It was already 7:30 am by the time Ella reached her workplace. She was wearing a dark green modern-fit suit and a light green tie, she gripped her black suitcase tightly as she made her way to see Adam.

She was stopped by a guard, she showed her ID card to him and was allowed to enter the daycare.  Ella worked in the rainbow-colored daycare, there were paintings of smiley clouds, stars, sun, and moon. She was directed by a matron who opened the door to Adam's room.

She saw Adam playing with a robocop toy but his mind wasn't there, he looked lost and sad. It pained Ella to see him like this.

  "Hi!" She said out loud and waved with a smile. Adam shrieked and dropped his toy. He looked pale and had lost a lot of weight.

She stared into his dark green eyes, which were swollen and glistened with tears, and his pointed nose turned red.

   "Am sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" she felt guilty and stupid. "Are you here to question me?" Deadpanned. 

She wasn't expecting that, no she should have expected that. A lot of people have questioned him trying to know what happened. 

"Why do you think so?" She decided to play dumb. Well, a blonde guy with green eyes was here and he was also pompous."

     The boy's voice cracked and he held his throat.

"Here," she stretched out her hand and he saw her holding an apple juice, not just any apple juice, his favorite.

His eyes lit up but only for a few seconds before going back to his depressing state.

   "I'm sorry about your parents and sisters but I need to know what transpired so that I can help you" she calmly asked.

"You won't believe me and you can not help me," the boy said, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I will believe you," Ella said, holding his hands. "You're just saying that, " you are all the same". He yelled and slapped her hand away.

  "No, I believe you, that you are innocent and I need you to tell me the actual truth. So now tell me what happened that night" she commanded.

 Adam kept looking at her, making her wonder if she did something wrong. "

   "You believe that I'm innocent but why?"  "Because I know that you love your family and your family loves you too. There's no way you will harm them.

When I went to your house, I saw some weird symbols drawn on the ground….

"A double circle on the ground and symbols in each compartment in between the circle."

He completed it for her, although what she saw was an incomplete drawing.

    "I will tell you everything I saw."  

     Adam heard a glass shattering and heard his mother shouting out his name. When he opened his eyes there was a bright light surrounding him.

"I thought you drugged them, '' one of the masked men shouted. He was about 5 feet tall and had a huge body. He was shouting at another masked guy that was two feet away from him.

He was 4.8 feet tall and has a slender body.

"Yes I did," he replied. Adam saw his mother muttering some language, she raised her hands, and a gust of wind pushed three men down.

Their backs hit the wall before they passed out. "They can use magic, I thought you said they can not use magic" the man that spoke seemed to be their leader.

He disappeared and apparated behind Adam's mum and stabbed her. "Mum!" Adam screamed.

He tried to run toward his mother, but some blacky smoky hands from the circle caught his leg, not letting him leave the circle.

   He saw his father fighting multiple men. Adam was sure that they were only five of them, but now there were ten extra men.

 He had no idea that one of the men could clone himself.

His father said some magic words and he saw a man grab his chest and fall to the ground.

"Alice helps Adam to the room," Sarah said.

Alice started muttering some spells and fire surrounded the circle.

He heard voices screaming and the hands released him. The circle started vanishing, and Alice dragged him and they headed to the room.

They ran towards their room, she opened the door but someone pulled her from behind.

"Where are you going, my sweet flower," the slender masked man said. Alice gasped. "How could you do this to me?" she yelled at the man.


But the man twisted her arms before slitting her throat and her body fell to the ground, her eyes were wide open.

Adam couldn't move. He stood there crying while he stared at his sister. He heard Serah's scream. She fell to the ground and saw that she had also been stabbed.

Adam held his head, "let's grab the kid" the leader said. Before they could reach him, he screamed and a force pushed all the men. 

The clones disappeared, they were scared for their lives, and they could feel someone approaching. Of the remaining two, one of them carried the body of their friend and the other carried their two unconscious friends.

They flee through the back gate, and the one carrying the body's arm got scraped on the threshold of the door.

     "I held the knife, I wanted to pull it out, I wanted to save her. That was when Markle came in, he lied ``I will never kill my family" he cried.

Ella hugged him, letting his tears soak her suit, she calmed him down and played with him for a while.

She was called to the weapon division. She saw brian fixing a robotic arm on one of the field's agents.

"It can shoot out fireballs, so be careful how you use it," Brian patiently explained. "Got it," the man said, looking at the robotic arm in awe.

     "Hi." Brian raised his head to see Ella waving at him. "You're here" his face turned pink. 

The field agent noticed it, and he grinned. "Bye Brian and you too" "bye" Ella and Brian waved at the man.

"You must be here for your weapon," Brian said. "How did you know" Ella decided to play dumb. 

"People only come here for a weapon of upgrade" he chuckled "Oh, I'm sorry, I can visit if you want" Ella proposed.

"No, I will want you to come on your own," Brian said as he cleared his throat. Brian is a handsome young man.

"I heard that you are working on a case," Brian asked "yes I am, but I can't say anything" Ella's voice came out as a whisper.

"I know, I have been working here for a long time now," he said. "If I'm done with the case I was wondering if you will join me to celebrate it.

Brian took a step back. "I will be honored" his face looked flushed. 

He looked more like a jock than a nerd.  "Let me show you your weapon." "Yes please," Ella smiled as they headed to the test room.

"A test room?" Looked a bit confused. "Is a simulation room. For you to test out your weapon and for me to know if it needs any adjustments."

"Oh, I get it now. "In your file, it says you could shoot but you're better with a sword, so I made this for you."

He gave her a normal-looking sword but as soon as she held it, she felt a connection. 

It started exuding a blue aura. "Is created with a little magic to assist you when fighting stronger creatures!" Brian said out loud so that Ella could hear him.

"Cool!" He heard her reply. "You have to name it!" She heard him yell again. "Seriously,"  "yes, giving it a name tightens your connection

Although the sword has your DNA and can only answer you, giving it a name will help when you summon it in times of danger.

"That's awesome." She knew that no field agent goes around with their weapon. This was to keep their identity a secret. When they are on a mission.

"Three holographic vampires and two werewolves appeared. ``Let's do this blue justice". 

The vampires charged at her, but she avoided it with a sidestepping and turned using her sword to slice the vampire into two.

" Can my sword do that to a real vampire?" She asked Brian. "Yes," he replied. She was so happy she was like a child who just got a new toy.

She saw the werewolf leap towards her, she bent and he flew over her landing on the other side.

"That was close," she thought in her mind. "Press the button on the handle," she heard Brian say.

She pressed it and it turned into a whip with sharp razor edges. This time it was not a blue flame but a blue electric spark.

"The werewolves and vampires were coming at her using the whip to wrap a werewolf. It turned into dust.

She pressed the button again and it became a sword. She fought the rest and came out victorious.

As soon as she came out of the simulation room, they heard some clapping. They both turned to the source of the sound.

It was none other than the cunning, narcissistic devil. Trent Vanderwood.