Cyrus was finally done with the report. He dashed out of the headquarters while blaming himself for leaving Ella by herself.

   it is almost fall, He could feel the cold sipping into his skin as he hurriedly entered a white sports car and drove away.

   Cyrus became super frustrated when he got stuck in traffic, his eyes fell on a young lady and a little chubby girl beside her selling flowers. 

The capital is a city that never sleeps, it is always bustling with people.

    Then the thought of him giving Ella flowers, and how she will smell them, smile, and thank him popped into his head.

Cyrus was beyond happy, he rolled down the window and signaled them to come. The daughter and mother pair came over.

     He looked at the different colors of flowers in her basket. 

   "What's the price for all the flowers and the basket too?" The pair blinked their eyes, they looked at each other, then at him.

    The mother used sign language to communicate with the daughter, and Cyrus pretended to not know what they meant.

      "Twenty-five dals, with the basket." The young girl smiled and her cheeks became puffier. Cyrus found himself smiling back.

   He wants his future daughter to be this cute and chubby. Then another thought popped into his head.

   Him driving home from work he knocks on his door and him being greeted by Ella and their adorable little girl.

Cyrus beamed with joy.

The mother and daughter pair looked confused as they watched Cyrus daydreaming with a smile on his face.

   "Mr. Are you not buying the flowers?" The little girl asked innocently.

   Cyrus took out the money from his wallet. 

"Here," he handed it to her and she gave him the basket full of flowers.

   "The money is more than Twenty-five dals, Mr." He was impressed that the girl knew just by holding it.

  The car behind him started to horn, the light turned green and people began to drive away.

The mother and daughter, eyes glistened with tears of joy.

  She counted it, and the mother's face brightened. "The gentleman gave us sixty dals. Ma." 

       On reaching the hospital, Cyrus went straight to the A&E precinct. Cyrus went to meet the receptionist. 

She was light-skinned like Ella but taller, she was chewing gum when he arrived. She had an air of arrogance around her.

     "Hi, My name is Cyrus Potter and I am looking for a patient by the name of Ella Watson." 

 The lady kept chewing the gum irritating Cyrus, and a lot of people kept giving him weird stares, because of the large basket of flowers he was holding.

   "Do you mean to say Ella Vanderwood?"

Cyrus' eyes twitched when he heard the surname. "I meant Ella Watson." he drawled.

   "The Ella Watson in our database died three years ago."

The basket of flowers in his hands fell on the titled white sanitized floor, he bent down and picked it up.

   People were still gazing and whispering about him.

"Did she not tell me her real name but Trent and Chen confirm it." he thought to himself.

  But his hands gripped the basket tighter when he remembered an Ella with a Vanderwood surname.

   "Sorry, I must have mixed it up, it is Ella Vanderwood." That left a bitter taste in his mouth.

The woman gave him a scrutinizing look.

She crossed her leg before looking into the records. 

   "She has been discharged earlier today." She said while gnawing on the gun on her big full lips.

   "Are you sure?" Cyrus asked.

"I know how to read and I am not blind. I checked and it says she has been discharged." she rudely spoke to him before picking up the phone that has been ringing.

     Cyrus was disheartened.

    Trent opened the door to Ella's house, after stopping by HOJ, to get another blood capsule the Tv was still turned on.

   They were showing a medieval drama.

"Do you see all humans as cattle?" the beautiful petite lady looked angrily at a man, wearing green pants, a dark green vest, and an inner white long-sleeve shirt.

   "That will be an insult to the human girls I fucked." he shamelessly said making blood rush to the girl's face.

   "I like the young man." He chuckled before going up the short flight of stairs.

 He finally found her room after searching for a few minutes.

     He packed two pairs of jeans and tops he could find, together with her underwear, toothbrush, and cream.


  "Can't you go easy on me?" the young man with red eyes complained.

The older man that was about to make a move stopped while holding his piece.

    "Welcome, Aron." Trent stepped out of the well-decorated flower trees and walked into the Pavillion. They saw him holding a small traveling bag and the king's face brightened.

   "I am glad that you will stay for my party."

   "Where is she?" His voice was scary and calm.

The maids who were coming over with the trolley filled with snacks stopped when they felt the scary pressure oozing from Trent.

  "Little brother, you should at least say hi to us," said Acher.

"I am going to ask you..."

"How have you been?" The old man whose hair has turned grey asked.

His thin red lips pulled into a smile as he looked at his youngest son.

   "That's none of your business, where is she?"

   "She's in your room, you are as rude..."

  Bam!!! Trent punched Acher, breaking his nose. Acher fell to the ground.

"Don't do that again. One more thing, if you make the move you plan to make, you definitely take out his knight and four pawns but the king will have the chance to take out your bishop and king. I am doing great Thanks for asking."

  He then disapparated. The maids brought the trolley over and Acher took one of the glasses of blood to drink. "I need it, as I have lost a lot of blood." Acher pretended to be weak. 

The King rolled his eyes and turned to look at the maid beside him.

    "Take this glass of blood to Trent." the woman bowed before picking it up.

   Trent apparated into a black gloomy room. He popped out three blood capsules and threw each into his mouth enjoying the sweet taste.

  The disadvantage of his teleportation ability is that it makes him thirstier than usual.


   He saw Ella eating a slice of cake, there was a trolley in front of her, filled with different varieties of snacks and drinks.

  She sat and folded her legs in a black apple-shaped chair.

  "I see you're enjoying yourself." He bends and kisses her on the cheek.

"Yeah, I don't mind being kidnapped every day if this is how my captors will treat me." she waved the red velvet cake at him before she continued to munch on it.

   "Did they hurt you?"

"No, the only thing hurtful in this room. I mean who paints their room black, designs their walls with stuffed animal heads, and has a huge coffin with a comfortable-looking mattress as a bed? That person must be really messed up in the head."

   She heaved a deep breath, she turned to look at Trent who was smiling at her. 

Then it dawned on her that this is his room.

  "Is this your room?" she asked with a hint of embarrassment.

Trent nodded his head.

"I am so sorry….."

"It's okay."

"Come, I want you to meet someone."

He dragged her out of the chair, she was now wearing a white silk nightgown with a robe.

  "Can't we go when the sun comes up, the person might still be asleep?" 

"She is fully awake,"

He smiled as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

    "Let's go."

The corridors were decorated with purple roses, and the maids passing through and fro bowed to them, 

   They stroll down the hallway at the far end of the hall, Ella saw a large golden wall. The door opened itself as soon as Trent touched it. 

Ella gawked at the beautiful scenario in front of her, the huge room was filled with paintings, the paintings are demonic and dark, and even the ones of nature looked like a haunted forest that people never dare to go to.

   "Trent held her hand and led her in, she could now see paintings of nature, trees, butterflies, dragonflies, etc. They were so beautiful and looked so real. Ella was so mesmerized by the paintings. 

   "We can come back together and see more paintings. I truly want you to meet a very important person in my life.

    He pointed straight and Ella followed the direction of where his hand pointed to.

    It was the large center wall. He dragged down the cloth, and she saw a painting of a beautiful woman surrounded by flowers."

     "This is the nice Aunty that took care of me. Felicity Vanderwood."

Ella didn't know what to say, 

"She said to me that if I ever found a girl I love and want to spend the rest of my life with. 

Then I should introduce the girl to her."

Ella's eyes gleamed with tears as she looked at Trent whose eyes had been taken over by sadness.

   "Aunty Felicity, I want you to meet Ariella Paterson, the woman I want to make a home with."