Ella crept around the hallway, she quickly hid behind a pillar that was beautifully designed with flowers. 

"Did you notice how handsome Trent has become?" the taller maid asked.

"I did, he looks so ravishing."

  Ella's face turned into a scowl, jealousy filled her inside.

"I will surely seduce him tonight." The taller maid said and the shorter one giggled.

      As soon as they left the hallway, came out of her hiding place.

"Like I will let any woman who isn't me seducing him." She puffed before she continued to sneak around. 

     Just as she entered an empty spacious room of the palace, she quickly hid behind a giant vase filled up with carnations when she heard footsteps and humming. The man stopped right in front of her hiding place.

The fear of being caught made her forget to breathe. The man sniffed the air and closed his eyes, when he opened them again they were now red but darker than Trent's.

Ella's heart began to beat fast. 

The man closed his eyes again and took a deep breath.

"I smell the blood of a virgin maiden."

His deep voice resounded around the area.

Ella covered her mouth with her left hand, every step he took made her heart beat fast, she shut her eyes and began to pray for a miracle.

   Just when his right hand, which was covered with a white slick glove touched the carnation. He heard the sound of heels and he turned around to look at the young lady standing straight with pride, her chestnut hair shining as the light of the chandelier hit it.

    "Head maid Marina, what are you doing here?" The young man asked.

"I could ask you the same." Her eyes looked directly into his eyes.

"I almost forgot, I have something to do." 

He chuckled and quickly walked past her.

The woman looked at Ella's side view, whose eyes were still shut, and walked away.

   Ella sighed in relief. She got up from behind the vase.

She wasn't sure if she was going the right way, but after taking a few steps forward she stopped.

   "Maybe I should go back." She said in her mind as she bit into her soft lips.

Then her body stiffened when she felt the hatred directed at her. If looks could kill she would be dead by now, Ella knew immediately that the person had an intention of killing her.

   She began to quickly walk further into the large spacious room. 

"You can not escape me now!" She leaped from the railing and was charging toward Ella.

"Blue Justice, expand!" a blue portal opened and Ella pulled out her sword, she balance her legs and gripped the handle of the sword, and she used the front of the sword to hit Sabrina in the face, sending her flying back towards the building, Sabrina landed her back on the building wall in a very rough and painful way which left a crack on the wall, she then fell to the ground and landed flat on her face.

     The servants who saw the passed-out Sabrina and the surprised Ella rushed into the dining hall.

"Head maid!" This interrupted the meals of the vampires and werewolves 

"What are you doing here?" The maid shivered when Marina spoke.

"Well, something happened between the fourth prince's lady friend and Lady Sabrina." 

   "What?!" Lady Cyra abruptly got up from her seat, and a screeching sound was heard.

"Looks like there is going to be drama," Courtois said. Trent quickly got up from his seat and the rest did the same as they head out to the room where the event took place. It was just another corridor away from theirs.

    "Oh my! Sabrina!!" Lady Cyra rushed towards her daughter, her husband, and her first son surrounded her.

The murmuring grew louder.

Trent walked over to her and held her hands, Ella was panicking, even though she was trying to hide it, he could see through her.

  "Calm down Ella, breath." He spoke calmly to her. Nadiya felt a pricking pain in her heart whilst Fiona was burning with jealousy.

  She breathes in and breathes out.

"Tell me what happened?" His voice was so calm and encouraging.

"I was trying to make my way to you, but she attacked me and I got scared so I used my sword to protect myself." Her voice cracked as she spoke, she breathes in and out again as she tapped her feet.

"Ella, look at me, you did well." He winked at her and she smiled shyly.

     Fiona couldn't take it, then a plan came into her mind.

"I Wonder what happened here, Ella would you mind telling us what happened after all you were together with her?" Fiona sneered in her heart.

     "Fiona is right. What did you do to my sister?" James Potter, Cyrus's older brother angrily walked over to Ella but Trent shielded her from him.

The maid brought the water over, and Lady Cyra sprinkled it on Sabrina.

   "What are you doing trying to protect the human?" James asked.

"He is right, she should be punished for hurting a noble," Joel added. 

He could not miss an opportunity to hurt Trent.

Ella began to regret not staying in her room.

"I am sure that this is all a misunderstanding, there is no way that Ella would hurt someone." Fiona scoffed in her mind, she couldn't wait for Lady Cyra to tear her apart.

   Sabrina finally regained her conscience and her mother helped her to sit up. 

She placed her hand on her cheek and glared at Ella, she felt like strangling the life out of her.

    "What happened, My dear?" Her mother worriedly asked and Cyra saw it as an opportunity to get rid of Ella.

She began to cry and make pitiful looks.

"I was just strolling down the corridor and I decided to come back to the dining room when I saw her and decided to speak with her but she attacked me." She broke into a loud cry.

   "You!!!" Cyra dashed towards Trent who was protecting Ella, but Courtois and Acher walked in front of her making her come to a halt.

"What do you two think you're doing?" she growled at them.

"The question is, what do you think you're doing in my presence Cyra?" King Augustus said and she bowed her head.

"I am sorry, my motherly affection blinded me." 

She stepped back and stood beside her husband.

      "Ella dear, tell me what happened?" King Augustus coaxed her.

"Iii was looking for Trent when she leaped from the stair railings up there."

Ella pointed at the railing and they all followed the direction of her finger their eyes also landed on the crack not far from the railing before looking back at her.

   "And?" King Augustus smiled to ease her worries.

"I panicked so I used the back of my sword to send her back."

The King started laughing surprising the rest of the crowd.

"So you played baseball with her."

Trent chuckled when he heard King Augustus' question.

 "Kind of." Ella's voice was barely audible.

The King started to laugh again

"It was all a misunderstanding, let's all go back and enjoy our meal, Trent you can tend to her."

The King left and the rest followed.

Lady Cyra was not happy about how it ended nor did, Fiona, Sabrina, and Joel.

    "Are you okay?" Trent asked as he inspected her body.

"I am fine, nothing happened to me." 

She pushed his wandering hands away.

"Why are you out here?" He asked her.

"You don't seem happy to see me, is it because I interrupted your beautiful meal, you can go back to her." She turns to leave but Trent held her hand.

   "I was not asking you to leave nor am I angry at you."

"Then do pray tell, why you are overreacting?"

"It's because is dangerous for you to walk around the palace, not without me by your side."

He used his finger to make a small cut on her skin and she hisses in pain as she pulled her hand away. 

"What was that for?" She gave him an angry look.

Trent grabbed the hand and licked it.

"Is the punishment for doubting me, I didn't drink anybody's blood."

Ella smiled happily when she heard him.

    "It better be true." she gave him a warning look.

Trent couldn't help but laugh.

"It is true, I want you to meet me tonight."

"Why?" She gave him a perplexed look.

"Is a surprise, someone will come to pick you up."

"I can not wait."

She held his arm as they walked down the corridor. 


Cyrus' phone began to ring and he picked it up, Elder Aurelia is the only person with him.

  "Hello, Father." 

"Make sure to be present at the king's party. Do not disappoint me." His father said.

"I promise to be there."

He caught the call and threw the phone by the edge of the bed.

"What is it?" Aurelia asked.

"My Father, wants me to come to the birthday party."