Ella smiled seductively and placed her hand on Markle's shoulder she slowly trailed down her hands until she reached his hand, and taking that hand she placed it on her bare waist. She learned that when she walked into the club, she saw a lady boldly letting a man touch her body. Markle felt her soft smooth skin and he leaned closer to her, using his hand to slowly graze her skin.

  He leaned closer and whispered in her ear. "Your skin is so soft is turning me on and that nice rack of yours has got my little brother excited." Ella furrowed her brow, "Is rack the new way of calling a top, and what did she do to excite his younger brother she never met." Ella thought to herself.

  Chen dumped the lady as soon as he separated her from Markle, the best thing about a club is she got another guy before she could chase after him. When he finally sighted the bar, he went towards it. A guy was standing next to the liquor display, he reached out to take a drink when Chen walked over. "Hello" Chen waved at him. "What are….." before he could finish what he was saying Chen punched him, the guy fainted and Chen hid him under the table.

"Hey!   bartender was taking you so long?" He heard a man shouting. He came over and smiled at the man who was seated at the bar. "How may I help?" Chen asked with a smile.

  "What are you, an idiot? I told you I want a margarita shot" the man clicked his tongue. Chen mixed some random drinks and gave them to the man. "This is not a margarita!" the man yelled. "This is the new margarita so scram!" Chen yelled back, showing his sharp teeth and grey laser eyes at the man, and the man quickly ran away. "Markle's hand almost touched her butt, she pushed him gently and smiled. "Let's go grab a drink" she dragged him by the hand before he could speak.


Trent's eyes never left the window, he saw the time Micheal and Mr.Ford arrive but he couldn't see Ella anywhere and he became restless. These days Ella has completely occupied his mind, he can not sleep well, because he kept on fantasizing about her naked body under his, how she will moan his name when he fucks her and that bothered him because no other woman can satisfy him again. 

   He sighed "Where are you El" his voice was barely audible. He turned and looked at Gladys who was sleeping on the couch and her snoring sounded like a broken engine.

  He smiled "looks like the little rats are here," he said to himself. He squinted his eyes when he saw Serah entering the house through the wall. "If miss ghost is here, then where is Ella? (he clenched his fists). And Chen."

      Back in the club, Ella has led Markle to the bar and Chen has learned how to make a margarita with the help of youtube. "What can I get ya?" He smiled at them. "I want a martini, what about you love?" he winked at her, she smiled and looked at Chen. "I will have what he's having" She winked back at Markle. He laughed and leaned closer. "You are so cute" he smiled seductively at her. 

 Chen was cursing in his mind, he quickly log into YouTube to learn how to make Martini, and when he was done he added the truth serum to Markle's drink. "For you and the beautiful lady," he placed it in front of them and went to attend to other customers.  Markle slowly drank the drink. Brian told her the drug worked immediately. She cleared her throat. "about the case of Adam Boyle, how were you able to lie and get away from it?" she asked nervously. 

  Markle, who was under the influence of the truth serum, looked lost. "I did because someone paid me to lie and he said not to worry" he answered her like a remote-controlled robot. Chen, who arrived not long ago and Ella looked at each other. "Who is this person?" Chen asked. "He said that his name is Maxwell, he said he could make me rich." They both frowned at what Markle said. "Do you know any Maxwell?" Ella asked Chen. "No, I have never heard of that name," Chen replied. "Do you know where this Maxwell lives?" Ella asked this time. "Yes," he answered. "Markle!" They saw a well-built bald guy standing not far from them. 

  He pulled the zombified Markle. Ella wanted to speak but Chen stopped her. "We don't know if he's alone and Micheal texted me ten minutes ago, they have reached the venue" Ella nodded and they both ran out of the club.

   Trent was now sitting on Gladys's roof and was watching everything. He could see how Micheal and Mr.Ford looked restless. He also saw Chen parking his car five houses away from the Boyles residents. He saw Ella stepping out of the car, she was wearing a pink tank top that exposed her breasts. Trent clenched his knuckles so hard, that his veins popped out. He was so angry, that the fire of jealousy and possessiveness took over him. "How could she go out looking like that?" his head started buzzing and he held his head, the pain was becoming unbearable.

  "Not now, not now. Please". Trent cried out.

  "Ella!" Chen called out. "What?" Ella looked at him with a frown. "You haven't changed your outfit." She gasped and ran into the car. Ella has gone back to her male clothes. Thanks to the wig made by the witches, Ella doesn't need to cut her beautiful long curly hair. She ran out of the car and finally met up with the rest, they hid when they saw a man coming over with something placed on his shoulder. 

   "Gerard" they heard Chen's voice. Because he's a werewolf, he has good eyesight. "Which Gerard are you talking about?" Micheal whispered. "Gerard of the law division" Chen whispered again. "What!?" Both Mr.Ford and Micheal said in a low voice, that they didn't dare scream. "Wait up!" they heard a feminine voice. Gerard stopped and waited for the lady. "Judge Flora" Chen was shocked. "You gotta be kidding me" Mr.Ford felt like fainting. "Who are they?" Ella asked. "Gerard used to be a court reporter and is now a junior lawyer while Judge Flora is a senior Judge" Micheal answered by their new form of communication. *Whispering*

    Gerard and Flora entered the house. Thomas completed the circle, and Gerard placed the unconscious boy on the dusty floor. "Why didn't anybody clean this place?" Max complained. "Nobody stopped you from cleaning it," Gerard retorted. Flora giggled. "Max cat got your tongue" he ignored her. She was wearing a short red fitted gown with low cleavage. She sat down on a chair not far from Gerard. 

  "What are we waiting for?" She asked Thomas, "We are waiting for the time to strike twelve and Clive." They heard the door opening and they became alert. Clive walked in and they finally relaxed. "You almost gave me a heart attack" she placed her hand on her breast smiling seductively at Clive. "Flora if you want victory sex, I will give it to you as soon as we become immortals." he sat next to her as his hands snaked through her body until they landed on her butt and he squeezed it. Flora moaned and leaned closer to kiss him.

"Guys save it for later, please" Max interrupted them. Gerard checked the time and it was just 11:45 pm. Serah who was spying on them went out through the wall and when reached the front yard. She met with Ella and the team. "Guys you are finally here" she smiled. "We are looking for a way in," Ella said. "Come with me." she is now only visible to her waist. They quietly followed her.

  On Gladys's roof, Trent exhaled the smoke from his cigarette and off it, once he was done. His eyes are now dark red. He watched as his team disappeared from his sight. He had a creepy smile on his face, looks like tonight is the night I feast on blood. He began humming a tune and lay on his back.

   Ella and the gang found the back door, "but this is the back door" Ella looked at Serah. "Yes it is, but it doesn't make a sound, nor can it be locked. Father was supposed to fix it but he never did" Serah looked sad. Ella held her cold hands. Serah smiled "Thank you all of you are doing so much for my brother, I don't have words to explain how grateful I'm" "Is okay Serah," Ella said and the rest nodded.

  They sneaked in and slowly crept into the living room. They saw the five evil-doers stand on their feet. "It is time," Thomas said and the rest rejoiced. "Is it now or never?" Micheal said and the rest nodded.