Ella sat and was trying to figure out some things. A lot of documents and pictures of young girls were scattered all over her study table. 

  It has been three weeks since the case was handed down to her and she still doesn't have any major clue. The only clues she has for now was 

  One: all the people abducted were girls.

  Two: their range of age is sixteen to twenty-five years old.

  Three: the reported cases are from three towns only. The capital, Eagleburgh, and rich wood. 

   Why are they carrying girls from these three towns, that is what Ella wants to find out?" she sighed as she pinched between her brows. Then something clicked in her head. She carried the map of Ehteran and spread it on the table. 

  The towns were close to one another, and the police were in charge of searching for any suspicious-looking places; some field agents had been dispatched around the three towns. She looked at the map again. Ehteran's capital is known as Acabo the three towns in the state of Acabo, why did the abductors pick those towns?

   Ella used the internet to browse more on the three states, using their quadrants she kept searching and zooming in until she found out that all three places had a path that led to Flee town. 

  "Yes!" Ella got up from her chair and a screeching sound was heard by Simon. "Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! She jumped up celebrating her discovery, she quickly rolled the map, took some of the files, and puts them into her work briefcase.

     She heard a soft knock on her door. "Come in" Simon opened the door and worked in, and he noticed that Ella was already dressed, he looked at the time it was barely seven am (7:00 am).

    "Where are you going this early in the morning?" Simon asked Ella who was struggling to put on her black Italian male cover shoes. "I gotta get to work, I made a huge discovery."  He looked at the dark shadow under her eyes, although she looked a little brighter than yesterday, Simon was still worried about her. Ever since she started working on this case she barely had time for herself.   

    "You should at least eat something before you leave. You have a lot of weight" Simon voiced his concern.

"I don't have that time, Simon. If I lose this case I won't be able to prove my family's innocence. And you don't have to worry, I will buy lunch at work." She walked out of the house before he could say another word.

   Rose walked into the living room. "Where is she? Her breakfast is ready." Rose placed the sandwich and orange juice on the center table. "She has gone to work," Simon replied.

     "What do you mean, she left without eating again." Rose looked angry. "She said she will eat at work." Simon sighed

 "She won't eat, she will be too busy to eat." Rosa sat on the chair and folded her hands. 

   "Ever since she came home that night in tears, she has completely changed." Simon also sat down on a chair opposite Rose. After a few minutes of silence, Rose stood up from her chair. "Where are you going?" Simon asked. "I am taking her breakfast to her." She left the living room. 

   Simon dragged the plate of sandwiches and started munching on it, he used the orange juice to push it down. "Sandwich in the morning is the best thing that can happen to a man." he continued to munch on it.

         On her way to work, Ella received a message telling her to be at work by 7:30 pm for an urgent meeting. She got there by 7:20 am, and the place only had a few people walking around the halls. 

   She went straight to their office, where she met the cleaners, she greeted them and they greeted her back. She went into the empty office, sat at her own desk, and waited for the time of the meeting.

          It was 7:30 am, Romolus, Chen, Cyrus, and Trent, including her, were seated in the living room. Romulus's seat was facing all of them. 

   "In April 2022, three sisters were reported to be missing. Now in May, we have a total of twenty girls who have gone missing. This is nothing to be taken lightly." Romulus said. "Ella, do you have any findings you want to report?" Romulus asked. "Yes, using the map and the help of the internet, I found out that there is a path that leads to Flee town.

     "Trent has already informed me about it two days ago," Romulus said. Ella looked at Trent. Trent smiled and waved at her but she looked away. They have been having this fight for a month now. 

     "The four of you will travel to Flee town, go pack your things and leave. One more thing Trent and Sam are now in charge of the case."  "What? But it is my case." Ella looked unhappy. "I know but we are in a hurry to solve this case, Bye," Romulus said before leaving the room.

The room was quiet for some time before they all left. On her way out of the organization, Ella was agitated. Trent found out about it two days before her. And now Trent is also on the case. She felt a headache coming. She heard her phone vibrating and she picked up the call.

        Trent saw Ella talking on the phone and he smiled before going to meet her.    

"Hi!" Trent stood beside her. "Do you need anything Boss?" She cut the call. "Why do you keep acting this way with me?" Ella started to walk away but Trent followed her. "I don't know what kind of game you're playing with me but I hope it stops." She said before walking over to Chen.

   "Hi, Chen." she smiled at him. "Hi….. He stopped talking when he raised his head, he saw Trent throwing daggers at him. "I gotta go." Chen ran. She turned to look at Trent who had a scowl on his face 

   "I knew he was playing me, I am sure he was trying to distract me from the case since he truly wants to kick me out of the organization." He glanced at Ella, who was giving him a weird look.

    Chen in the process of going out bumped into Rose. "Mate! Mate!"  his wolf cried out. Chen's eyes widened "No it can not be, it can't be!" He dashed out leaving the confused Rose behind. Ella saw Rose standing next to the revolving door. She already knew about her coming since the security called to inform her of someone asking her.

     "The strangest thing happened to me." "What happened?" Ella looked worried. "A guy bumped into me, guess what he said?" "He blamed you for it" "I wish he said to me. It can not be it can't and ran off." Rose looked pissed. "That was strange" Ella's brow furrowed as she seemed to be in deep thought.

   "I brought you breakfast. *She jiggled the lunch box in front of Ella's face* How is your day so far?"

    "I am leaving for Flee town today."  "WHAT?" Rose said it in a high-pitched voice. Which attracted the attention of some passersby. "What's happening?" 

"I will tell you all about it when we get home," Ella replied. "When will I get a detour?" Rose pouted. "When I returned.

They both left.


        Rose was helping her pack her things. 


       "Trent is also in charge of the case," she said tapping her feet. And he found out about the path two days before me.


         "Rose! I am finished!! I am done for!!!" Ella looked worried she kept pacing around the room making Rose dizzy. "You don't have to worry, I am sure everything will turn out fine" Rose finally found her voice. "You don't understand.

I have already failed one mission and there is a high chance of me failing this one too. If I fail this mission, he is going to tell everyone that I am a girl and I will be kicked out of the house of justice before I can prove my father's innocence!" She sighed. 

Rose got up and walked up to her she pulled Ella and made her sit on the bed before sitting next to her, she stared at Ella with the utmost attention. "Why are you staring at me like that? you're making me uncomfortable.

 "I'm looking at your beauty," Rose said, still staring at her. "What!?" "Is time you use this beauty of yours" Rose exclaimed. "I don't get you" "is time you make him fall over heels for you, is time you seduce Trent Vanderwood" Rose voiced out with a bright smile on her face.

    "What? there is no way I am going to do that." Ella stood up from the bed. "You said Trent is also in charge of the case if you don't do this. You will lose the chance of winning the case." 

   She knew that Rose was right but she didn't want to turn into another Angela. "Look El." Rose walked towards her and gently grabbed her by her shoulders.

   "I don't want to end up like Angela." Ella looked scared. "You won't because you are not having sex with him or carrying his child. You are only going to seduce him." Rose's voice was low and clear as she said it.

   "But I don't even know how to seduce a man."  Rose smiled. "Leave it to me, let me prepare you for operation SEDUCE TRENT VANDERWOOD." Rose was so excited.