silence as the kettle went off, he brought it over and poured the water into the pot and set the tea bags to steep.

A quick knock on the door announced Harriet coming into the room, she was dressed in her copy of Archer's outfit, and her hair styled the same as Archer caused Fou to chuckle as he removed the bags and set them to the side as he made tea for them both.


Fou: "Ronald found out about the stone, he put some things together like Snape's injured leg, and he had accidentally visited the room himself." He took a sip of his tea and nodded.

Harriet sighed as she sat down on her legs, picking up her own cup she took a sip and sighed in Bliss. Swords were slowly materializing into existence beside her as she took her time to consume her beverage and go over her thoughts.

Harriet: "It matters not, if he gets himself killed that's his own fault." She shrugged as she finished off her tea, putting the cup down as Fou poured out another cup for himself and her.

Fou: "Alright." He gave a "Devil May Care" attitude to the situation as he continued to drink his tea, how did he know Ronald found out about the stone you may ask? He may be slothful be he wanders around the castle listening to gossip some days.

Who cares if he overheard Ronald failing to convince Hermoine about there being an item of great importance where the stone was? He failed to convince anyone to go with him so he's going alone.

We sat there in silence as her swords finished materializing, she drank the rest of her tea before setting down her cup. She grabbed her swords before making her way out, she would be back once this was all over. Her heart and mind soothed from the tortured screams of the souls within the stone.


The door was left a crack open as Harriet silently approached it, the wails coming from the stone begging to be released. The Unfinished Symphony of souls taken from their rest, the torturous chorus called out to be free from their damnation.

Thanatos: "Are you sure you wish to do this?" She stopped in her tracks as the entity of Death appeared behind her, his trusty scythe blocking her path forward.

Harriet: "They deserve to rest." She moved his scythe out of her path as she walked forward, Fluffy peacefully sleeping to the Harp provided her with no trouble walking to the open trap door.

Thanatos: "I am thou, Thou art I." With his final words said he disappeared, leaving her all but alone in the room with Fluffy. Walking over to the Trapdoor she quietly grabbed the handle and pulled, leaving way into the empty darkness before she just fell.

The cold damp air rushed by as she waited to land in the Devil's Snare, as soon as she hit the plant she relaxed her muscles as she cast the illusion of a very bright light sending the plant away and allowing her to land on the floor.

Hearing a loud sound of someone gasping for air, she looked to the left to see Ronald sprawled out across the floor. It seems she arrived just in time to save him... How unfortunate, she quickly waved her hand over him as he fell unconscious.

The begging voices, they grew louder as she walked further, they begged to be freed with the urgency of a man rushing towards an oasis in the desert. She walked down the stone passageway eventually hearing the soft rustling and clinking of keys and wings.

She had reached the end of the passageway when she walked into the "Flying Key Room", the buzzing of the wings and clinking of the keys hitting things reverberated as she walked over to the door ignoring the keys and brooms.

She looked across the ceiling her eyes whipped across each and every key in the cloud of Keys, she quickly spotted the Silver Key and its limping wing. A quick wave of her hand sent it flying towards her as she quickly and smoothly in one moved the key into the lock and opened the door before slamming it shut behind her.

The absence of light was quickly replaced by the *wooshing* of the flames as giant torches flooded the room with light, revealing the chess board with giant pieces set up for a match of chess. She was standing on the edge of the board next to the Black pieces as White was across the board.

Quickly stepping up she walked next to the Black Queen, she lightly rapped her right-hand knuckles on it as she stared at the king across the board from her. The queen looked down at her and nodded before walking off allowing Harriet to take its place.

She stared down the White king with a respectful nod, one given in return, as a pawn moved forward by two squares, the game was on. Slowly but surely she had taken control of the board with the pieces under her control, however, White had started to get back control which led to the stalemate.

The game went on and on as Harriet strategically moved her species taking White down one by one, the pieces fell to her mind yet this was not without loss and all that was left standing was her, her King, and the White king.

The White king foreseeing its end held both hands up in a placating manner before throwing her his crown and she nodded in return, she strolled passed the pieces as they reset for the next challenger to come.

She continued her march down the path to the Mirror of Erised, she didn't even pause at the knocked-out troll. She twirled her Kanshou and Byakuya and smoothly walked by as blood spilled from the torso and the severed head.

She casually walked into the next room as Purple fire sprang up behind her, she continued moving forward as the Black flames roared to life on the other side of the room. She continued walking straight through the fire as they did nothing but lick at her clothes before seemingly backing off as blue lines covered the outfit and it gained a brighter red colour to it.

There she was standing on the high ground as Quirrel stood there in front of the Mirror, he hissed at the Mirror muttering about him handing Voldemort the stone. She stood there, listening to the horrific symphony that was the philosophers stone. Quickly Harriet jumped down and landed behind Qurriel slightly startling him.

Harriet: "Hello there!" She had her arms open and out to her sides as if she was presenting herself, and her swords were aimed outwards. She was in a stance that screamed novice and had many holes and opportunities to strike a fatal blow. Quirrel moderately turned around to face her.

Quirrel: "Harriet Potter." He spoke with a sickly sweet voice as she slowly starts to approach Quirrel, she stopped just outside his reach. She wasn't smiling as her glasses disappeared and she stared at him with [ D E T E R M I N A T I O N ], she raised her right arm and pointed the sword at Quirrel.

Harriet: "You've played host to that shattered soul for long enough, it doesn't belong on this plain of existence." Briefly behind Quirrel flashed Thanatos, his Scythe on his neck ready to reap his soul.

Before Quirrel could do anything Blue lines ran across her body as she was behind him in a single second, his arms fell to the floor and he fell to his knees screaming in agony. She walked to his back and kicked him onto his chest, Voldemort's voice could be heard quietly screaming at the incompetence shown by Quirrel.

Applying pressure to the lower middle of his back, her swords gained a slightly red hue and aura as she swiped them over the stumps of where his shoulders would be. Pain shot through Quirrel again and his scream full of agony resonated with the stone in the mirror.

Harriet reached for the Turban and pulled it away travelling Voldemort in all his unholy glory, screaming at her about his greatness. She turned to the mirror and watched as a copy of herself in the mirror took the stone and placed it into her pants pocket before winking at her with a sad smile.

The weight of the stone rested fully against her leg as she took the stone out, she held it in the air for Voldemort to see as he screamed in joy thinking she was going to give him the stone. She put the stone back into her pants pocket before turning to the unable-to-fall-unconscious Quirrel.

Voldemort screaming about giving him the stone and her being spared was ignored as she read down and grabbed both sides of Qurriel's head with her hands, both he and Voldemort screeched in pain ever-more as their tortured screens drowned out the stone and Voldemort's wraith left the castle.

Thanatos: "You have my thanks for your help, my young Mistress." he fully appeared behind her and gave a deep bow, she off-handily dismissed him as she took out the stone and laid it against the floor.

She rained blow after blow after blow upon it, and each time it crack a soul escaped before it finally gave, all of the trapped souls wept with joy as they were moving on no longer stuck in the stone. She took a deep breath and swiped her hand out as her swords disappeared, Death's cloak forming in her hands as she wrapped it around her figure.

The loud footsteps of the professors coming into the chamber echoed against the floors, walls, and ceiling. With a quick swipe of her hand and a neckless with a ring appeared as she wore it, the ring holding the Resurrection stone cleaned of the Horcrux. And with a final swipe, a stick appeared in her hand, one that looked exactly like the one Dumbledore was currently holding, it was a good thing she held the original.

She followed the professors out as 50 Points were taken from Gryffindor because of Ronald's idiotic actions that almost got him killed. she quietly slipped off to her room in the ROR, as she entered she quickly walked towards her bedroom throwing her clothes off and entering the nearby bathroom for a shower.


#Play [ Fate / Stay Night: UBW Rin's Melody ] on loop#

A while later she exited the bathroom, her glasses on her face as she finished drying her hair. As she stepped out of the bathroom she came face to face with a feast set on a table, around the table were; Merlin, Artoria, Archer, and Fou.

Archer: "Take a seat." He spoke calmly while drinking his cup of tea, and she did as instructed almost mechanically, She sat at the head of the table Across from Artoria with Merlin to her right and Archer to her left.

Merlin: "How are you, my dear descendant? I hope your school year has been chock-full of friends and good food." He smiled while petting Fou on his left.

Artoria: "Eat up." Artoria spoke softly, like a mother coaxing her child to eat their vegetables.

Fou: "The first one, is always the hardest. And sadly, it gets easier every time." He spoke as he sat up from his crouched position, everyone around the table started to serve themselves as she stared at her plate with almost lifeless eyes.

A small and light punch to her left shook her awake, she stared at Archer's arm as he poured food onto her plate.

Archer: "As your father said, Eat up, or else the black hole will consume it all." He smirked at her as he lightly ruffled her hair, getting a chuckle out of her as some of the life returned as she slowly but mechanically got to eating.

Once the meal was over and the table put away, she was dog piled into a hug from all sides as everyone started to hug her. She cried, and wailed, as she had taken her first life yet saved so many souls that haunted her nights as she heard their pleas for help!

She cried herself to sleep in their arms, right there, she was tucked in by Artoria as Archer stood at the door frame with Merlin. All four of them stared at her as she lay peacefully in her sleep.


Word Count: 2607

Chapter Name: A Stone of Tortured Souls

A/N: Oof, that ending hit me right where it hurts, on a different note have a funny omake I came up with while writing this.


Harriet: "Hello there!" She had her arms open and out to her sides as if she was presenting herself, and her swords were aimed outwards. She was in a stance that screamed novice and had many holes and opportunities to strike a fatal blow. Quirrel moderately turned around to face her.

Quirrel: "Harriet Potter." He spoke with a sickly sweet voice as she slowly starts to approach him. "Oh, you're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?"

Harriet: "I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer." She menacingly stared at Qurriel as she walked down the steps, with heavy footfalls.

Voldemort: "Oh ho! Then come closer as close you like." The turban flew off of Quirrel's head as Voldemort Materilized behind Quirrel like a stand. Fou similarly appears out from behind Harriet as a giant buff man-like body under his cute and tiny head.


Yes, I did a Star-wars reference was gonna chain it into a Jojo one originally.

Yes, I included an Undertale reference.


If you could pick any servant from Fate, you can gender-bend them, Who are you marrying?

Fem-Archer Emiya personally.