Trent walked into his office and dropped his suitcase on the black fur couch that has leopard skin draped on its right side.

He also sat on it watching the view through the glass window that is always behind him if he sat on his chair.

On his desk was a black computer and files were arranged on either side. He sighed and stood up strolling to his chair, he sat down and opened a file. One minute, two minutes. He closed it. "Am bored" he murmured to himself and his face brightened when he thought of his very own entertainment.

  Mr. Ford, Chen, and Micheal were all busy with the minor cases given to them. "I can not believe that she killed her husband so that she could end up with her Lover" Micheal looked depressed as he closed the case file he worked on for a month.

"Is always the person you least suspect" Mr. Ford pointed out and Chen nodded as he clipped some papers. "You should see the way she cries every time I go, begging me to find her husband's murderer" Micheal still couldn't believe it, it felt like a dream.

"How did you find out that it was her?" Chen asked. "Our annoying boss". " Do any of you know where Bassett is?" They were all startled, Micheal had already turned pale.

"He must have gone to the tech room" Mr. Ford replied. "I totally forgot that he is getting his weapon today" Chen seemed excited "Boss what do you….. He stopped when he noticed that Trent was long gone. Micheal breathed out a sigh of relief.

  Trent walked into the tech room, the hallway that led to the main tech room was all made of mirrors. Trent stopped to admire himself. " you're really a handsome young man" he blew a kiss and adjusted his beige-colored fitted suit.

   He entered the main room and saw many of their robotic equipment moving on their own and creating only god knows what. He also saw many filled agents wearing VR glasses punching the air and dodging attacks.

"Put it on capture, we don't want you killing someone," The brainiac said to a huge bald, muscular, and dark-skinned Man. The man chuckled as he positioned his arrow as narrowed his eyes focusing on his target. Trent stood there too excited to see what he was about to do. He released the arrow kept chasing the robot and follows it in every direction it goes. When it reached the robot it turned into a rope, it wrapped the robot and the robot fell to the ground, its movement was now restricted.

Trent was impressed. He kept walking toward Brian's cabin seeing different inventions. When he got there he saw Ella fighting with Vampires and werewolves, she is very agile and light on her feet. 

"Can it do that to a real vampire!" he heard her asking Brian who is looking at her with so much love in his eyes. Trent Kept observing what was happening. He quietly sat on a seat. He wasn't surprised that Brian found out about her gender.

After she was done she slowly stepped out of the simulation room. And he started clapping, the way they both stared at him nearly made him laugh.

"I am impressed, Bassett now I know who to call when am in danger" he smiled at her, his usual annoying smile. She knew he was being sarcastic, he saw the way Brian was staring at him with so much hostility. Brian is 5ft 8 inches tall, he has dark blonde hair and his eyes are Cyan. "Why are you here Trent" The question surprised Ella.

"Am here to see my subordinate, and ask about work, or am I not allowed to?" he asked Brian. Brian cleared his throat "is a good thing Trent didn't know she's a girl" that's what Brian believed Trent's smile grew wider. "Is something wrong?" Trent asked Brian and the young man shook his head.

Ella used the opportunity to sneak away, she didn't feel like talking to Trent she went straight to the office, and her seniors were busy with one thing or the other. "Good morning Mr.Ford, Micheal, and Chen!" "Good morning Samuel!" They returned her greeting. "What's your new weapon?" Ella shrieked. She almost fell because of Chen's closeness to her.

"Sorry, Chen gets crazy over weapons." Micheal smiled at her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" Chen scratched his long black silky hair. "You don't have to apologize, let me show you my new weapon." Chen was the most excited among them."Blue justice!" a blue light appeared and took the form of a sword in the hand she stretched out. The three of them gawked at her in awe. 

"You don't have a summoning ring" Mr.Ford was the one to talk this time. "What is a summoning ring?" Ella was clueless about it. "Is the ring that helps one summon his weapon" Micheal answered, Chen was still in a stupor. "I don't understand. Samuel, are you really human?" Me. Ford's question surprised Ella."Why is it such a big deal?" she asked them as she scrutinized her sword.

"Only the top dogs like the Elders, Trent, and Cyrus can summon their weapon without a ring." Chen has finally come out of his stupor. Ella was also surprised by the news. "Trent has a weapon!" "Yes, Gauntlets to be precise" Chen replied "Do you want to know the name?" Micheal asked her. "Yes please!" "USELESS" "They all said in Unison. Why was she surprised?

    "Chen, what is your weapon?" Ella asked "Guns, I can shoot from a very long distance because of my amazing eyesight" Chen smiled "You're a werewolf after all" Micheal sipped his coffee. "Wait! Is what Micheal said true, you are a werewolf?" "Yeah baby" Chen winked at her. That means Chen knows she's a girl.

    "I am a defect from a giant family" She heard Micheal who looked sad "He was abandoned by his parents" Mr.Ford looked sad as he informed her "I lost my mate in the hands of the rogues" Chen gritted his teeth when he recalled what happened. Their small pack was attacked by the rogues because they supported the idea that all creatures should live in harmony and should be equal. 

"I am a human. I have a wife and two sons. What about you?" They all looked at her. "I am an Orphan, my entire family was killed by unknown people." she teared up. "Looks like I am the only person who doesn't have a sad past" Mr.Ford felt sad for them.

"I almost forgot, I have to go to the library. Do any of you know the section with books on magic and sacrifices?" "Is easy to find when you enter the library, keep going straight, there is a librarian close to an old wooden door. Show her your permit then you can go in" She stared at Micheal "I don't have a permit."

They all looked at her. "You can not enter that part of the library without a permit," Mr.Ford said to her. "Then how do I get a permit, I need it"  "You have to fill a form and submit it at the registrar's office then will have to wait for a day….."Then I get the permit!" Me. Ford shook his head "Is not that easy, you're going to be tested for them to know which race you come from."  she looked at Mr.Ford in awe. "All that just to read a book from there" Ella didn't understand why she needed to go through all that processes before she could get a permit.

Mr.Ford sighed. "There are dangerous spell books there, Ella to tell you the truth you won't even get a permit" Ella felt sad, she needed to know what those symbols mean. "The only person that can help you now is Trent" Hearing what Chen said, Ella wanted to curse the universe. She ran away from him this morning.

She heaved out a breath. "Thank you all, I will go meet him now." Their Office is next to Trent's office. She went out of the there white wooden door and entered Trent's Office. "I have been waiting for you, I thought I was going to grow cobwebs before you come over." he smiled at her

"I need your help" He looked at her "Why should I help you?" She knew things wouldn't go smoothly. She sat on his soft couch which was of black couch It looked beautiful but why black? "I don't remember asking you to sit but I will let you, I am a gentleman after all." Ella rolled her eyes and he laughed.

She just kept glaring at him. "Please, I'm begging you to help me!" "Why did you run away from me?" shit! The question she was trying to avoid. She decided to pretend "I don't know what you mean, I saw you conversing with Brian and I didn't want to disturb you so I left" Trent nodded his head, and he lit his cigarette "Ok I believe you" "Wait! You believe me?"  she was shocked she was expecting him to drag the case. 

"Let's go to the library, I will deal with you later" Ella gulped at what Trent said and prayed for her sanity. They reached the library. The place was huge. She saw many people occupying the different cabins doing something on the computers. 

She saw a lot of books arranged on a beautiful white wooden shelf. When they reached the restricted area, a beautiful Librarian was sitting there and typing. "Good morning beautiful" Trent's voice got the attention of the librarian who turned out to be a fairy.

"Trent, I am so happy to see you here" she turned on her seduction mode. "Can you let him in with my permit? While we talk." He held her hand in his long slender one. "Sure!" she pressed a button and the wooden door opened, Ella quickly entered the room she doesn't want to watch them do R-rated stuff. Her mouth went wide open, The library was bigger than the one outside.

She kept looking from shelf to shelf, "Can I be of assistance?" Ella turned to see who heard such a beautiful voice. Ella couldn't breathe due to fear of the lady in front of her. She is a ghost and Ella passed out.