Rose had begun to regain consciousness, she felt a throbbing headache, and everything looked blurring her, She could feel the rough sandy stone, piercing into her knees.

  She could hear the cricket's wings rubbing against each other and the voices of two men, arguing about the robe that was tied around the hard bark of the tree.

   When she tried to move the sharp edges of the robe grazed the soft milky skin of her arms. Her mouth was shut with duct tape.

       "What do you mean, he is not picking up your calls?" 

The man who seemed to be the boss shouted at the shorter man.

   "Look the phone is ringing but he ain't picking." The shot man said to the man with the scar.

  Rose's breaths hitched, why in the world are they after Ella? Rose thought to herself as fear smeared her forehead.

"Try again, if he doesn't pick up any of his calls in the next thirty minutes, I am gonna fucking destroy his woman's face!" Scarman angrily said as he pulled out the cigarette from his pocket.

     Tears began to fall on the ground.

They were deep in a forest, and the only things she could see were the men and lots and lots of trees.

The grasses are not much on the side she was.

      Simon opened a portal that led straight to Ella's house.

Simon turned to look at the old man who was looking at his daughter's living room.

He could see the old man's eyes filled with nostalgia.

   "You could see her before, all I have to do is call her name and she runs out of the room to come see you." Simon was a little bit persuasive.

He wanted to see his granddaughter, hug her, and ask her about her daily life. He missed her but he knew how she would feel when she sees him.

  She has not started investigating her parents and brother's death. If she sees him, she would feel sad.

  So he shook his head. "Maybe some other time." He left to go back to his room but collided with Ellis and he almost lost his balance.

"Grandfather!"   She worriedly called for him.

"Is okay," he patted her head before hugging her. 

 "Ellis, where are you!" She heard Simons's voice.

"Go ahead." she nodded her head and ran to where Simon is, 

He could hear the sound of her shoe on the wooden floor of their corridor.

    She entered the portal and Simon followed.

   Chen is furiously running through the woods when he feels the change in her heartbeat, it later turns to fear and worry.

He increased his speed as he dashed through the forest, His laser green eyes which he gets when he turns into his werewolf form glistened in anger.

 The other werewolves that felt his hostility shifted away from him in fear.

     "I will be there in five minutes. Rose, I will surely save you." He said in his mind.


   Ellis and Simon checked all the rooms and there was no sign of Ella or Rose in the house.

   Ellis began to panic, she sat on the floor and held her legs together,

"Where are they, what could have happened, where is my sister?" She sounded like a broken record.

Simon rushed to her side, he lifted her Chin so that she would look at him but it was useless.

Ellis's mind wasn't here.

"Came down, Ellis let me use my gold dust to find them, maybe they went for a stroll." He tried to calm her down.

  "Who goes for a stroll at Four am?" She looked at her watch.

But he internally breathed out a sigh of relief.

He brought out the gold dust from the small bag, which he wrapped around his waist.

 He poured the gold dust onto the floor, and the dust spread out, covering the entire living room before it went toward the door.

    The dust took the form of Rose, while some took the form of a scarred man and a shorter man beside him.


   They seemed to be talking about something. The scarred man suddenly kicked the door open making Rose lose her balance.

Then he used his hand to hit a nerve point on her neck and she passed out, then the shot man took her and they both left with her.

     Ellis began to panic again.

"What are they going to do to her?"

Simon also feared for her, seeing those men carrying Rose brought back bad memories.

   "Ellis, I have to go and save Rose. I need you to be strong."

But Ellis just continued to shake her head.

Simon carried her and gently dropped her on the couch.

   "Dust takes me to Rose."  His portal opened he could see Rose tied to a tree, she lowered her head as she was in a leaning position, and there were two men by her side.

  He jumped into the portal, and just when he was about to speak to them, the werewolf jumped on the taller guy, taking a big bite from the hands he was using to block his face.

   While the short man ran towards Rose with a dagger, he used his dust to stab both the man's legs and the man fell to the ground.


      He looked at how Rose stared at the werewolf, who continued to bite the man's hands off.

Simon rushed over to her.

  "Simon, how…" 

"Save the question for later, let's get you out of here." He interrupted her.

    "Back away from her." Chen's voice sounded threatening.

And his bloody mouth helped in adding to his ominous look.

  "How come you have clothes on, you should be naked?" Simon's voice held a tinge of mockery in it.

    But Chen wasn't annoyed if he could survive Trent, then he could survive anybody.

"If that is the case, you should thank the brainiacs." He smiled at Simon, and Simon smiled back but none of their smiles reached their eyes.

Chen heard something cutting the robe and Rose was free from it, The parts where the robe was tired became red and swollen.

   "Rose, you are hurt." But what she said stopped him in his tracks.

"You don't have to pretend to care about me, if I remember clearly, I am not your mate."

    The scarred man began to laugh, looking at who was getting rejected by his mate.

    "You know him?" Rose asked Chen.

"Yes, he used to be a member of our pack. He was selling human flesh to some rogues."

   Rose and Simon's faces twisted in anger and disgust.

   "I was going to use you to hurt him." The men laughed again.

"Wait, You were not there for Samuel?" She questioned the man who kept laughing.


   "You mean the girl dressing up as a boy, we were there for her, but then we found you." The man said with a creepy smile plastered on his face.

    "I don't need to thank you then after all our lives were in danger because of you. 

Let's go, Simon." 

 She grabbed his hand while his gold dust took the form of a portal.

Every word she said felt like a needle pricking his heart.

  He watched her enter the portal followed by the annoying guy.

     "Hahaha! How pathetic." The scarred man mocked.

   "You shouldn't have done that, Sylvester, I knew Keith was following me."

  Keith's eyes widened.

"But you went after an innocent woman."

"You humiliated me, scarred my face, and your sister kicked me out of the pack. Just because I sold the flesh of fresh bodies to rogues!!" Sylvester gritted his teeth.

  He was still lying on the ground, it is better if he reverted to his wolf form so that he could heal himself.

   "Do you know what I am going to do to you this time?"

Chen looked like a predator and Sylvester knew he was the prey.

He gulped as he watched Chen reach him.

He tried to change to his wolf form but Chen was faster.

 He severed the guy's head from his body, then he turned to look at Keith.

Fear crept into Keith.

He regretted ever agreeing to this but it was too late.

     Chen also separated his head from his body, throwing the body to the ground.

      Back in the palace, Trent was still seated in his father's office.

"Happy birthday Dad." Trent smiled at the man.

This touched the man's heart. This was the first time Trent smiled at him.

   "Thank you, son." He smiled back at Trent.

"Have you heard about the attack that took place in the hospital?" He asked Trent a different question, so he could divert the feeling of crying in joy in front of his son, who was the first to wish him and also smiled at him, it must be because of that young girl.

   "Is that so?" Trent looked indifferently.

"For how long have you known?" His father asked.

"When the attack began. I also heard that the new form of transportation created was destroyed." Trent said.

  "And the rogues came before time to pick the bodies. Do you know what that means?" Augustus asked.

   "That the House of Justice is now the house of Injustice," Trent said with a smile.