Ella watched the two vampires bickering. "I saw the gifts you sent me, I enjoyed opening them up.

   Ella's brows furrowed.

"Why did you kill them? I sent them to your office for a reason!!"

"You should have notified me before you send them!" 

"You should have informed me before you killed them!" 

Trent heaved out a long sigh.

"The question is, who are they?" Romulus broke the silence.


    "You employed them, They were before some shapeshifters took their places."

Romulus slightly narrowed his eyes.

"For how long did you know about them?"

"A week ago, I compelled them to spy on your office staff. I believe there are spies amongst your staff."

  Romulus nodded his head While rubbing his smooth chin.

"I suppose they found out."

"Yes, they did."

Ella was completely lost.

   "Trent I need to talk to you in private about your father." Romulus turned serious.

"She knows, you can say it in front of her."

Romulus looked at Ella, then at Trent. "I see that you two now have a deep relationship." Romulus chuckled.

"Say what you want to say and leave."

Trent began to tap his feet.

      "Impatient as always. But I still need you to step out, it is better if Miss Patterson doesn't know about this." He gave Trent a warning look. Trent nodded his head.

He walked in Ella's direction.

    "I won't take long, I promise." His voice was soft. He kissed her on the cheek, and blood rushed to Ella's face. Romulus' smile was brazen.

Trent opened the door and stepped out, Romulus followed behind but stopped at the threshold. He turned to look at her.

"Are you sure of what you are signing up for?" Romulus' voice was calm and collected.

   "Huh!" Ella looked flustered.

"I do not understand, what do you mean Elder Romulus?"

  He was silent for a few seconds.

"Are you willing to be with a guy who tricked you into allowing him to drink from you?"


    Ella's face turned serious.

   "Trent wouldn't need to trick me. If he wants something from me, he will ask for it." She replied after having a deep thought.

    Trent's lips pulled into a smile when he heard Ella's reply.

Romulus nodded his head.

"I know you have a lot of questions you want to ask, I will be free on Monday from 10:00-11:00 am." He gave her a reassuring smile.

 "Thank you so much, I will make sure to stop by."

He hummed before stepping out and closing the door behind him.

  Trent was standing by the narrow hallway since it was a private ward, there was nobody there apart from him and Romulus. Romulus leaned on the other side of the wall.

"I understand that this is a private ward but shouldn't they still keep a chair for the visitor?" He clicked his tongue in annoyance.

    "I would prefer you to tell me the reason you are here." There was a hint of arrogance in his eyes.

 "Your father wants you to come for his birthday party, there will be two days of events, before the big party on Sunday evening." 

   Trent checked his time, it was already one o'clock pm which meant it was already Friday.

Trent put his hand down and gave Romulus an indifferent stare.

"I already plan on going….."

  "He said to tell you that he is not going to take no for an answer." Romulus interrupted Trent.

 "If your old saggy ears were listening, you would have heard me saying that I am going to attend his dumb, annoying party.

    Romulus's eyes twitched, He looked not less than forty years of age in human years.

"I am not that old, but why?"

"Why, what?" Trent cuts in.

"Are you going?"

"I am going for Ariadna's sake."

"Do you know where she is? Your father paid for a private search. If people find out that a daughter of the royal family is missing. It will be a huge blow to the royal family. "

"Yeah, I found out about it and I am searching for her."

Romulus hummed.

"Well, it's a good thing that you are going to the party."

He grinned.

Trent slightly narrowed his eyes.

"Why do I feel like something is wrong?"

"What makes you think that something is wrong?

"You are smiling too much."

"What is wrong with smiling?" Romulus asked with a smile.

   "What's going on?" Trent looked at him suspiciously.

"Well, there is a high chance, I brought you out here to distract you from knowing of Ella's kidnap." His voice was a bit octave.

   Trent scoffed, "I can still feel her presence if she was gone, I would know." Then it hit him. Lydia is a powerful witch that works in the palace.

   Trent dashed into the ward, the bed was empty, he checked her bathroom and there was no sign of Ella.

He glared at Romulus who was standing by the door.

He rushed toward him and grabbed him by the collar.

"If anything happens to her, I will rain hell on Ehteran."  He whispered through clenched teeth.

  "She's safe, Trent she's with your family," said Romulus.

"They are not my family!" he shouted at him, before dropping him down with a loud thud.

  He disapparated from the room, leaving Romulus, sitting on his butt on the soft green rug placed in the private ward.

      "The Royal family truly has issues, I should plan a day to go on hibernation. Maybe for a thousand years." Romulus murmured to himself.

   Trent apparated in Ariadna's ward. Just when she was about to eat the juicy strawberry 🍓 in her hand.

   "You look angry." 

"Ella has been kidnapped."

"Two times in two days, Isn't she the girl with a blue technological sword?"

Ariadna's brows furrowed in thought.

"Yes, she is your future sister-in-law."

Trent sighed before sitting at the edge of the bed.

"You suppose to look a bit happy saying it, who kidnapped her this time?" Ariadna salivated when she looked at the strawberry, just when she was about to put it in her mouth. Trent collected it and started to nibble on it.

  "Your father is the one who plotted her kidnap," Trent said angrily, Ariadna wanted to cry for her berries Trent dragged the bowl to his front and began to consume them.

  "I am sure she will be okay or not." He glared at her and she quickly looked down.

"I am going to drop you off at my apartment,"



      He grabbed her hand and they both dematerialized. 

A female nurse walked into the ward with her face buried in the file she was holding.

"Miss. Julia, you're free to go."

She raised her head and was greeted by an empty bed, she checked the bathroom and Ariadna wasn't there.

Trent registered Ariadna with a fake name. To protect her from being found. The nurse ran out to information security.

   They materialized in Trent's apartment. "Ariadna felt nauseated and almost threw up.

"Throw up on my black expensive rug and I will use you to mop it."

Hearing the threat Ariadna held it in. They both stood next to a huge tempered glass, She could see his swimming pool from there. The wall was covered with a black wallpaper that has huge sharingan eyes as it deco.

    "The kitchen is over there, the living rooms and bathrooms are upstairs." he pointed in their direction. Ariadna decides it is best she goes upstairs and throws up.

   "Master, you arrived earlier than expected so I haven't cooked anything."

A middle-aged woman walked down the flight of stairs.

   "That's not a problem, How have you been?" He smiled at the woman, who isn't more than 4 ft tall.

"I am fine, I see you brought a woman." the woman's eyes shunned.

"This is my younger sister."

Her brightened face was replaced by a shocked expression.

  "Welcome, Miss."

She smiled.

But Ariadna could only nod her head. Her face had turned a bit red because of the vomit she was holding in.

  "Gladys, can you be a sweetheart and take my sister to the bathroom?" 

"Sure thing master Trent.

   Ariadna quickly followed Gladys.

Trent apparates into his room, he picked doctor Ria's call, whilst using magic to fold two shirts and a pair of jeans.

"Two patients are missing Trent." Ria sounded angry Trent put the phone on speaker and dropped it on the bed, while he removed his shirt.

  "Report them as discharged patience." Trent casually spoke.

"You should have at least told me."

"I will do that next time." with that he cut the call.

    In a beautifully decorated pavilion, Two men wearing expensive attires were focused on a game of chess.

"Do you think he will come?" the younger one asked.

 The older man made a move and removed three pawns of the younger guy.

"If he truly cherishes the girl as Romulus said, he will come."  They smiled at each other before they focused on their game.