Ella woke up with a headache. Due to the thick curtains, location, and architectural design of the hotel, Ella couldn't tell if it was morning or night. She groggily stood up from the bed and dragged her feet on the wooden floor, she yawned before picking up her phone, and her eyes widened when she saw the time.

    "It is already nine thirty am, why didn't any of them wake me up?" she said to herself. Ella's stomach grumbled. She placed her hand on her stomach before she heard a knock on the door.

     Her eyes went wide, she bent down a little to look at her face in the mirror, she was now wearing one of her office's white long-sleeve shirts. Her hair was scattered and her face was a bit swollen from sleep, and so were her lips. That was not what bothered her the most. Any idiot that sees her in these states will know she's a girl.


      "I will be there in five minutes!" she yelled. "Just great Ella, how are you going to get ready in five mins?" She quickly rushed to her bag and pulled out a pair of black pants. The door slowly opened revealing Trent who was struggling with the trolley that had lost two of its front tires.

    He stopped to look at Ella who was also struggling to put on her pants, He looked at her scattered hair and her shocked swollen face and lips. He couldn't help himself but smile. "I brought you breakfast, get ready and meet us downstairs." 

      One hour passed before Ella came downstairs, not because she took her time dressing but because she was too shy to face Trent, not after what happened last night or this morning.

   She went downstairs where the dining area was located. She searched through the scanty room until she found Trent reading a book and looking handsome as ever. She slowly dragged her feet 👣 until she reached his side. 

     "I was starting to wonder if you couldn't walk again and needed me to come to lift you." he brought down the book and smiled at her, showing her his perfectly beautiful dimples.

     Ella cleared her throat before taking a seat opposite him.  "Where are the rest?" she asked, glancing around the room but never meeting his eyes. "They had to leave for their missions; they could not wait to see you. Ella about last night." Ella gasped, She never thought he would ask her about it.

   He noticed how uncomfortable she was. So he cleared his throat to get her attention. "We will talk about it after the mission," he said, "Yes we should do that, after all, the mission is more important," she said so fast. He just smiled and nodded his head. "I am sure you will be ready by then." 

   Their eyes met and they kept staring at each other, no one moved or said anything. 

  "I brought the dress and makeup sir." a young boy of not less than fifteen interrupted their staring contest.

     "Thank you, Gabriel. Now forget that I have sent you to buy a dress." his eyes turned red, and she gawked at the boy he seemed to be in a trance. "Now go back to your post." The boy nodded his head and left.

       He turned to look at Ella who was staring at him in awe. "Long story short, I need you in a dress." he raised the shopping bag and jiggled it in front of her.

      Ella went upstairs, locked the door, and took out her phone from her front pocket. She dialed  Rose's number again but she did not pick up her calls. She has been trying to contact Rose but she couldn't get through to her. Ella dropped her phone on the bed feeling disappointed.

   He wants them to talk about it after the mission, she has no idea of what to say about the night even if he gives her a year to prepare she wouldn't know what to say.

   Ella dolled herself in a brown vested floral dress with brown boots and a jacket. What surprised her the most was the fact that Trent knew her bra and pant size. Then the image of last night flashed before her eyes and her face turned red. She slapped her cheeks and cleared her throat.


    "Focus Ella," she murmured to herself before bringing out the makeup kit from the shopping bag. Trent never ceases to amaze her, he got her skin color right, and she applied the powder, eyeliner, and lip gloss. She let down her brown curly hair and looked at herself in the mirror.


    She took a deep breath before walking out of the room and met Trent standing outside the hotel. 

   Trent was completely taken aback, the moment his eyes fell on her, he couldn't stop admiring the beauty walking toward him. "Trent! Trent!!." she waved her hand in front of him. 

    He jerked. "I am sorry, you look so beautiful, that I completely lost myself in it." 

Ella gasped, Trent said those words with so much sincerity. Ella was blushing and she subconsciously tucked her hair behind her ear.

    "What about the mission?" Ella stammered. (You are so stupid). Ella. She inwardly scolded herself. 

     Trent chuckled. "I was about to tell you though. Your job is simple. You just need to go about the market, make observations and look out for any suspicious-looking people."

   "Why, is there any update?" She looked puzzled. "Yes, a friend of mine said that the men visit the market on Mondays and Thursdays." Ella nodded her head. "Today is Thursday, which means they will be at the market." Ella was trying to act cool but she was panicking on the inside. Trent has a wide connection and he is way ahead of her. She was going to lose the case." she thought to herself. 


      Ella felt a warm sensation all over her body. "You must be confused, you don't have to worry. I just put a tracking spell on you."  "Why?"  "In case we get separated." "I see." she nodded her head.

    "El, I need you to listen carefully."  "Call me Ella." She corrected him.

    "Ok then. Listen ELLA. ( he stressed it out). I will be on the roof of the tallest building in the market, you are the bait. If I am right they haven't gathered enough girls which means they are still looking for more."

     "That makes me a perfect candidate."  "Exactly, when you notice anyone suspicious following you. Go to the alley behind the building I will be on. Do you understand?." he asked her. "What if I just let them take me to their secret base?"  "No!" Ella flinched. "I am sorry I didn't mean to shout at you."

    If his mother was the one that was truly behind this, then it was best if he didn't let her be captured by them. Even Lex, his friend, couldn't find them.

    "Is too dangerous, just do as I say. One more thing. Do not follow or help any stranger." he looked fierce. Ella found herself nodding her head. 


   He disapparated with her and they both materialized in the market. The people remained composed and went back to their business. 

  She wanted to leave but Trent pulled her back. "Ella, remember everything I told you." He pulled her closer and captured her lips in his, he kissed her till she was almost out of breath. He released her but Ella was too shocked to react. 


   "Good luck." He said to her before he dematerialize. Ella finally came back to her senses and walked into a random shop to price a handbag👜. Unbeknownst to her someone was looking at her while Trent had his eyes on that someone.


      Cyrus has a huge scowl on his face. People who saw him moved away, and even the sellers who were trying to advertise their products stayed wary of him.

  He didn't know why Elder Aurelia sent him on this mission. She said it was to boost him and help clear the air. What annoyed him the most is that he has been merged with Trent's team on this mission.

None of his crew was here.

 One: He loathes Trent.

 Two: He hates Samuel.

 Three: Chen annoys him.

    "Thief!" the woman screamed. This brought him out of his thoughts and he started chasing the thief. He saw a young woman punch the man, twist his arm, and collected the bag from him.

    Cyrus was surprised at the same time, his heart started beating so fast. He placed his hand on his chest. "What is happening to me, I have never felt this way before." He said to himself before he went over to her. 


   She gave the woman her purse. The woman thanked her before she left. "That was impressive." she was shocked she quickly covered it up with a smile. "Cyrus Potter of the House of justice." he was stupefied. "You know me, but  how?."  

"I am a reporter, I work with Channel 12."

   "Now that you mention it, you do look familiar." he squinted his eyes.

She laughed nervously. "My name is Ella." she bit her tongue. (You are so stupid, why use your real name?). She inwardly scolded herself again. She gave him her hand and he shook it. "Mrs. Or Miss?" he asked with a charming smile.

  Trent was so jealous and angry, he felt like going down there and beating Cyrus to a pulp.