One month ago.

    It took a long time for Chen to be able to file all his reports, the organization was on haywire, not only did Adam Boyle go missing, they found the original creatures that own the Anastasia Poison which came as a surprise for him if they have nothing on this creature he wondered about many other creatures they knew nothing about.

     He parked his car up front and knew he had to hurry and get to his car plus the cloud was gathering and it was best if he got home before it starts to rain.

    "I don't know, what gave you the impression that I like you"

He heard Trent's voice and he stopped on his track, he saw Ella look hurt at what Trent said. Her eyes were now filled with tears.

   am sorry, I misread your intentions. From now on the relationship between us will be of a leader and his teammate and I promise to win the next case. Just wait and see."  She entered her car which was now parked in front of her and drove off.

   He saw Trent places a hand on his chest.

Chen knew that Trent has feelings for Ella, but the Trent that was standing now was the serious Trent.

    "Ella this is for the best." He heard Trent murmuring to himself.

A gust of wind passed in between them.

Trent turned and looked straight into his black eyes and Chen forgot to breathe, he wanted to move but he felt like he had been nailed to the ground.

   Trent turned his face away and he left him standing there. 

As soon as Trent left, he let out a sigh of relief.

   Ever since then, Chen tried his best to cheer Ella up, He always dragged her along with him to go eat and sometimes just sit and chat with her. He realized that the new case she was working on was taking a toll on her.

  But every time he stepped out with Ella, someone was lurking in the shadows following them wherever they went.

     Back to the present, Scar man and his minions smiled at each other

"Let's go snatch the girl since this street has now gone to bed.

They both stepped out of the car and went in the direction of the house.

   "Boss, I wonder why the girl likes to wear boys' clothing?" His minion furrowed his brows.

"It doesn't matter, we just have to get back at Chen for what he did to my face." He touched the large scar across his face and he gritted his teeth in anger.

  The minion knocked on the door, Rose who just read the message looked toward the door.

"Who is it?" She said at the top of her voice whilst walking to the door.

"We are from the organization, we are looking for Samuel Bassett." 

  Rose, who thought they were truly from the organization, slightly opened the door to peep at the men.

   She looked at the short, slim guy. His hair was grey and the large scary one with a huge scar across his face.

"Why didn't you just call him?"

Rose asked the two.

The minion's heart started to race.

"We did but...

The man with a scar stopped talking when he smelled Chen on her.

So even her office line isn't working. Rose thought to herself.

  Then she lost her balance when the man suddenly kicked the door, her eyes went wide and heheartbeatat increased.

She fell to the ground with a loud thud.

   "What are you doing boss, she's not the one." 

The minion said to his boss who was grinning like an idiot.

  Rose sat up, and just when she was about to scream, the man straightened his hand and used it to hit a nerve in her neck, making her pass out.

   "Carry her Keith, we do not have all day." The minion nodded his head and carried her and they left the quiet and dark street.

   Chen who just reached his sister's front porch stopped when he felt Rose's helplessness.

   "Could she be in danger, but how and who will try to hurt her?"  He turned around to leave but halted when he heard his sister's voice.

   "Why do you want to go, I thought you wanted nothing to do with her?" His sister smirked. She has long black hair and eyes like his. 

   "That doesn't mean I won't save her when she is in danger." He politely bowed as he spoke to his sister after all she is their alpha.

"Your connection with her is strong, stronger than you and Patricia. I just hope you will not lose your second chance at love because of the one you lost."

  Chen's shoulders slouched and his face turned sad.

 His sister who was walking ahead placed her hand on her doorknob but stopped.

"She was my best friend even before she became your mate. So stop punishing yourself and her, because Patricia would be turning in her grave and blaming herself for your stupidity."

With that, she opened her door and went in. 

Chen's wolf was crying, he could feel his mate was in danger.

He rushed out of the house like the wind, taking his wolf form and letting it guide him to his mate.

   "I am coming for you, Rose." He internally said it.

   Back at the palace, Trent unclasped Ella's bra. But she quickly held her chest to stop it from falling.

"Trent." Her voice came as a whisper, and she turned red in embarrassment.

"If you're worried about your breast size.

Is okay I will just have to get used to it. After all, I am the one who fell in love with a woman with very small breasts." He said it with a look of disappointment.

   "Trent!" She pushed him off her and he began to laugh, she turned even redder than she was.

"Look at you, you look so much like a tomato." He lay on his side.

 "And whose fault is that?" she frowned at him.

  "How would I know that it is not like I can read minds?" His eyes danced with amusement.

   "Why are you teasing me?" Ella began to hit the pillow but stopped immediately when her bra fell off.

Trent's lips held a grin as he kept staring at her.

"You're the worst!" she said as she hooked her bra back on.

  "A lot of people have said and I should have received an award for that, don't you think so my dear El." His usual annoying smile was still on his face.

   Ella carried the pillow to hit her but Trent caught it, threw it aside, and pinned her on the bed.

"It happened so fast, Ella just stared into his eyes that have now turned red with a hint of gold in them.

"I am hungry Ella." His voice was hoarse.

"I was wondering how long you were going to hold on."

  "Looks like I have reached my limit."

His fang pierced the soft skin of her neck and he began to draw blood.

  Ella wounds her arm around his neck and he drinks from her.

When he had drunk his fill, he stopped, her blood was becoming sweeter and sweeter, he knew that if he didn't stop now he might become an addict, and one day drain her dry.

    Ella kissed him when she noticed that his mind was elsewhere.

He passionately returned the kiss, his hands roaming around her body and down to her waist.

But his hand stopped, he abruptly ended the kiss, and quickly covered her with the bed sheet.

Acher walked in with a large basket of flowers which covered his face so Ella didn't recognize him

   Until he dropped the basket of flowers on the ground heavily breathes, his eyes quickly snapped when he felt the murderous intent directed at him.

His eyes landed on Trent and Ella, Ella quickly covered herself with the sheet.

   "You love birds are here, I thought you were still in the paint room." He let out an awkward laugh.

   "Get out!!" Acher quickly ran out when Trent roared at him.

  "I am going to the bathroom." Ella got out of the sheet and ran into the bathroom.

Trent cursed Acher in his mind, but then an evil smile crept on his face.

There is no way he was going to let Acher go unpunished for what he had done.

He closed his eyes and opened them, his clothes straighteneitselflf.

  He apparated in his father's office.

"How did you know that I will be here?"

"That is because this is your hideout, whenever you want to stay away from your nagging wife." Trent carried the cup of wine to his father's table and gulped it down before he sat on one of the visitor's sit.

   "Why are you here Aron?" The man's red eyes looked into his eyes which have now reverted to his usual silver eyes.

   "I was this close to putting a baby into Ella, but Acher interrupted, and Ella out of embarrassment ran into the bathroom. Thank Acher you might not have a grandchild anytime soon." Trent said it with a sad face.

   The King gnashed his teeth.

"Pollu!" He shouted and a man ran in. He was dressed in a butler outfit.

"Your majesty, My Prince." He bowed

"I can not belong to you, Pollu. I belong to Ella." Trent smiled at the guy.

  "I am married….."

"Good for you, Trent cut in before the man could complete his sentences.

   "Go, get Acher." The man nodded and left a few minutes later he appeared with Acher.

 He bowed his head and left.

"You will be spending the night in the room of solitude." 

"What, I didn't murder anyone, why am I getting punished?" Acher fell to the ground.

   "You stopped me from having a grandchild." Augustus glared at him.

Acher looked at Trent with teary eyes.

How could you rat me out, my dear little brother? Acher thought to himself.

  Serves you right. Trent also thought to himself with a satisfied look.