My name is Fiona Potter, Trent's ex-lover and you are?" she asked Ella with a smile.

    "She's Trent's current lover." Lydia smiled back at her.

Fiona clenched her fist but since it was on her side, they couldn't see it.

They heard a buzzing sound.

     "one point." The others clapped. Joel, who just won a point, blew a kiss toward Fiona, she shyly smiled and lowered her head.

He snickered but due to the mask he had slid down, no one could see it.

     Queen Isolde smiled when her son won another point and he winked at Fiona this time.

Fiona and Robert's mother Gaia chuckled when she saw this. 

The servants brought them a pot of tea and cups in a beautiful white tray. The teapot has a beautiful red flower design on its white background. Gaia took the teapot and poured the hot water into Isolde's cup then her own.

    They added the cube of blood into the hot water and stirred it. 

Isolde sipped the tea slowly to enjoy the sweet taste of blood. Joel has now scored five points while Trent hasn't scored at all. This made her mood brighter. 

"I must say, Fiona is lucky to be engaged to Joel, he loves her so much." Gaia smiled as she watched the game, her sight drifting to Ella who was sitting next to Fiona with a scowl on her face.

   "Who is the human girl sitting next to my Fiona?" Gaia asked Isolde.

Isolde's smile turned into a frown.

"She's with Trent."

     Ella was already boiling with anger.

"What are you implying, Miss Fiona?" Ella looked at her.

"I am just trying to be kind, I don't think Trent loves you when he was with me. He would do anything to make me happy.

Like when we were in school, I told him that I want to know the taste of mountain goat meat. Trent disappeared for several days and when he returned with a huge mountain goat on his shoulder just for me."

    Fiona smiled and she seemed to be remembering the day. Her nostalgic moments with Trent.

Ella's hands tightened on the edge bench she was sitting on.

"What is your aim in telling me this?" Ella asked with a poker face.

   "Nothing much, I just wanted to share with you what I know about Trent."

"I have to remind you that you have a fiance." Lydia gave her a fake smile.

"I don't remember talking to you, Lydia." The innocent expression on her face cracked.

     They heard the buzzing sound again, they saw the green and red


"Looks like both of them hit each other at the same time," Lydia explained to Ella.

"I kind of understand this part."

   "Looks like I accidentally scored." Trent, who wasn't interested in the match, murmured to himself.

"Using the right of way, Joel was declared winner of the first round, since he scored fifteen points.

   "The players are to rest for a minute!" The referee announced before stepping down the piste.

     Fiona quickly got up, went to the table stand, and took two bottles of water, she handed one to Joel and the other to Trent. Joel was not happy about it but he had to keep the facade of the good caring brother.

   "Thank you." Trent unscrewed the cap and began to gulp it down. Ella, who had also gone to get him a bottle of water, clamped her hand tighter around the bottle of water. Fiona gave her a taunting smile.

  Calm down Ella, you can pick a fight with her she will just kill you and live happily with Trent. She thought to herself while squeezing the bottle tighter. 

    "Are you wishing that the bottle is Fiona?" Lydia's hazel eyes with gold-fleck eyes stared into her brown eyes.

"She released the bottle and decided to go sit and calm herself.

     "Ouch!" She heard Fiona's voice and when she looked in her direction, she saw Trent holding her by the waist.

Joel was also burning with anger and jealousy. 

"Thank you for saving me, I hope your arms are ok." She placed her hand on his arm. Trent helped her get balance.

   "That's it." She threw the bottle on the floor and went toward Trent. Lydia's eyes danced with amusement.

    "I wonder what Fiona is up to this time." Acher crossed his leg.

"What do you expect from a devil's advocate, she definitely wants Trent back," Courtois said, he saw Ella walking up to Trent.

   "I feel bad for my sister."

"Are you talking about Nadiya?"

Acher looked at him.

"Yes. You know that my big sis is in love with him although my family wants her to marry you."

     Acher almost choked on his saliva. 

"What? Is like every mother here wants to tie me down with their daughter." He clicked his tongue in annoyance.

   "Well, you're the one who has a higher chance of becoming king." 

     "Do you love her?" Trent almost choked on his water.

He turned to look at Ella, he couldn't deny the fact that he was happy that Ella is jealous.

    "No, I don't." He honestly answered.

"Then why did you accept water from her, why did you hold her earlier?" Her eyes glistened with tears.

   "Trent became worried and held her shoulders." This got Fiona and the other women that like him angry.

"Father asked me not to cause trouble, in return for something." He spoke softly to her. All the vampires and werewolves in the area heard everything. They were shocked when they heard how he calmly spoke to her.

     The buzzing sound was heard again. 

"It's time, I get back to the Piste." 

He turned to leave when Ella grabbed the sleeve of his jacket.

   "You could at least kiss me on the cheek." Ella pouted her lips.

Trent smiled before turning to look at her.

"But you told me not to get close to you." He reminded her.

   "I change my mind. I want to be the only girl you look at, talk to, collect a bottle of water, and catch me when I fall." 

Trent couldn't help but smile.

   "Trent, you need to come up!" The referee said loud enough for him to hear.

    Trent gave her a quick kiss on the lips before running to the Piste.

Ella was stunned because she wasn't expecting to be kissed on the lips. 

    Fiona Clenched her hand, the only thing that was saving her from not hurting herself was the gloves she was wearing.

    "One more thing Trent. Don't lose!!!" Ella shouted at the top of her voice.

Trent was beyond happy. 

"If that is what you want then consider it done!!" He shouted back.

Joel scoffed.

Before sliding back his mask.

The referee blew the horn.

    Joel lunged his sword at Trent ut Trent blocked it.

"What Trent just did, is called parrying.

    He swiftly counter-attacked and used the tip of his foil to touch Joel's chest area.

The green light in the electronic scoring machine turned on.

"Trent just scored a point." Lydia clapped together with Ella.

    Queen Isolde gritted her teeth.

"The red light turns on when Joel scores and the green is for Trent." Ella nodded her head at her explanation.

 Joel attacked again and Trent blocked but Joel quickly disengaged before trying to attack again. Trent ducked, Joel went ahead and Trent swiftly turned and touched Joel's back with his foil. The green light turned on again.

"Two points!!!" The referee announced.

The cup in Isolde's hand cracked due to the pressure she was applying to it.

Gaia wanted to speak but she chose not to because when the Queen loses her temper, it is best to let her be.


    Trent foil touched Joel's groin.

"Three points!!!"

Then his shoulder.

Then his front 

His back.

Joel was utterly confused and shocked. Trent was so fast that he couldn't keep up.

Trent ran toward him with the intent to attack.

Joel smiled before extending his sword, he moved his front leg forward and his back leg remained stationary.

   "Checkmate." He extended his sword forward but instead of it landing on Trent's shoulder it landed on his arm.

While Trent's foil touched his shoulder. 

Joel's turned white while Trent's turned green.

   His eyes widened when he realized it was a feint attack. Trent made him believe he was going for his chest, and he decided to attack faster than Trent.


   "Joel's score is in-valid, Ten points for Trent."

Ella happily clapped alongside Lydia.

     Courtois's mouth was wide open.

"I can not believe that he turned serious because of a girl, he must really love her."

Courtois was amused.

   Trent waved at Ella and she waves back.

    A young blonde lady with large green eyes. Clenched her hands in anger as she glared at Ella.

    I have been in love with Trent for so long to have a feeble human being take him from me. I would do anything to be with him, even if it means killing you. The young lady thought to herself as she kept glaring at Ella who was cheering for Trent.