"It is time." They heard Thomas's voice. "It is now or never," Micheal said to the rest. They nodded their heads and came out of their hiding places. "Stop what you are doing, you're all under arrest by the law of the house of justice," Chen said to them. "Ok, here arrest me." Flora stretched her hands with a sly smile on her face. "You can only arrest us if you all leave here alive." Clive's voice sounded menacing. 

    "will see about that." Chen smiled. Using his ring he summoned his guns,  Patricia. (A portal opened and two M14 rifles appeared in his hands.)

 "Titanium Silver!" Micheals's summoning ring shone and his body was covered in silver armor.

     "Emilia and Paul!" His summoning shone and a round shield and a war hammer with two sharp edges appeared in his hands. 

   And Ella summoned her blue justice. 

 "Ha ha ha! You guys think you can defeat us" Flora sneered at them. "There's only one way to find out."  Mr.Ford said. "Attack!" Flora shouted at the top of her voice. Clive jumped toward Chen with a punch, Flora summoned her weapon, a bow, and arrows. Max picked Micheal and Thomas decided to deal with Mr.Ford. Since Gerard doesn't have any weapon or special abilities he was left to look after Adam.

    Scrraahh pa pa pa! The sound of Chen's guns resounded in the entire house, Clive dodge them swiftly. "Looks like your bullets are too slow," he laughed mockingly at Chen. Chen smiled,  "No, I just underestimated you witch wolf." Chen raised his gun this time the bullet was faster, Clive dodged one but the other grazed his shoulder. And he hissed in pain.

   "Hi, I'm Max, what's your name?" He had a creepy smile on his face. "Hi, I am your worst nightmare" Micheal threw a punch at Max, and not only did he break Max's nose, but he also sent him flying and his back hit the wall, Max coughed out blood, his blood splattered all over the wooden floor. He cleaned his nose and mouth with the back of his hand. "I was trying to be nice, but you decided to piss me off." He brought out golden sparkling dust from his pocket and threw it at Micheal. Micheal used his hand to clear the dust but it exploded and sent him flying.

   On the other side, Flora was shooting arrows at Ella, her arrows are really fast but with the help of blue justice, Ella was able to cut the arrows down. Until one stabbed her in the knee. She fell to the ground and held her knee, then she started feeling wussy. "A shot from my arrow makes you hallucinate, I can also use it to send curses to people." She smiled at Ella, who held her head. 

   Mr.Ford was breathing heavily, his body was covered with injuries. And Thomas had a smirk on his face. "Let me send you to your grave old man, there is no way you can defeat me now," he smirked evilly at Mr.Ford. Sarah gritted her teeth. "How do I help" she murmured to herself as she watched Mr.Ford losing his consciousness, he was about to fall from the staircase where he and Thomas were fighting when Serah ran to stop him from falling but she accidentally possessed his body.

  Thomas saw Mr.Ford looking at his hands strangely, Mr.Ford touched his body and started looking around. Thomas was confused, he was sure that all the spells he used cannot make someone mad. "How did I get into this body!" Mr.Ford shouted which further confused Thomas.

   Clive muttered a spell and his dagger had a black aura surrounding the dagger. (Clive cannot directly use magic to harm someone unless with the aid of an object or weapon). Clive has finally realized what Chen's bullets do. It paralysis its victims, his right hand was now weak and hard for him to use, using his super-speed he launched at Chen. Chen did a side step, and Clive missed the Chance to hurt Chen, he threw a punch at Chen but Chen stopped it with his hand, he grabbed Clive's hand and using his other hand slammed Clive's ribcage. Clive clenched his jaw trying his best not to scream in pain. He kicked Chen in the knee. Chen released his hand and he used the opportunity to stab Chen in the stomach.


   "Ella" She raised her head when she heard the voice calling her name. "Ellis" she called her sister's name. Ellis was standing in a blue torn dress, the dress was covered in blood, her mouth was broken and bleeding, her cheeks were swollen, there were scratches on her shoulders and collarbone and she was crying. "Ella, save me. I can take this pain anymore" she fell to the ground wailing like a child. "I will avenge you, I promised" Ella choked on her words. She slowly crawled toward her sister, who was screaming at the top of her voice. Flora stood next to Ella, she saw Ella crying. "Poor you, I wonder what you're hallucinating about?"

  Micheal was still dodging Max's dust, his dust isn't normal. It was even melting his titanium armor. "Where are you running to Micheal?" Boom!  Another explosion sent him flying and he landed on their dining table, the table completely broke and fell to the ground with him. The worst part about his dust is that the attack still touches him even with the armor, he could feel his skin burning. 

 On the other hand, Things were not going easy for Thomas, every spell attack he sent at Mr.Ford was dodged and the attack sent to him caused a lot of damage to him. He already knows that his body has been possessed by Serah. "I will end you, I will kill you for everything you did to us!" 

  He leaned on the staircase and held his bleeding stomach."Are you sure you want to kill me? You will turn into an evil spirit" he laughed at her. Sarah gritted. "I don't mind as long as I kill you, I will gladly take the punishment" she charged at Thomas, her hand was covered with a black blurry light, and she was about to place the hand on his chest When Trent grabbed her hand. She was shocked, and so was Thomas because none of them felt his presence.

  "I don't think your family will want that" his voice sounded cold. Sarah noticed that his whole demeanor has changed. He looked scary. "Mr. Vanderwood" Serah stammered. She saw Trent placing his hand on Thomas's chest and Thomas, who was still shocked, fell to the ground. "Don't worry, I didn't kill him, I just put him to sleep." he looked at her with his expressionless face. "You can use magic" she found herself stammering again. "Yes, and I will prefer you keep it to yourself or I will exorcise you" his voice sent a chill down her spine.

  Flora and Gerard had decided to start the ritual without the rest. Gerard placed the boy who had started to regain his consciousness in the middle of the circle.

     Chen held his stomach his wound was healing but he was in so much pain. "Confused, is the curse I placed on you killing you on the inside." he smiled evilly at Chen.  Chen pushed his hands into his stomach and pulled them out. His blood poured out from his stomach, flowing down to the floor. "What are you doing?" Clive was shocked. "Getting rid of the contaminated blood. The blood turned black as it kept flowing to the ground and he started to feel dizzy. Seeing this Clive smiled and moved closer. "It's time to join your ancestors" Clive smiled as he raised his weapon and was ready to launch it into Chen's heart. 

  Pa! A gunshot was heard. And Clive grabbed his stomach. "Checkmate." Chen smiled before fainting. So did Clive.

   Max who was owning Michael. Saw Flora and Gerard performing the rituals. The circle has started to glow. "Betrayers! how dare you begin the ritual without me. After all….. Max slowly turned his head, his body was shaking like a leaf. He saw Trent standing next to him smoking a cigarette. "Your blood will not be thirsty but I will manage it." He slid his hands into his pocket but his hands went through the hole. He noticed that his pocket was torn but when and how. That was something Max couldn't figure out. He tried to run away but Trent grabbed him and snuck his fangs into Max's neck, as he sucked him dry before throwing his body over the stairs.

  His body landed on the ground with a thud, which got Gerard and Flora's attention. Adam opened his eyes and found himself in the circle again. "Adam don't panic, I will save you." Sarah, who was in Mr.Ford's body, spoke to him. 

  "Like, I will let…. Flora stopped talking, her heart was beating so fast, that she felt like her heart would explode. 


  "Hello, Judge Flora, I wonder how your blood will taste in my mouth."  His stoic face scared the shit out of the four people facing him. And they immediately knew that this wasn't the Trent Vanderwood they know.