"You're wrong Cyrus, your father, uncle, and many more young eligible bachelors fought over your mother." 

Cyrus was dumbstruck.


"What are you eating?" Mila looked down at the white ceramic plate containing slices of meat, the other plate contained a weird green plant he didn't know what the name was and a cup of strawberry juice.

   "I am eating ssme."  He furrowed his brows.

"I have never heard of it."

"Watch, you first carry your mustard leaf.

She picked one of the leaves, she dragged the trolley closer. 

"The meat has been seasoned by a condiment, you add the meat, cooked onions, garlic, and kimchi." 

She wrapped the leaf that has now been filled up.

"Now open your mouth."

Mila blinked his eyes as he stared at her.

"Go on." She brought the wrap closer.

He finally opened his mouth and she pushed it into his mouth.

Mila began to chew on it and his face brightened.

"It is delicious right?" He nodded his head.

She carried her wrap and also pushed it into her mouth.

     Mila was finally done. 

"Is truly delicious." 

"Yes, it is."  She sipped her strawberry juice.

          "Truth be told when I saw you yesterday, I thought that you were Uncle Trent's meal." Ella's brows furrowed.

"Why would you think that?"

"Because some humans sell their blood and flesh."

    Ella knew that there are a lot of humans and faeries who sell their blood to vampires who still like to drink blood directly.

But she never heard of a human selling their flesh.

Ella's pupils dilated then it dawned on her the reason why she was asked to eat her lunch in the room.

      The vampires and werewolves were seated. 

"Let our meals in!" Isolde said loud enough for the servant to hear.

Thirty sluggish people walked into the dining room. They were all ranging from the age of Eighteen to Twenty-five.

     They all stood in straight lines.

"You must all think that they are humans but some of them are fairies." 

 The chattering increased a lot of the vampires got excited, their eyes turned red and their mouths began to water.

   "This is torturing Acher." Courtois clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"It is more of a torture to me, I am trying to refrain myself from jumping on one of them and sucking them dry." Acher hissed. He looked pale and his fangs protruding and his eyes were filled with hunger.

    "Looks like Mila's poison has improved." Courtois looked indifferent.

"Of course, it has improved, I am barely alive." He growled and tried to stand up but Courtois was quick to press him down.

   Another set of humans, fairies, and mermaids walked in.

"Now, let's all enjoy our meal!" The king announced. The humans, fairies, and mermaids were all wearing a tag containing the name of the people that were going to drink from them.

   The Full moon family was to feed on the fresh meat with blood still dripping from it. They served it on a clean silver plate for them.

      Ella was still shocked. 

"Does that mean… Is Trent going to drink blood from a woman?" Her shoulders slouched down.

"He has to have his meal." Mila pushed another wrap into his mouth.

      Trent walked into the dining room. Sabrina and Fiona's faces brightened when they saw Trent.

He sat down next to Acher.

Joel was glaring at him but when Trent's silver eyes met with his he quickly looked down.

His light silver hair was scattered on his head, making him look sexy and devilish.

All the young ladies couldn't stop ogling.

       "Your Majesty, I have spoken to Ariadna and she will be here tomorrow." 

"That's good to hear, I hope your son Cyrus will be here tomorrow?" The King asked Donovan.

   "I will inform him, your majesty." Donovan bowed his head.

"Let's enjoy then."

As soon as the fae allocated to Acher reached his side, he sank his fangs into her wrist making her hiss in pain.

   Trent's eyes narrowed. 

"I am here to offer you my blood, your highness." The young mermaid with dark silver hair bowed to him. She was a beauty with a succubus body.

     "Sure why…

   "I want to be the only girl you look at, talk to, collect a bottle of water, and catch me when I fall." 

Trent smiled when recalled it.

He looked at the lady.

"You should feed my brother, he needs it more than I do."

Acher raised his head, the young lady he was drinking from had started to feel dizzy.

     "Try not to drain her."

"Trent, why in the world would you sacrifice mermaid blood for Acher?" 

Courtois gave him a suspicious look. 

"You are absolutely right Courtois, it must be one of Mila's tricks."

Acher became wary of Trent.

Trent scoffed and shook his head.

He leaned closer to Acher.

"I can only take blood from one woman, and she will not be happy if I drink from another." He smiled at Acher and Courtois.

  Acher went back to drinking blood from his assigned fae.

Fiona's hands tightened around the arm of the female lady she was drinking from.

"You're hurting me." The lady whispered and Fiona loosened her grip.

"I am sorry." She apologizes to the human she's drinking from.

   Sabrina stood up from her chair gaining people's attention.

"I am sorry but I need to go and use the bathroom." She curtseyed before leaving.

      "Is that why they don't invite humans to their party?" Ella asked Mila who was chewing on another wrap. He swallowed it before looking at her.

    "They do invite humans but they only come on the day of the birthday." Mila was done with filling another wrap.

    Just when he was about to eat it Ella stood up from the bed and put on her shoes.

"Where are you going?" Mila asked.

"To check something."

He gave her a stoic look.

"Be careful, don't get caught." He warned her 

"I won't." she gave him a quick smile before walking out the door.

   "This ssme is truly delicious, I wonder what other delicious things are out there?" He murmured to him as he began to chew on another wrap.


      Cyrus looked at the three Elders sitting in his view.  

"My Father and Uncle fought over my Mother." Repeated his words as he couldn't wrap his head around them.

There was one thing he was sure of it was definitely not because of her beauty, his Aunty is much more beautiful than his mother.

     "Why did they fight over her?"

"For power." Romulus finally spoke.

"Power." Cyrus gave him a puzzled look.

"You do know that some vampires have elemental powers right? Your mother can control water not only could she control water that can turn it to ice." Aurelia said

   "And the water Dragon chose her as its master," Aelfric added.

"And that made your mother the most wanted gem of the century." Said Romulus.

  Cyrus now finally understood.

"My father was the man who won her heart." 

"Yes, and this didn't sit well with a lot of people, including your Uncle." Aurelia got up and walked up to him.

  "Someone in your family placed a curse on you because of the power you hold." She placed her hand on his shoulder.

All the suffering and insult he got while growing up was because he was powerless, if not because of Aurelia, he would have still been a loser.

He clenched his hand that was sitting on his lap.

    There was only one person he could think of, and it was none other than his Uncle David.

His eyes turned red, his veins popped out due to anger.

   "Cyrus. Calm down." She lowered her head to meet his, they were both looking each other in the eye.

"Nobody is to know about this, we must wait until the day you have full control of your gifts, then we would show them."

   Cyrus nodded his head.

"I would do as you say." Aurelia smiled at him and patted his shoulder.

      "Why does she care so much about the boy?" Aelfric couldn't help but ask.

"Because he reminds her of her dead son." He answered without looking away from Aurelia.

      His phone began to ring and he picked up the call and placed the phone in his ear. He remained silent for a while before a frown took over his face. 

"Tell them that they only have two days to arrive. He caught the call and sighed in anger.

"Some of them say they can not make it I suppose." Aelfric gave him a side look.

"They have to, something big is about to happen, I can feel it in my bones."


Sabrina looked at the round mirror in the bathroom and sighed. 

"Does Trent really love that girl?" She asked herself the question she doesn't have an answer to.

She cleaned her hands with the clean soft towel and threw it in the trash can.

On her way down the stairs, she saw Ella sneaking around the corridor. Then Trent's words popped into her head again and she gritted her teeth in anger.

She wondered what the whore was doing here all alone. Then it clicked in her head they were all alone.

She had a devious smile on her face.

Her eyes turned red and her fangs protruded, She climbed the stair railings and the smile never left her. 

She was going to suck her dry.

An evil glint passed through her eyes.