"I am Miss Ella Watson." She smiled at him and gently tucked her hair behind her ears.  Trent was flabbergasted, she was flirting with Cyrus. 

    "It is nice meeting you, Miss Watson. But why did you come to Flee town?" "The same reason as you, to find out more about the missing girls."

   "That's dangerous, and you already have suspicious men tailing you. I can tell because they haven't moved from their spot, they are just pretending to buy stuff." 

  "One is bald and the other one's hair is dyed red." 

Cyrus was dumbfounded at the same time amazed.

   "They have been following me, from the moment I stepped into this market." Cyrus looked at the young lady who didn't seem bothered about it.

  "Then I shall stay by your side and protect you." He exclaimed with so much confidence. "You don't have to, I have someone protecting me." Trent smiled when he heard that.

   "Ok then." Cyrus was a bit disappointed, he wanted to follow her around and get to know her. Then his eyes lit up when he thought of something.

  "How about this? Let's exchange contact, we can share information on the case and also meet up sometimes."  Ella thought about it, it was a good thing for her to gather information from Cyrus, it will help her in a lot of ways.

    "Sure, give me your phone." Trent felt like breaking down the building. Why did she agree to this? 

   "That's my phone number." He dialed it and her phone started ringing, she brought it out and waved it at him before saving his number as Mr.Potter, while he saved her number as Future Mrs.Potter.

     "Stay safe, bye." He flashed her a charming smile. "the same to you, bye."

    Cyrus left and she decided to go to where Trent asked her to meet, that was her plan earlier before she heard a woman screaming and she decided to assist.

  Her phone began to ring and she brought it out from the pocket of her jacket. The number was saved as ANNOYING BOSS. she picked up the call "Is there a problem?" she asked Trent.

    "Yes, there is. Why were you flirting and even exchanging numbers with him?" 

    Then she remembered what Rose said to her, the second step of her mission was to make him jealous.

  The market isn't that big but the people of Flee town are dirty. The ground was muddy and there were a lot of potholes. One small mistake and you can slip and have your head cracked open and your brain scattered all over the mud. 

    Ella was very careful about how to move around the market. "So what, he is cute, and what's so wrong in exchanging numbers with him?"

   Trent was silent for a while.  "Young lady, do you need body lotion? Come to my shop and see them for yourself." The man's teeth were dirty, he was skinny and tall. 

   "No, thank you." she moved away from him and walked on the stones placed on top of the slimy muddy ground.

   "Ella, You belong to me, I have already made up my mind to make you mine!" He sounded angry and cold at the same time.

   Ella paused, it was like her brain had completely shut down. 

  She cut the call and put back her phone in her pocket. She looked up and realized that she was a bit lost, the market was built with stone walls containing kiosks, shops, and tables. It is not arranged, they built their shops and placed their tables wherever they deem fit.

   Ella accidentally bumped into an old lady, The lady's shopping polythene fell into the mud, revealing the vegetables and fresh tomatoes 🍅 she purchased.

  "I am so sorry." She bent down and carried the polythene bag.

Trent's eyes narrowed and he dialed her number again, he felt a dangerous presence around and slithered away from his position. The little black ball with black smoke around it passed him and launched itself into the stone wall facing the building.

     Due to the thickness of the wall, no one noticed what happened.

"Awww, men! I was hoping for the attack to kill you but you are really fast on your feet.'' The man spoke slowly. His eyes looked sleepy, and his black hair danced to the wind. He was wearing black crazy jeans and a shirt that hugged his body.

     "Who are you?" Trent asked the guy but positioned himself to attack, just in case.

"Nobody, I just saw you looking all bad, gawking at the marketers. So I took it upon myself to kill the dangerous guy." He smirked.

   "Thank you, my dear." the old woman's voice was shaky, she sluggardly stretched her hand out to collect the polythene. "Let me help you, Grandma." Ella felt bad for the old woman. 

   "Thank you, my dear." the old voice came as a whisper. "No problem, Grandma. So where are we going?" 


    "Down the road, taxi drivers are waiting there."  

The woman was slothful but Ella patiently walked beside her. "Do you leave alone?" she asked the old woman. "No, I leave with my son, he sometimes goes into the city.

     "I see." "What about you my dear?"  "I am visiting a friend." "That's good, visiting friends is a good thing." The old woman smiled and began telling Ella the story of when she was young. Ella, who was looking at the lady, smiled too. She raised her head and realized that they were the only ones there.

   She stopped walking and her smile was now replaced with worry. "A good story makes us forget about ourselves, am I right or not young lady." The gentle voice of the old woman has now become that of a man.

    Ella gasped and slowly stepped back. She watched the woman's bone crack and started taking another form. "Man, that was not fun. Being an old woman was truly disgusting. Yukk!" he said, shivering. Ella was too dumbfounded. It was the guy with red hair. 

   Ella continued to step back but someone covered her nose with a hanky and she passed out. The red-haired guy smiled at the bald guy. "So if she's a witch the potion in the hanky will stop her from using her powers right?." the red-haired guy asked. "Not just witches, Vampires, elves, etc." the bald guy replied and the red-haired guy nodded.

     Trent squinted his eyes. "Why would you care about me staring at the people, Flee town is a town that is lawless, which means…" Trent stopped talking,  and his pupils dilated. He found himself stepping back.

   He raised his hands using telekinesis, lifted the guy in the air, and began breaking the man's bone. The man hissed, feeling the tremendous pain all over his body. "Where is she, where did your people take her too?" 


     "I will never say!" the man yelled. His body started glowing. "For Lady Amorah!" Trent's eyes widened and he quickly jumped down the building before disapparating in mid-air. The man exploded, taking down the entire building.

    Trent apparated on the ground, and a lot of people were running due to the explosion. Some were terribly injured while some were killed by the pile of gravel that fell during the explosion.

    Trent searched for her among the crowd. "Ella, Ella where are you!?."  He couldn't find her anywhere. He took out his phone and texted Cyrus and Chen to meet back at the hotel.

    "What's the emergency about?" Cyrus asked as soon he entered Trent's room. He saw Trent sitting on the edge of the bed, with his hands dipped into his hair, he then looked at Chen who was sitting by the dressing mirror looking worried and kept tapping his feet on the ground. 

   "Guys, what's the problem?".  "Another girl went missing in the market and we just found out that another girl went missing in the capital," Chen informed.

   "The explosion I heard was from the market?" Cyrus looked surprised.

"Yes, Trent fought with one of them." 

He glanced at Trent who still hasn't raised his head.

   "What are the names of the girls?" Cyrus asked Chen, he understood one thing, Trent was in no mood to talk.

  "Ella Watson and….." Did you just say, Ella Watson?" Cyrus cuts in.

   "Yes." Cyrus felt like the world was about to end. "How did she get kidnapped and where the hell is Samuel?" 

   "Trent sent Sam back to the Capital to investigate someone," Chen replied.

    "We need to figure out a way to find Ella." Trent finally spoke.

"Why are you so worried about her?" Cyrus furrowed his brows.

   "She's Samuel Bassett's twin sister."  Cyrus's heart almost gave out when Trent replied to him. That is when it clicked into his head. The reason why he found her familiar was that she looked like Sam.

   "But why does she have a different surname?"

   "She uses her mother's surname and he uses his father's." 

  Trent decided to formulate this lie simply because there is a high chance of Cyrus and Ella crossing paths. So best he creates a good backstory. 

    "We need to figure out a way to save Ella and all those girls,"  Trent said looking so serious.