Cyrus closed his eyes to feel the warmness of the horse's blood but his eyes shut open when he felt the dark and murderous aura near the horse.

    He saw a man, the hooves of the horse landed on his arm, and he was on his knees as he shielded Ella from the horse.

He pushed the horse with a force that made the horse summersault in the air before landing on the ground with a loud thud.

    He turned to look at Cyrus whose green eyes widened with shock.

The guy stood up, he was tall, his skin was ash in color, and he wore a long black jacket with ash fur around the collar. The jacket was wide open without any button, exposing his hard chisel features, his thin red lips pulled into a smile.

      "Looks like my master is here." His voice was the epitome of sin and seduction.

  Lydia couldn't help but ogle at him.

Trent and Acher rode their horses at high speed, Trent leaped down from his horse and rushed over to Ella who was still unconscious.

    He lifted his head and looked at Velder.

"I was able to catch the bullet shot at her but I failed to grab her before she fell off. And before you blame you were the one who said that if I lay a hand on her, you were going to kill me."

Velder defended himself. Trent stood up from the ground, as he gently carried Ella and laid her back over a tree. Lydia rushed over to heal her.

   Just then Joel and Fiona's horses emerge from the direction of where the bullet was fired earlier.

   Trent gave both of them a death stare making them shiver.

He disappeared from their sight.

Cyrus looked around, he could not feel Trent's presence anymore.

   "Ahhhh!" He saw Joel flying off his horse and landing on the hard sandy and stony ground. His horse ran away because of the danger it sensed.

   Fiona gasped and quickly stepped down her horse.

 Trent appeared next to him and wrapped his hand around Joel's neck.

"How dare you, shoot at Ella?" the murderous intent exuding from his body made the rest shiver in fear.

   Fiona, who wanted to defend Joel, found her feet rooted in the ground.

  Soon the sun went down and the entire forest became dark.

  All the other nobles and royals haunting stopped to look at the cloud which has now turned dark.

   The entire people started to shiver, and the elks and deers all ran into hiding.

   The King's pupils dilated in fear and worry.

"Trent, he whispered to himself.

   He used his feet to nudge his horse and used the rope tied around the head of the horse to navigate him in the direction he wanted to go.

   Elder Qing's eyes dwindled 

  The rest of them couldn't say anything, 

Trent released Joel's neck, his fingers grew out and he used it to stab Joel in the stomach, Joel screamed in pain, he twisted his hand inside Joel's stomach and the scream became louder as tears rolled down from his eyes.

   The scream echoed through the forest alerting the other people.

    "What is going on?" Gaia asked Isolde.

Isolde felt uneasy, she jabbed her horse with her leg and went in the direction and the other followed.

     Trent waited for Joel's wounds to heal, blood was dripping down from his fingers, No matter what, you should never hurt Ella.

  Trent stood, raised his leg, and using force, broke Joel's leg.

Joel screamed again, he twisted his leg on the broken bones, Joel continued to scream and cry and the rest looked at him in horror.

  They were all scared of interfering, including Acher.

Acher ran towards Lydia.

   Trent waited for Joel's leg to heal again.

 "Please, Forgive me, I didn't mean to shoot at her, forgive me." 

 He used his leg to break his jaw, the cracking sound made the others flinched and looked away.

  Cyrus was beyond shock.

  "Lydia." Acher shook her on the shoulder 

"You have to wake Ella up, she is the only one that can stop him." His voice trembled as he spoke.

  Lydia nodded her head,  before leaning next to Ella.

    Augustus sniffed the pungent smell of blood in the air, he jabbed his horse again, and the horse whined before going in the direction with speed.

   Trent dipped his hand into Joel's stomach again but this time, he pulled out his intestine and lungs.

  Joel's eyeballs almost popped out.

    "Ahhhhhhh!" Fiona screamed in a high-pitched voice.

  The others quickened their pace when they heard the scream, Ella woke up.

 She checked her body and there was no sign of her being shot.

   She looked at her surroundings and saw the desperate look on Lydia and Acher's faces.

  "Please, stop Trent." Acher went to his knees, his eyes sparkled with tears.

  Ella stood up, her eyes landed on Trent's broad back. The menacing aura oozing from his body made her shiver but she had to stop him before he did something he can never take back.

Joel kept gasping for air as his lungs were slowly going back to their places, he had lost a lot of blood, his skin now looks paler than usual and his eyes have turned blood red.

   "Please, Trent forgive me, I will never disobey you again." His voice was rough and barely audible but Trent heard everything he said.

   "And now to defang you." His cold voice rang through Joel and Fiona's ears.

    "No, please don't, I will do anything you say, I will even become your dog but please don't defang me." Joel cried as he begged, he could not move because he was too weak and his body was still healing.

   Trent's firm hands held his chiseled Jaw.

Just when he went into Joel's mouth.

     He felt a petite body hugging him, 

She smelt of strawberries, he smiled as he felt her soft body on his but his smile froze when his back began to get wet with her tears.

     "Please, Please, stop." She sniffed and he could feel the small movement she made as she cried.

   Augustus watched all of it.

The dark clouds disappeared with the murderous intent too.

  Augustus could hear the others approaching since he has a very sharp sense of hearing.

   "Acher, Take Joel back to the palace!"

Acher nodded and he gently carried Joel before leaping away from the area.

  "Lydia do something about Joel's scent and Trent's bloody hand and outfit. And nobody should utter a word about what happened here." 

Augustus commanded and they all nodded when in truth they weren't so sure about what happened.

  But there was one thing Cyrus promised himself that was never to get Trent angry at him.

   By the time the others reached there, Lydia was done covering their tracks. Gaia jumped down her horse and rushed over to her daughter who was still rooted to the ground.

      "What happened over here?" Isolde asked her husband.

    "There was an idiot who misbehaved because he thought he was better than me, so I taught him a lesson."

    Isolde didn't care about what he said, she was just disgusted by the display of shamelessness they call affection.

   Trent wrapped his hand around Ella's waist. Her head rested on his broad chest.

    Cyrus felt a pricking pain in his chest.

Cyra quickly decided to use the opportunity to Introduce Ariadna to her son.

     "We were attacked by a demon, it frightened Ella and Fiona, and Joel got hurt protecting them." The king formulated a story.

    "What a story." Trent chuckled and his father glared at him.

   But Isolde was too worried about her son.

"How is Joel, is he badly injured?"  Her eyes glistened with tears and worry.

"He is going to be alright."

Augustus gave her a side hug in other to comfort her.

   "A demon in the palace ground." 

The others began to whisper among themselves.

   Trent felt someone staring at him when he looked in that direction, it was none other than Elder Qing.

Trent slightly bowed to him with a smile and the old man smiled back.

   "I feel so sad for Joel, he was able to shoot down two elks and a deer." The young princess whispered to the other ladies.

    "Cyrus, his mother called his attention, he saw her head in his direction on her horse with the lady he saw last night.

   He was taken aback by this.

Ariadna's eyes went wide, her palms became clammy.

She must be born with bad luck. She thought to herself.

  "I want you to meet your future wife, Princess Ariadna Augustus Henrich."

   Cyrus' green eyes stared into her blue ones.