Thomas Wilder lay on the small bed in the tiny cell room he was locked in. His thoughts were now filled with Alice.

   He remembered the day he found out that Adam was a blessed child. As his thoughts went to the past.

     Thomas and Alice have been in a relationship for a year now. He walked down the road that led to their house, it was like any other day, they were children playing in the streets, some adults sitting on their chairs, 🪑 while some were playing a poker game. 

   He greeted them before going ahead, once he reached the door, he knocked on it. Adam was the one who opened the door. "Uncle Thomas!" he jumped on him and Thomas hugged him. "Ahhh! Look at you, you have become so strong." He bent down and was pretending to be hurt from the impact while Adam laughed.

   "Adam, who's at the door." Her enticing voice came from the kitchen. She moved to the living room, then the small pathway that led to the door. Thomas smiled when he saw her, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She has her mother's golden chestnut hair and her father's green eyes. Her soft, full pink lips turned into a smile when she saw him. He watched every action she did, including how she kept tucking her hair behind her ear.

  "Aren't you coming in?" she asked shyly. Adam ran into the house, leaving the lovebirds at the door. "I was waiting for you to invite me in."   His smile was flirtatious. She blushed and he couldn't help but chuckle.  "Bang krrrrang!" They heard the loud sound from the kitchen. "Please come in," she said before running to the kitchen.

    He walked into the living room and sat on their peach-colored couch, he looked up and stared at their family portrait. "Why are you in my kitchen, look at what you have done!?" she shouted at Adam. "I told you to give me a cookie!" Adam shouted back. "I will give it to you when I am done, now go change your clothes!"  "I will and it is not because you told me to!" He stormed out of the kitchen. Thomas shook his head, he was trying his best not to laugh. 

   He saw Adam struggling to remove his shirt. He got up from his seat and went next to Adam. "Let me help" he brought down the shirt and unbuttoned it before taking it off Adam's body. "Thank you Uncle Thomas." he smiled. "You are welcome." Thomas smiled back. And the young boy ran towards the stairs and that was when Thomas saw the angel wings on Adam's back. 

    "Thomas, are you interested in eating cookies?" Alice came in with a plate of chocolate cookies and a drink in her hand. "I gotta go" Thomas ran out of the house, leaving the confused Alice standing in the living room. 

        It has been two days since Thomas found out about the wings. He wasn't sure if to tell his friends about it or if to keep quiet about it. "When Alice called him up, he lied to her, he told her he was on his way to Coten.  He remembered how he and his friends were mocked by their colonies. They called them the weakest link. Then he thought about his life with the woman he loves.

  But the greed for becoming powerful took over him, he wanted to rub it in the faces of the people who mocked him and called him weak. He called Clive. "Hello!" he heard Clive's voice. "I found something that we will all want." he smiled and sat upright. "What is it?" Clive sounded impatient. "Are you with Flora?" he asked. "You got it right Babe." Thomas heard Flora's voice. 

   He rolled his eyes. "Is a good thing, you're together with your fuck buddy." He smiled. Flora collected the phone from Clive. "What do you want to say to us?" She asked. "I found the blessed child." Clive and Flora sat upright, the sheet fell off her body, showing her large breasts.

  "Are you sure?" Clive asked. "Yes, it's Adam Boyle of the Boyle's family."   "You mean, your fiance's younger brother?" Flora was the one to talk this time. 

  "Yes," he answered. "Fine, I will call Max and Gerard," Flora said. And that's how they thought about their plan. Their initial plan was to give the family a sleeping potion and a memory-erasing potion. Thomas will go have dinner with them and give them the drinks, containing the potions. They will later sneak into the house at night, and use him for the sacrifice and the family will take the blame for it.

     But Evette, the witch they hired, forgot to make them the sleeping potion. So they used sleeping drugs. Max gave the guards drinks containing the sleeping drugs, and Max used the opportunity to delete every shot that Thomas appeared in.

       After thirty-five minutes. Thomas came out with Alice behind him. He said his goodbyes and kissed 😚 her on the cheek before leaving. When he reached the dark alley. Thomas called Clive. "It is done."  He said before cutting the call.

      "I am sorry Alice" he sighed before leaving. Later that night they attacked the house. He was the one that killed Alice and he remembered how shocked and sad she was and the tears that rolled that her cheeks.

      Coming back to the present, when he had the sound of the door to his cell opening. Two security men walked into his cell and dragged him out, he saw Clive, Flora, and Gerard were all looking miserable as he was. 

    "The criminal's Flora Cummington, Gerard Kingston, Clive Hart, and Thomas Wilder. Are found guilty of the murder of Serah Boyle, Philip Boyle, Agnes Boyle, Alice Boyle, and the son of Minister of defense Maxwell Ferdinand. They are to be put to rest by intake of Anastasia's poison" They heard the judge's final verdict. He tapped the gavel against a lectern.

    They all remembered how they were mocked and bullied. How their family sees them as a liability and not powerful enough to carry their family name. They watched four security men walk in with the plates and cups on it, containing Anatasia's poison.

    They each took a cup and drank the poison. Soon they felt like their inside was burning, they started coughing out blood, and there was blood also came out of their ears, eyes, and noses. 

  His vision became blurry and he could only think of Alice. He wondered what his life would be like if he didn't tell his friends about the blessed child. Alice would have been his wife.

    He opened the door and walked into a simple wooden house. "Honey! I am home" Thomas removed his jacket. Alice ran out of the room and hugged him. "I missed you sooooo much," she said before kissing his lips. I missed you too." The kiss became deeper as they both fell on the couch and roughly kissed each other.  Thomas Wilder died with a smile on his face. If he had kept quiet. That was what his life would be like.

      Markle was arrested and his verdict was to spend three years of hard labor in jail. The worst part is Markle does not know what he was getting punished for. Since they wiped out his memory. But to keep peace and order he was still arrested.

       After three days, Chen was back, the team was happy but angry that Cyrus only got demoted and wasn't punished for risking a child's life. "Guys we almost died fighting bad guys. Do you know what we need?" Chen asked with a smile.

    "What do we need?" Ella had a cute frown on her face. "Karaoke night!" Chen said at the top of his voice and the rest agreed. They also invited the scary Trent. "Can I invite someone?" Ella asked and they all agreed.

    Brian was working on his new invention. He has not seen Ella after she ran in here and asked for a truth serum. He sighed before his mind wandered off. Ella ran into his cabin. "Brian!." she called out. Brian flinched and fell off his chair. "Are you okay?" Ella rushed over and bent next to him.

       "Are you okay?" Ella looked worried. "Yes I am fine, I didn't know you were there." he smiled and sat back on his chair. Ella sat on a seat next to him. "What can I do for you?" Brian smiled. "Actually, I am here to invite you to join us for karaoke." Brian was surprised. "Really!" Brian was happy. "8:00 pm, don't be late" she ran out leaving the excited Brian behind.

     They all reached the karaoke by 8:00. It was a private karaoke four-cornered room. It contains a huge couch, a table, a karaoke bar, and a dim blue fluorescent light.

   "I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved." Micheal finished singing and the rest clapped. "I am next" Chen ran to the stage and collected the mic. "I will be singing Dua lipa's break my heart."   "woo! Go on!!" They cheered for him except for Trent who was sitting in a corner looking bored.

 "I've always been the one to say the first goodbye.

Had to love and lose a hundred million times"

  "I will go get us soda" Brian stood up. Ella kept watching Chen sing. Her eyes wandered around the room. Until she found Trent's head buried in between the waitress's neck while her fingers were caressing his back.

"I am falling in love

 with the one that could break my heart.

I should have stayed at home." Chen kept singing.

Ella felt a sharp pain in her heart, tears gathered in her eyes and she ran out.

Why was she crying? even she doesn't know that. No matter what she did, she couldn't stop herself from crying, she clutched her chest. How could she be stupid how could she fall in love with a guy who will never love her?

  "Samuel!" she cleaned her tears when she had someone calling her name. Brian came next to her. "Is there a cure for heartbreak, it hurts so much" Fresh tears started flowing down. Brian didn't know what to say. He sat next to her. "Too bad,  our intelligence can't beat heartbreak." he smiled at Ella who was still crying. "I meant that as a joke." Ella started laughing. "Wait! Is my joke that funny?" Brian's eyes sparkled. "No, I am laughing because it is horrible, that was the worst joke I have ever heard." They both laughed and held their stomachs. Unbeknownst Trent was watching.

    He disapparated and appeared inside a haunted-looking mansion. The sound of someone playing the piano echoed through the mansion. When he reached the big drawing room He saw Romulus playing the piano with his eyes closed.

   "was it my mum, who spread the rumors about the blessed child?" Trent asked with a stoic look. "What a funny way to say hi" Romulus continued to play his piano. "I am not here to exchange pleasantries" Deadpanned. "Romulus chuckled. "You're right, it's your mother." Trent gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. His eyes were filled with murderous intent.

 "I will surely kill her" his voice was cold and looming.