Ella headed back to HOJ. She met up with Chen who was waiting for the arrival of Trent and Cyrus.

    He was wearing a pair of black tight jeans and a white sweatshirt with Grey skulls designed all over the shirt. His long blank hair lay on his shoulders. He looked handsome as ever. He was leaning on a black hummer jeep.

    Ella was wearing long plain jeans and red short sleeves. Her male brown hair was styled in a side part cut.

   She walked over to Chen with her small traveling bag 🎒 in her hand. She looked a bit nervous, scared, and shy whenever her eyes landed on the bag. Hi Chen she joined him by leaning next to him on the hummer jeep. "Hi, how was your night," he asked with a smile. "It was eventful." which wasn't a lie. She stayed up all night practicing how she would seduce Trent but she still couldn't figure out how she would sneak into his hotel room, once they reached Flee town.

   "It is nice to know that your night was eventful, mine wasn't. I had to arrange my own things." 

      "You live alone?"  "Yeah, my sister visits once in a while though," Chen said. "That's great," she exclaimed.  They were silent for a few minutes. "Angela killed herself." Ella felt a pain in her chest. 

Angela was sentenced to life imprisonment while Elijah was sentenced to ten years imprisonment. And their daughter's custody was given to the Philip family.

      "I feel so sad for her," El's eyes became teary.  

      "Trent isn't here yet?" Cyrus spoke before Chen could reply to El. "Yeah, he hasn't arrived," Chen replied. This was the first she was seeing Cyrus in normal clothing. He was also wearing tight black jeans with a brown sweatshirt with a black poker card spades symbol in the center. His blonde hair was a classically charming men's haircut. Cyrus was also a handsome young man. 

    He was holding a Coffee takeaway. "Good morning Mr. Potter," "Good morning Sam." Even though he answered her, Chen and El could feel the hostility exuding from Cyrus.

       "I am sorry, I am late." Trent rushed toward them, this was also the first time El was seeing him in informal attire. He was also wearing blue tight jeans, a milk shirt, and a black fitted leather jacket. His hair was styled in messy waves and dyed black, His eyes were not red or silver but black.

   Ella squinted her eyes. "I had to change my appearance to look more human." the rest just nodded their heads.

  Trent was still looking as dashing and handsome as ever. He looked at her and smiled but El looked away not because she was angry at him but because she was too shy to look at him. Trent sighed.

      "Who is driving?" Trent asked. "I will" Chen raised his hand. "Great, let's go," Cyrus said. He opened the car boot and they all arranged their bags in the boot before they sat inside the car.


    The secret path was known only by a few people, it was located in a forest, and that reason alone stopped a lot of people who knew about the road from following it.

     There is a much better and safer road that led to Flee town, it was also the road recognized by the government. That is the road they took. 

   The journey was quiet because of these reasons. 

One:Chen and Cyrus are not friends.

Two: Cyrus and Trent are not friends

Three: Cyrus and Ella are not friends.

Four: Ella and Trent are not talking to each other.

Five:Chen was scared of talking to Ella because of Trent.

Six:Chen was scared of starting a conversation with Trent.

          After three hours of passing mountains, and small neighboring villages occupied by farmers they reached Flee town. Flee town is a town mainly occupied by people who are running from the law, prison escapees, and people who are too poor to live in other states.

      The place is shabby and looks like a slump, so they drove their car into the heart of the city. "Hey pretty boy, ohhhhh! I see a lot of hot guys." the busty prostitute leaned on Chen's side of the window.

    "Hi." Chen looked uncomfortable. "Do you want me to rock your world?" She shakes her boobs in front of Chen. Cyrus and Chen couldn't take their eyes off it.

    Ella's face had turned red while Trent was still boiling in anger since Ella kept ignoring him. "Thank you, miss. The only thing you can do for me is to point me to a hotel." He took out the money from his wallet and gave it to her." the woman's eyes become teary. "You gave me this much money even without fucking me, no one has done that for me before." the tears began to fall. "It is nothing, just point me to 

the hotel, that will be the best thing you can do for me."

    The woman nodded. After getting directions Chen drove to the hotel. 

The hotel was small and the lights kept blinking. The four walked into the hotel and went to the reception desk. The place was dim and only a few guests were sitting in the lobby.

    "Hi, my friends and I are hoping to book rooms," Trent said with a smile. Ella was pacing back and forth as she glance at Trent who was talking to an old man with a mustache 〰️.  

    She was nervous, "How am I going to his room and seduce him? "God please help me." Ella kept on praying in her mind and did not notice Trent's arrival. "Bad news  guys." Trent's voice got her attention. "What's it?" Cyrus asked. "I could only get us two rooms." "What!" Cyrus shouted this got people's attention.

     "How do you expect me to share a room?" Cyrus yelled. "Well, you can always go out and look for other accommodations." Trent looked straight into his eyes. Cyrus gritted his teeth. "If that's the case, I want Chen to be my roommate." Chen quickly looked in Cyrus's direction with a shocked impression. 

     "Ok, you two have fun. Here is the key to your room." Trent gave the key to Cyrus. He carried his bag and left. Ella has turned pale. When she prayed to God, she didn't know that her prayers would be answered.

      Trent opened the room to their door, they could hear squeaking sounds when they entered the room. The walls are cracked, the bulbs are dull and kept blinking and the air conditioning makes weird sounds. "What a  suite." He opened the bathroom door, and it made a loud creaking sound. 

    Ella could hear the sound of the shower, she brought her bag and looked at the nightgowns hand-picked by Rose. She looked at them and shook her head. 

"I can not do this," she murmured to herself.

  She dropped the night dress but the image of her sister and parents came to her. She picked up one of the night dresses as soon as Trent walked out of the bathroom. Ella ran in. Trent cleaned his hair, he was wearing black shots 

  He sat on the bed which made weird noises. "Ella is still angry with me and I can't make her forgive me. At the same time, I am scared of telling her my past." Trent thought to himself.

     Will she accept me if I tell her what if she didn't? Trent grabbed his hair out of frustration when he heard the door opening. 

   "Ella I," he stopped talking, his eyes and mouth wide open. Ella was wearing black strappy side slits nightie. This was the only decent night dress among the nightgowns Rose got her.

   Trent swallowed his spit, he felt his little brother going up. She slowly walked towards the bed. Trent's brain froze. The nightgown has a deep v-neck showing off her cleavage.

     She slowly got on the bed and sat down. Her long curly brown hair rolled down her back. She was trying to remember the next step but what happened next shocked her and Trent.

     Trent pulled her and kissed her, he pushed his tongue into her mouth, savoring her soft full lips. He bit her lips and her blood seeped into his mouth. The blood tasted so delicious, that he kept sucking on her lower lips.

   He grabbed her breast and gently squeezed it making her moan, while he kept biting and sucking her lips, Ella didn't protest any of the things Trent was doing. His lips traveled down to her neck, and he kissed and sucked her beautiful soft neck. He used his hand to grab her butt and pulled her closer.

     "Fuck! You will definitely be the death of me!" His voice was hoarse. He played with her nipple that has turned hard. Ella throws her head back. As soon as Trent's tongue replaced his hand. He used his tongue to lick her nipple, through her nightdresses.  Ella has never felt this way before. She grabbed his hair.

   Trent looked up, he caught her face between his hands, and she felt something poking her. "You have to take responsibility and satisfy my little brother." He said to her They wrapped their legs and arms around each other as he laid his head on her neck. She was confused. 

    "You have a little brother, how old is he?" Trent couldn't help but laugh when he heard her question. "He is the same age as me, all men have little brothers, my dear El." He caressed her back. 

"That's not true, my brothers have little sisters." Trent couldn't help but laugh again. He couldn't believe someone could be this ignorant. Ella got angry and stood up to leave.

    "Wait!" Trent grabbed her hand and pulled her. Ella landed on Trent. "I am sorry, please don't be angry," he hugged her tightly. "Ella felt her heart melting. "This is a little brother." he took her hand and placed it on his dick. Ella's eyes widened. Then she remembered Markle. "So this is what he meant. Ella thought to herself. 

   "Do you want to see it?"