Ella walked into the large library. The color was a dull shade of brown and the shelves looked old. The shelves were so long that she needed to climb a ladder to get to the top rows.

She contemplated for a while if to go back or proceed. She decided to look for the book on sacrifices. She was still looking for the books and her patience was running out. 

"Do you need assistance?" she heard the alluring voice. When she turned around, she couldn't breathe. The lady was transparent; she could see the shelf behind the lady through her body. The young lady has black hair and green eyes when she looks down, the lady doesn't have legs.

The entire world became a blur and then she fell into total darkness. "Wake up! Wake up!!" The voice was barely audible. Ella woke up and saw the ghost close to her. She screamed and punched her away.

"I come here in peace, I am here because I need your help" The ghost lady spoke. "Who are yyou what do you want from me" Ella stuttered. "I am Serah, Adam's older sister" Ella was beyond shock by the revelation. "How are you here?" Ella asked her. "I performed a black magic spell to return" "Isn't that risky?" "It is my soul that will wander around for a hundred years as punishment" she looked so sad.

"Why will you do that?" Ella asked. "My younger brother is all alone, his life is in danger" Serah came closer to Ella. "I have only three days left, After three days you won't be able to see me no one would" Ella stared at Serah she wondered why she would do that knowing the consequences.

"Why didn't you show yourself to Adam?"  "I tried to, but he has shut himself from the world, I can't get to him." "Tell me everything I need to know." Serah nodded. "Adam is what they call a child of light, they are born every three hundred years to families that have suffered too much. These children are said to bring good luck, blessing, and fortune to the family and the people who make them happy.

They used to live a peaceful life with their families until a witch discovered that sacrificing the child of light gives the person immortality and the person becomes more powerful. After this discovery, the children of light were taken from their families. The family who try to fight back were killed, and soon the children who were supposed to be a blessing became a curse. The only way to recognize them is the angel wings tattooed on their back."

"Did you try to remove or cover up the tattoo?" Ella asked. "It can not be hidden, only humans and weak witches don't see it because of the spell placed on them but stronger witches can see it. When Adam was born our father wanted to kill him but my mum begged my father, my father also didn't have the heart to kill the child. Our family who has been suffering from poverty started to make money, wear beautiful clothes and eat good food.

Our neighbors became suspicious so we had to move and I hated Adam for it. Not only did we leave our friends and loved ones, but we also couldn't use our magic anymore. Alice loved Adam" Serah smiled recalling her past. Ella smiled too.

"She adored Adam. Alice wanted nothing but to be beautiful, she uses a lot of skin care products and make-up. One day Alice woke up with a very beautiful face, suitors all over Ehteran wanted to have her hand in marriage. Until she fell in love with Thomas Wilder." "Where is this Thomas?" Ella wondered why he hadn't appeared. 

"He runs a small business in coten, the west side of Ehteran." Ella nodded. Then something clicked in her mind.

"Who had dinner with your family that night?"  "That's the big problem, I can seem to recall the face. Ella felt disappointed. "What about the symbol drawn on the ground?" "Follow me" Serah flew to the top of the next shelf. Ella followed her behind and climbed the ladder. When she reached the top, Ella saw the book SACRIFICE was boldly written on the book. "What an odd title" she murmured.

"Ella dear" hearing Trent's voice Serah hid. Unbeknownst to her Trent had their conversation. "Is there a problem?" Ella, whose leg is shaking due to fear, tries to make her voice sound normal. "Our time is almost up!" he shouted loud enough for her to hear. "I will be right down!" she shouted back. She slowly opened the pages until she found some symbols about immortality sacrifices. She snapped the pictures and at the same time prayed in her heart not to fall.

Ella slowly climbed down the ladder and saw Trent sitting on the floor. She rushed to him and knelt beside him. "Are you ok?" "Ella, can we get out of here, I am highly allergic to libraries, is draining my energy." he dramatically held his chest as if he was in pain. She rolled her eyes and straightened up and made her way to the door. "Ella, please save me!" she ignored his madness as soon as she stepped. She found Trent. He was licking the lady's neck.

Ella blinked her eyes, she was confused about the whole thing. "Bye love" he waved at the lady before dragging her out of the library. "What took you so long, were you trying to study all the books in the library?" he smiled sheepishly at her. "Were you in the library?" "What do you think?" he kept smiling at her. She gave up immediately if she tries to understand everything Trent does, she will definitely be locked up in an asylum.   

"I demand you release him, he is just a child let him go!" Ella and Trent saw a man with black hair, hazel eyes, and thin lips. Ella walked towards him. "Thomas Wilder" he turned to look at the young man.

"Do I know you?" He squinted his eyes. "No, I am the one handling Adam's case. I heard about you from se… Adam" the man nodded, his eyes were a bit red. It seems that he has been crying. "I don't understand, I returned home and I saw a do not cross sign and the stupid rumors that Adam killed them!" he tried the stop the tears threatening to fall. Ella felt bad for him.

"I know that Adam didn't do it, I promise you I will prove his innocence." "Please help him. If anything happens to him, I don't think I can ever forgive myself." Thomas' voice cracked. 

"Mr. Wilder" A tall man in a dark shade of red suit called Thomas. Ella remembered the man, he was the one that told them about the case. The man's sterling gray eyes looked into her brown eyes. "Excuse me" Thomas quickly followed the man. Ella turned around and Trent was nowhere to be found. The hours passed by quickly, and she packed up her things and went back home via commercial bus.

   When she reached home it was quiet. There was no one in the living room. It was a simple flat with three rooms, a kitchen, and a living room. The two rooms on the right each have their bathrooms. The one room on the left does not have a bathroom. There was a small bathroom down the corridor next to the entrance and the living room was in the middle. She dropped her bag and entered the room and wondered where the couple went.

"Surprise!!!" Ella shrieked but screamed in joy when she saw Rose. She ran and hugged Rose and they both started jumping and giggling. "Don't forget about me." The young man gave Ella puppy eyes. He had dark chestnut hair and turquoise eyes. He had a Greek nose and heavy upper lips. Ella ran and hugged "Welcome Simon" They both smiled at each other. Simon is a handsome young man that is 6ft tall and has a well-built body. 

He's the older brother of the late Samuel Bassett. His death was still a mystery to the Patterson family. "Am so happy that you are both here" A tear rolled down Ella's cheek. "If you are happy that we are here then why are you crying?" Rose pouted.  "tears of joy" she smiled and hugged both of them again.

Ella told them about Trent, Chen, Mr.Ford, and Micheal, she also told them About Cyrus and Serah's ghost and her Awesome weapon blue justice. "Ella I am happy for you and you seem to be enjoying this job but don't forget the true reason that brought you here" Ella frowned When she listened to what Rose said. She shouldn't forget her true mission. 

"I promise to investigate the case as soon as I prove Adam's innocence."  "Ella, did you really see a ghost?" Simon's eyes sparkled. "Is she transparent and has no legs?" Ella was surprised. "How did you know Rose?" She's behind the both of you. Ella and Simon turned around and saw Serah. Simon fainted immediately.