"Ellis, stop crying I will save you" Ella hugged her sister as they both cried. "I don't want to live, I can't!" She pushed Ella away. "Ella turned around and saw her Father, Mother, and brother. Her Father has a bullet wound on his forehead, and his clothes were tattered. Her mother's neck was slit and there is a little blood stain coming out of her nostril. And her brother has a bullet wound in his stomach and he looked like he was terribly beaten up.

   "Ella, when are you going to prove our innocence?" Her father asked. "As soon as I save this young boy, I will…. "Young boy" her mother's face was full of disbelief. "How could you be saving another child, instead of proofing our innocence?" her brother yelled at her. Ella kept crying. "How can you care about a stranger more than your family? '' Her father's eyes were filled with anger. Flora has never been this scared in her entire life, and the temperature in the house has dropped. His face looks like that of the devil 😈. "Don't faint Flora '' Trent's eyes were filled with ridicule. He reached out to hold her but she leaped back keeping a five feet distance between them. Serah went close to the circle but Gerard hit her head with a wooden bat he found in the corner of the sitting room. 

   Serah placed her hand on the place he hit and when she brought her hand to face her, she saw blood. "You're supposed to be unconscious." Gerard was shocked. "You can't knock a ghost out" Serah stood up, and she started muttering some ancient language, she pushed her right hand forward and the force sent Gerard flying, he landed on their multicolored credenza and passed out. She went closer to the circle to take Adam out.

  "Don't worry, I will save you."  "Serah is that you?" Adam asked with teary eyes. "Yes, I will get you out." She placed her hand on the circle. One of the blurry black hands grabbed her. "Serah!" Adam shouted when he saw his sister's ghost form coming out of Mr.Ford's body.

   Trent's attention was now completely on Serah and Adam. Using this opportunity. Flora shoots an arrow at him but Trent caught it when it was just an inch away from his face. Flora was dumbstruck, How did he know where the arrow would hit him? Her ability was not just to shoot arrows.

  She can make her enemy believe that the arrow will hit his head when in truth she's targeting his chest. That's what she did with Ella, Ella thought the arrow will hit her chest, but little did she know that it was meant for her leg.

  It also doesn't matter where it hits you, it will make you hallucinate and lead you to your death. "As much as I want to drink your low-quality tasteless blood. I will have to turn you in" Trent broke her arrow into two. Flora started laughing.

  "You think that if you turn us in, they will prosecute us. We will get off in no time" she kept laughing. Trent glanced at her, his face was still expressionless, he checked his time, and he was getting impatient.  

     Serah's soul is being dragged by the hole. And the blurry hands have started to weaken Adam and are preparing to take his soul too. "Adam, you have to calm down and concentrate, I need you to stretch your hand and place it on the circle." her voice came out weak. But Adam nodded his head and did as his sister said.

  "Now repeat after me. Arrgarsi ferraasi care."  Adam nodded. "Arrgarsi, ferrassi…. Before he could complete one of the blurry hands dragged him back, his hand left the circle and he was now back to his sitting position and was tied down by the hand, they also covered his mouth. "Adam!" Sarah shouted. Trent looked at her, he knew he had to end his conversation with Flora and help.

      "If you're betting on Max, he is dead. His death will be blamed on you and Gerard who is over there and making love to that credenza. She looked in the direction he was pointing and saw Gerard who was out cold and was laying on top of the credenza. "One more thing, I don't have time for chit-chatting. Using the speed of a pure-blood, he caught her, he held her shoulders, and she was still in a stupor from what she heard.

    "Flora, look at me." she did exactly as he said. "Sleep" he commanded and his eyes glowed red and she fell to the ground.  

      In one of the four bedrooms, Micheal finally found Chen, he was looking pale and had lost a lot of blood. He removed the small special phone designed for them from his chest pocket, he was now in his normal clothes. "Boss!" Trent who was now next to Serah heard Micheal's voice and took out his own. "What is it?" "I found Chen, his condition is really bad" "What about Ella?" Trent realized that he hadn't seen Ella. "I don't know" "Ok, handle Chen and send the medics and backup team here. I will look for her"  ''Ok boss." he cut the call.

   Serah's soul was completely out of Mr. Ford's body. He placed his hands on the circle and it caught fire. The voice's started screaming. They released Serah and Adam, before going back to the underworld and the circle began to disappear.

  He carried Adam from the circle, Adam was also weak because they had started eating his soul, and Trent gently dropped him close to his sister who was now visible from her chest upwards. "Take care of him, I am going to look for Ella" she nodded her head before he left.

      "Look at your sister, do you know what they did to her?" her father shouted as she looked at her father, mother, and brother who all looked at her as if she was the evilest person. "I can't," Ellis said before bolting out through the back door. "Wait!" Ella shouted as she followed behind.

     It was raining heavily, and the thunder and the lightning kept competing over who was the loudest. The streets were empty and quiet as all the people were in their houses probably sleeping. Ella kept chasing Ellis. "Ellis, stop!" she shouted as the rain kept hitting her face due to the wind. 

  Ellis ran until she reached MARYLUCAS Lake. "Ellis please don't jump, I am begging you" she went to her knees.

  On the other side, Trent realized she used the backdoor because it was wide open and the wind brought the rain in. Using his super-speed he ran out and searched for Ella. 

    Ella was on her knees begging her sister not to jump. Unbeknownst to her, she was the only one there, and her sister Ellis was still in the south with her grandfather. "I am sorry Ella, I can not live like this." Ellis jumped into the water. "Ellis!" Ella screamed, she ran and almost jumped into the lake but Trent dragged her back.

   "Let me go, let me go!" she kept struggling, trying to wiggle herself out of Trent's grasp. "Is not real, El. Come back to your senses!" he whispered into her ear but Ella wasn't willing to listen. He turned her around to face him and grabbed her shoulders. "Ella, it isn't real. Snap out of it, Ellis can't be here!" he shouted and shook her until she came back to her senses.

    "It was Ellis, she jumped" she choked on her words, laid on his chest, and cried. Trent caressed her back. "They are all disappointed in me, I failed them as a daughter." she kept sobbing. Trent releases himself from the embrace. He raised her chin with his finger. until her brown eyes were staring into his red ones. 

   "I don't know what you saw but there is one thing I know for sure, is that your parents are proud of you. A girl who is willing to risk her life just to get justice for them." Ella was flabbergasted, she didn't know what to say to that.

   Trent looked at the time again. "Let's get out of the rain. It isn't healthy for you." he began to walk back to Boyle's residence. "Trent!" Ella called out and he stopped and turned around. "I want to solve my father's case" hearing what she said he came close to her. "Ella I will let you secretly work on the case when you solve two more cases. You have solved one. Get two more cases solved. You can stay and solve your father's case. Lose, you leave." 

    Ella just realized he had the same vibe as the night he took her wolf hunting. She shivered when she remembered his wolf almost eating her. When he saw her shivering, he thought she was cold. "head back to the Boyle's residence." He disapparated as soon as he spoke. She sighed before leaving.

   Serah was on top of the bridge watching the cars that came over leave. Trent apparated next to her. "I see, they have cleared everything up." He said."Is he going to be safe with the house of justice?" Serah asked. "No he's not, is like a fish swimming in the den of sharks." deadpanned. Serah's heart ached. "Do you believe in second chances?" Trent asked.

  The rain was now drizzling. A red sports car that was speeding crashed into the bridge, Trent jumped down, and Serah followed. Soon the grim reaper appeared to take the soul of the lady. "Hi, death," Trent waved at it. The reaper pointed at Serah as he spoke. To Serah, he sounded like a broken recorder. While Trent knew what he was saying. "You should leave death. She isn't the one you are here for." He grumbled before disappearing with the soul.

   Trent bent down next to the dead woman, her head still bleeding. Using his blood he drew a symbol on her head and mumbled some words. "You can lay down on her now." Sarah did as he said and her soul took over the body. When Trent noticed her breathing he called 782(their emergency number) before leaving.