Trent walked into a bar, he heard some youngsters cheering and clinking their glass cups together. Every group sat in different booths, laughing, drinking, and watching the game. When their team scored they cheered, some were even whistling while the losing team all had grim expressions.

  He went and sat on a silver chromium stool. He saw the hanging glass rack and the huge mirror in the bar. Different types of liquor were arranged on the liquor shelves with a LED light to make it more enticing. A beautiful blond lady with beautiful cat eyes, and a pink crop top. She went to the shelves to bring more liquor to the customers. She had a skull tattoo on her lower back.

He watched her as she used the cobbler to mix cocktails for the men who were already drunk. When she was done she came over to him, and the smile on her face turned into a frown. "What are you doing here Trent?" the woman glared at him. "Thanks for the warm greetings Regina" he smiled at her. 

"You are not supposed to be here, have you forgotten what you did, the last time, you were here!" she roared at him. "How can I forget that, I removed the upper part of Shannon's teeth." he threw her his usual smile. "His older brother is looking for you," Regina whispered to him. He could feel their eyes on his back. And one of their goons was sitting two seats away from him.

"You should leave right now! Please" Regina looked worriedly at him. But he kept smiling. "Vodka. Can I get vodka, my darling?"  Regina pleaded with him with her eyes but Trent won't budge. She gave up and brought him his vodka. "I need to ask you some questions?" she looked at Trent. "What do you want to know Trent?" she asked. "Do you know Markle Stanley?" Trent sipped his vodka and looked into her green cat eyes. "Yes, the guy that was a witness to the Boyle's murder case" "Does he come here to drink?" Trent asked. "Yes, with two other suspicious men. They only come here on Saturdays, 8 pm." he nodded his head at the information.

"Oh, My God! They are here!" she quickly left his side to attend to other customers. 

Shannon and his Older brother walked over to him. Shanon has a mocking smile on his face. "How are your teeth, old man?" Trent smiled at Shannon, and Shannon clenched his fists. "You still dare to talk Trent" Theodore's cold voice was heard. "Ahh! The daddy hen." Shannon turned red in anger while Theodore chuckled.

"You won't be smiling when I am done bashing your pretty face," Theodore threatened. Regina watched from afar. She was worried about Trent. She's among the women who have a big crush on Trent. 

"Let's take this outside, it has been a long time since I last fought and the bar is pretty crowded, I suggest we take it to the forest"  Trent gulped down his vodka before walking out of the bar with Shannon and Theodore following behind him. Regina prayed for his safety while many customers wanted to go and see the fight.

       It was already late at night. Fog filled the forest and they could hear the hooting of owls the full moon shone bright, casting the darkness away from the forest. Theodore and Shannon transformed into their werewolf forms. "I am so going to rip you apart" Shannon licked his sharp teeth as he stared at Trent. "Don't disappoint me Shannon" Theodore spoke before sitting under a tree facing them.

Trent chuckled. Shannon charged at him, he was coming toward him at full speed. "idiot" Trent muttered before grabbing Shannon's head with both hands and using his knee to hit his neck. The guy fell to the ground, he clutched his neck, trying to breathe. "Get up Shan!" Theodore shouted and Shannon stood up. "How touching, I wish my older brother was here to cheer me on too" Trent flashed Shan a sarcastic smile.

He charged at Trent, this time he was careful not to get caught. He kept cutting Trent with his sharp nails but Trent swiftly dodged them. "Calm down, don't let him get in your head!" he shouted again. Trent smiled mockingly at them. Shan grabbed Trent's arm and twisted his legs around Trent's neck. 

"But Trent disapparated and apparated a few steps away from Shan. "Wow! You took me by surprise" he held his chest as he sneered at Shan. Unbeknownst to him. Theodore was behind him. He stabbed Trent, the wood sticking between his ribs.

  Trent fell to the ground. He threw up a large amount of blood. Shannon and Theodore laughed. "You idiot, do you think that I won't kill you after, you disgrace my brother on our Turf?" Trent coughed out more blood. "The wood has werewolf venom on it. As we all know, Vampires can not survive this." Theodore smirked. 

"Why would you do that to me?" Trent's voice cracked. He fell to the ground, Theo and Shan started walking away but they heard people clapping. Soon the whole place looked like a stage with people clapping and cheering at them. "What's going on brother?" Shan looked confused and so was Theo.

  A man came and stood in front of a wooden podium that had a mic on it. "And the best actor for this reality play is TRENT VANDERWOOD!"  The people clapped and cheered, and some even whistled when he got on the stage to collect his award. Theo and Shan were wondering if they were high on drugs. "I want to thank you all for your support, especially Theodore, and my dear friend Shannon, is just so sad" he sobbed. He paused for a while cleaning his fake tears.

"It's just so sad that I have to kill the both of you," he smiled evilly when he stared at them. They shivered not because they were cold but rather scared. "nah! am just kidding."

   Trent walked out of the forest whistling. He felt Theo and Shan standing in the forest, looking pale.


"Shan" "Yes brother" "Stay clear of Trent" "Yes brother".

   Rose kept tapping Simon's cheek, and he finally gained consciousness. He quickly stood up. "Where is the ghost?" he asked, looking around. Rose smacked the back of his head. "Ouch what was that for?" He massages the back of his head. "That's for not being a man and the ghost you're looking for is with Ella." 

He nodded his head before running toward Ella's room. Ella focuses on the double cycles, she sees the zodiac signs and their symbols. Then some weird ancient signs under the symbols. "I don't understand this, Who are they making the sacrifice to?" Ella massaged her forehead. "I don't know either but there's one thing that I know. They open the gate to the underworld" Serah spoke. 

"Why do you say so?" Asked Ella with a puzzled look. "When I was young. There was a story about a sorcerer who wanted to be the strongest and rule over the world. He sacrificed a lot of people and even opened the gate to the underworld to find a very powerful soul he could merge with" "Is that possible?" Ella asked. "Yes, it is possible, not only sorcerers. Many creatures who want to become the stronger go to the underworld and create a pact with a powerful soul who wants to come back to earth." Ella was beyond surprised. She never knew that such a thing existed. 

"Do humans do it too, I mean merge their souls with spirits" Ella looked curious.

"No, you have to be very strong to merge with them and share a body or they will completely take over your body and cast you out." Ella nodded her head, processing the new information she got. "What happened to the powerful sorcerers?" "He opened the gate to the underworld and many spirits entered the land of the living, some even successfully cast the owners of their bodies and took over. The elders got angry. They fought him together and locked his soul in the underworld."  

Ella was slowly processing what Sarah says. She wondered what the sorcerer wants to do with their souls. She jolted up.

"Serah, is there CCTV in your area?"   "Yes, there is," Serah replied. She picked her phone up and called Trent. He picked up after two rings. "Trent Vanderwood speaking" she almost got lost in his seductive voice. "Hello!" she shook her head to come out of her trance. "Hello Trent, I was hoping to meet up with you at Marylucas town, that's if you're not busy."

Trent was going through security footage. 

"Sure I will meet you at Marylucas town." he caught the call and turned to look at the two securities inside the surveillance room.

"Who came in here, the videos on the day of the murder are gone?" he gave them a deadly look, and the young men couldn't help but sweat, even though they did nothing wrong. "We never left the room," one of the guards stammered. "Says the people who couldn't guard the people's farms." deadpanned. All they could do was look at him. Thirty minutes later Ella called his line. "Am here, and am heading to the CCTV room."  "Ok, I will be waiting."  he caught the call. She was escorted into the surveillance room, she was surprised to see Trent there. Hi Ella, Hi ghost Serah! He smiled at the ladies in a stupor.