Chen kept trying Trent's number but Trent was not picking up any of his calls, so he dropped a message for him and looked at Rose who was seated on the milk-colored sofa.

   He walked up to her and stood in front of her. She raised her head, her red swollen eyes, and looked into his black ones. 

"Where is she?" She looked so pitiable.

"You don't have to worry, she's with Trent, there is a birthday party at the palace." he chuckled whilst scratching his head.

"I am glad she's safe." Rose heaved a sigh of relief.

"But whose birthday party?" Rose looked puzzled.


Ella looked at the young boy seated in her front. The boy also kept staring at her.

"What are your hobbies?"

The boy's brows furrowed in deep thought.

"What are hobbies?" 

Ella was stunned.

"What do you like to do?"

"I see, that's what you meant. I like painting." Then he went quiet.

"And." Ella placed her hand under her chin.

"That's all." He calmly replied.

"No movie nights, no going to picnics, parks, and other stuff."

"And why would I need to do that?" the boy creased his brows.

   She looked at the boy who was sitting up straight, with his hands placed on his folded legs.

"They are fun stuff, you should do that sometimes, with someone you like."

"Someone you like." He repeated her words, His eyes looked empty and sad. Ella felt bad for the boy.

   "In the future, I will take you to the movies and we can have ice cream together." She smiled at the boy who just kept looking at her.

"Ok," he said and the room went silent again.

     Ella slightly moved closer to him. The boy just kept gawking at her.

"Can I ask you some questions?" She nervously asked.

"If it is something I can answer, why not." 

She smiled at the young boy, whose face had no expression.

   "Can you perhaps tell me about Fiona, I mean what she means to Trent?" Her voice was barely audible.

He blinked his eyes before speaking.

"She used to be his lover back when he was in school."

    "They went to school together!" Ella was shocked 

"Yes. The Ehteran University of Geniuses. Trent loved and would do anything for her." 

Ella felt a sharp pain in her heart.

Trent was willing to do anything for her. She thought to herself.

"What happened then?"

"I don't know much of the details, I wasn't born when it happened. But from what I heard Trent returned home from school just to meet her getting engaged to Joel, I heard that he made a commotion and when he asked her why she left him, she said that she didn't want to be with a madman."

   Down the hallway not far from the beautiful garden. Faithia and Fiona were chatting as they walked down the corridor, they stopped when they saw Trent approaching.

Faithia had a cunning smile on her face.

  "Brother Trent isn't Fiona looking much more beautiful than she did before."

Fiona smiled shyly and lowered her face.

"Ever Since she and Brother Joel got engaged, she's just getting fresher and fresher." She gave an innocent-looking smile.

     Ella squeezed her legs. 

"Do you think he will get back with her?" she asked.

"Well, she's much more beautiful than you, she's more successful than you and she will live a longer life than you. What do you think?"


     Knock! Knock!!

Faterial walked in with a smile.

"It's time to get ready."

"Looks like it is time for me to leave." The boy stood up and leaped down from the bed.

     Trent smiled. "You're right, that's what happens when two people are meant to be together."

Fiona looked at him and their eyes met, she felt her heart palpitating.

   "And I am just hoping that my brother Trent isn't still mad at them. You can't stop love, you know." Faithia sounded innocent but she was laughing at him in her heart.

Fiona clenched her fist so hard that her nails ducked into her palms.

     A man walked up to them.

"Prince Aron, Princess Faithia, and Lady Fiona. Is time to get ready for the sports event."

"Thank you, Pedro," Trent said before leaving them in the hallway.

        The elevated piste has been arranged and the noble and royal families are all seated on their designated chairs.

  The first people to compete in the round of fencing are the King and Elder Qing tao.

  Trent came and sat beside her, this drew the attention of all the ladies that have a huge crush on him.

"I heard from Faterial, she said that me talking to you would put you in danger. So I want to ask you this, do you wish to not speak to me during gatherings?" he looked straight into her eyes.

   "Yes, I want to leave this place unscarred, I still have a mission to fulfill."

Trent stared at her for some time, if that's what you want, so be it, but Lydia will stay by your side."

   "Who is Lydia?" she squinted her eyes as she asked.

"I am Lydia, nice to meet you." 

A red-haired woman, wearing the same outfit as them, sat beside her.

  They all dressed in fencing outfits, but their Lamès were of two colors black and blue. She was wearing the blue type and Trent was wearing the black type, she also noticed that Fiona's Lamè was also black.

     "You look sad." Lydia's heart-shaped lips pulled into a smile.

The King lunged at Elder Qing, but elder Qing ducked, the king ran past him and elder Qing swiftly turned and hit the tip of his sword on the king's back,

"That's thirteen points for the elder Qing!" the referee announced and they could also see the red light turned on.

      After they completed the three rounds Elder Qing came out as the victor. With 45 points while the king's score was 43 points.

"It was a good match." 

"Yes, it was." the two of them stepped down the piste laughing.

Joel who has been glaring at Trent while gritting his teeth, since they started the match, Fiona's sight has been on Trent.

    Acher and a young man who has a Romanian-like nose, with thin lips and defined cheeks. we're seated far away from others.

The young man next to him is a werewolf from the full moon clan.

He is a handsome French young man named Courtois.

    "I am going to challenge Trent to a game of fencing. The last time I was here, he beat me in a game of horse riding." He said with a smile.

  "You are too late, look over there." Acher pointed at Joel.

      "I challenge you to a game of fencing." 

The place went silent as everyone stared at them. 

"I don't want to play." reluctantly replied.

   The queen stood up and stood next to Joel." 

"Once you have been challenged, you have no choice but to accept." She gave him a stern look.

Trent squinted his eyes.

"Since the mother hen has come to defend her chick, I guess I have to play then."

The Queen and Joel clenched their fists.

"You better win this match and put that bastard in his place." 

"Yes mother, I promise you, I am going to crush that bastard."

He smiled before going in the direction of the piste.

     "Why did he challenge Trent?"

Ella worriedly asked.

"Is definitely because of the bitch coming towards us."

Ella looked to her right and saw Fiona coming over. And she doesn't have a good feeling about it.

    The length is 14 meters and 1.5 meters wide. 

Two men climbed the piste, one went to Joel and the other went to Trent, she saw the fixing of a cord to their Lamè.

"What is that?" Ella, who does not understand a thing about Fencing, asked Lydia, although she's good at sword fighting, fencing still felt different to her.

  "That's a body cord, it helps in counting the number of points scored. It is electrically connected to a system, once the tip of the weapon touches the opponent at the required areas, it will count the score." Fiona answered before sitting next to Ella.

     The two of them bowed to each other, before saluting the officials by raising the blades to their chin and dropping it.  Then they slide down their masks.


    Joel, bend his knees, he pushed his front leg forward, while his back leg remained stationary, he pushed his hand that was holding the foil forward, and he bent his sword at an angle of 45° 


     "I will be the attacker," Joel informed him.

"Looks like I am on defense." Trent lazily replied.

"Oh I am sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. My name is Fiona Potter, Trent's ex-lover." she smiled at Ella revealing her beautiful dimples.